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This post is more than 5 years old


November 13th, 2016 10:00

[Alienware x51 r2] Need to factory restore

Years back I have factory restored my alienware and since then I have: 

  1. Lost the installation discs.
  2. Deleted my recovery partition.

I do have a product ID key on the back, so is there a way I could do a fresh install of windows, put it on a harddrive, enter my product key, and boot it off that? 

I would not like to buy a new installation disc. 

Thanks in advanced


7 Technologist


16K Posts

November 13th, 2016 15:00

You can Download a Windows 10 .iso from Microsoft and clean install Windows 10 with your Windows 7 OEM key: 

3 Posts

November 13th, 2016 17:00

Thanks for the reply! I have had a bad experience with windows 10 (it runs a lot more process power than windows 7 it seemed).

I will try it however, seeing as there aren't many options.

3 Posts

November 13th, 2016 17:00

Thank you for answering! I took a look at that guide and it seems a little difficult to follow, looks like there's a lot of unneeded information, is there another tutorial written somewhere?

7 Technologist


16K Posts

November 14th, 2016 05:00

I have also some related tutorial videos here (4-5): 

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