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This post is more than 5 years old



May 20th, 2006 22:00

Help with installing RAM

​ Hi, ​
​ ​
​ I want to upgrade the memory on my Dell OptiPlex GX150. I bought another 256MB RAM module but I'm having trouble installing it. Everything I try to start up with the new one, I get this beeping sound and the computer will not start up. I have updated my FlashBIOS and it still not working and now I am lost with what to do. ​
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1.2K Posts

May 20th, 2006 22:00

Remove the old RAM module and insert the new one in the same slot and try to boot up.  If you're still getting the error the new memory is either defective or not compatible with your GX150. I'm at work and I cannot view the link you posted (company firewall).
If it boots with the new module in the old RAM slot turn it off, put the old RAM in the unoccupied slot where you were first having the problem and reboot.  If the error returns the RAM slot is bad.

4.4K Posts

July 3rd, 2006 14:00

To see what modules are compatible with your OptiplexGX 150, I suggest yopu go to the crucial site (that's the US site, but you can select UK or EU sites from there if you are not US based)
select manufacturer (dell), model, then number. They guarantee that the ones they show will work.
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