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July 29th, 2015 06:00

Error: VNC: authentication failed

Error: VNC: authentication failed

This app worked great for about 12 hours, then I started getting this error. Diagnostics came back clean, discovered connections is on and shows my computer. phone version is 2.1.117/ computer is same. Im using TightVNC, and loopback is enabled. Any ideas?

July 31st, 2015 22:00

Hey GreyBush, just one thing happened to me as well, it was keyboard cong which changed i don't how the it changed but it did! So, just make sure config is right ;-) good luck anyway let me know..



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3 Posts

July 31st, 2015 22:00

I am. Why would this work for a day, and without changing any settings, stop working? I'm upset, but would be *** if I bought the pro!

925 Posts

July 31st, 2015 22:00

Hi GreyBush, When you get error can you please connect to the same desktop using a desktop vnc client . Let us know what happens. Thank you!


Wyse PocketCloud Team

925 Posts

August 3rd, 2015 06:00

I have seen this error message before. Try restarting vnc service on your desktop to see if that fixes the problem.
Restart vnc service
login to gmail on desktop.


Wyse PocketCloud Team

3 Posts

August 3rd, 2015 06:00

Are you talking about the keyboard configuration on the phone, or PC?

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