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This post is more than 5 years old



April 26th, 2018 09:00

Thin Clients do not register with WMS


we are testing the rollout of thin clients. Therefore we installed WMS on a management server. According to the admin guide we have set dhcp-option tags. My understanding is, that when a thin client gets a dhcp lease it will pull settings of WMS and then will regiser automatically. But this is not the case. Firewall ports on the mangement server are set to allow inbound on port 443 and 1883. We did not set the cavalidation tag in dhcp, because we dont use certficates for now. Did I miss anything?

2018-04-26 18_56_44-CTCSRV07 - AD_DNS_DHCP - TeamViewer.png

5 Posts

May 9th, 2018 04:00

I believe the CA Validation tag is required since we don't use it I have it set as false. If you are testing moving from a WDM server you can force it to move with INI file parameters. 

CCMEnable=yes GroupPrefix=defa GroupKey=xxxxxxxxxxx AdvancedConfig=yes Override=yes


Hope this helps

33 Posts

May 24th, 2018 14:00

I also cannot get a new instance of WMS to work with a new 3040 ThinLinux. When I choose register it will either sit with Register in progress and I have to stop it, or it will fail and say that the service is not running. 

7 Posts

August 29th, 2018 11:00

That is correct.  The WTOS devices ship with CA Validate turned on by default.  Thus if you're NOT using it in your environment, you need to set that option tag for CAValidate=False.

May 27th, 2020 12:00

CCMEnable=Yes CCMServer= GroupPrefix=defa GroupKey=KeyYouSetup AdvancedConfig=yes CCMDefault=yes Override=yes CAValidation=no


They have to be on 3 lines
WDMService is one
the settings starting CCMEnable and ending CAValidation is second line

Signon is third

If they not on separate line or more then 3 the TC will not pull all parameters from the ini file

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