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370 Posts


May 31st, 2022 07:00

Virus & Spyware FAQ

SupportAssist incorrectly picked up by Defender as malware
A recent update to Windows Defender has caused it to incorrectly identify SupportAssist as malware. Dell is working closely with Microsoft to resolve this issue and correct the false positive.

* User with SupportAssist auto updates enabled should not be impacted
* User with SupportAssist auto updates disabled should update Microsoft Defender virus definitions to version 1.359.1239.0 or higher

Read through the Virus & Spyware Wiki

Security and Antivirus

Protect your computer or remove virus, spyware or other malware in Microsoft Windows

How to Identify and Repair Malware or Virus Infected Systems

How to deal with virus related issues on my computer?

A general guide to removing Malware infections from a Dell PC

How to Reset the HOST File to Prevent Redirects After Virus Removal

Google Redirects, TDSS, TDL3 or Alureon removal guide


Meltdown and Spectre #3

Meltdown and Spectre #2

Meltdown and Spectre #1

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