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December 10th, 2017 10:00

Dell Update Problems - User Account Control

My Computer is configured for two users.  One user is fine, but the other user gets a routine Dell Update notice each time when starting the account.  "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device" etc etc.

When entering the password I get a Window's message "Cannot start service from the command line or a debugger.  A windows service must first be installed (using installutil.exe) and then started with the ServerExplorer, Windows Services Administrative tool or the NET START command".

I have used the Sustem File Checker Tool but that showed everything to be OK.

Is there an easy way sort this out?


1 Message

March 22nd, 2018 14:00

I have the same dumb pop-up!  I can't believe I have errors like this after just buying the machine.  I see this error when I login with a standard non-admin account. Is this related to Dell software installed on the machine?  I did drop out of the Dell support during setup.  

It would be nice if Dell showed that it actually cared and responded to this thread with a fix or useful suggestion.  



March 24th, 2018 08:00

Dear Dell,

Same problem here.  I have had the pleasure of "fixing" this every weekend since I purchased my new Dell, only to have it return again.  

I'm removing the Dell software now to see if it finally goes away.  Let us know if you find the root cause and resolve the issue (or even acknowledge the issue exists).  

Thank you.

5 Posts

April 2nd, 2018 07:00

I have the same exact problem with the Dell SupportAssist. It seems to be looking to run every time the computer starts and it requires admin rights to run supportAssist that's why it's only doing it on non local admin.

The only fix I found was to uninstall Dell SupportAssist and Dell SupportAssist Agent.

I hope Dell can help us find a better solution for this problem.

1 Message

April 4th, 2018 14:00

I have the exact problem too on a straight out of the box Inspiron 5475. would be nice if Dell could do something about this!

9 Posts

April 10th, 2018 08:00

Same here.

Looks like this forum is ignored by Dell :(

2 Posts

April 10th, 2018 09:00

Yes, they ignore this forum because this is their problems are.  You know they see it.  If they don't respond they can always say "Oh gee sorry, we never say it. That's a user forum and we don't monitor it. You should have reported it using official channels. Good luck with that one. What company creates a forum for users, encourages them to use it and does not look to see what their customers are saying there?  This is just a scapegoat forum for them so they can say they were not aware. I removed every trace of Dell's preinstalled crapware.  My next system will not be a Dell.  We do have a choice.  We all need to use it.  Change. Dell is not the only and best game in town.  I'm spreading the word.  You should too.  Social Media em to the death they deserve for taking our money and when problems arise just ignoring us.

1 Message

April 11th, 2018 08:00

Same problem here with Inspiron 17 5000, will uninstall the programs as suggested ;(

1 Message

April 11th, 2018 18:00

If Dell is ignoring to even acknowledging that this problem exists, and that they are working on it, it is time for us customers to start doing the same to DELL.

Don't ever buy DELL again.

April 12th, 2018 07:00

Go to Control Panel > Add remove programs. 

Remove Dell SupportAssistAgent.  Reboot the machine. 

Did the error appear when logging in without Admin Rights?  Mine didn't. 

I then run Dell Command | Update and it worked fine.  It looks like it's the Dell SupportAssistAgent but not the Dell SupportAssist.  

April 13th, 2018 12:00

One of my users has this problem too, I will elevate their user type or try uninstalling the Dell Support Assist as suggested.

I do have to chuckle at your comment, "What company creates a forum for users, encourages them to use it and does not look to see what their customers are saying there?" Um, ALL COMPANIES do this these days? Have you not noticed? Call it corporate greed, call it globalization, call it what you like - the reality is corporations have off-shored or drastically reduced tier 1 technical support because it is too expense to offer it. You want cheap technology? Well, that's part of the problem. (Though, admittedly, Apple charges a premium and offloads tier 1 support to un-moderated support boards too, so that argument is only partially true).

At any rate, it appears this is a simple issue where a developer **bleep** up and no one caught it before the OEM images got out. That happens. I agree it would be nice if they would publicly acknowledge the issue.

2 Posts

April 19th, 2018 10:00

Uninstalling the Dell Assist Agent worked for me. 

2 Posts

April 19th, 2018 10:00

Did you restart your PC after the uninstalls? 

April 23rd, 2018 11:00

Figured it out folks!


You could simply uninstall, but you could also go into Services and set it to run not as the lower-tiered user but as the administrator. It does require admin permissions but you can set it to use those permissions even when logging on as the non-administrator.


In Win10 -


Type Services in the start menu. Right click on 'Services' and run as administrator. Type in the administrator password. Then, find and double-click the service "Dell SupportAssist Agent." Go to the Log On tab and instead of "Local System account," click the radio button for "This account" and fill in the admin information. Press OK and you're all set!

1 Message

April 28th, 2018 22:00

Thanks, I was trying to figure out how to start the service as indicated by the permissions request dialog and the error message. It works as suggested above - changing the service to run using the admin account login credentials, that is.  However the service will start failing again when the admin account password is changed.  Just a thought

4 Posts

May 2nd, 2018 11:00

same issue with me as well

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