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This post is more than 5 years old


January 8th, 2008 14:00

19 in 1 media card reader

I just got a new XPS 420 with Vista and the media card reader does not work right. It only shows up in the computer window sometimes, if I restart sometimes it will recognize the drives and show them in the computer window. It will read a SD card sometimes but will not read CF cards at all the light comes on in the front and stays solid when I put a CF card in. I checked the connections, deleted the drives in the device manager and let windows reinstall the reader and it still doesn't work. I couldn't find any updated drivers on the dell site. I even tried a new CF card and that doesn't work. Anyone have any ideas?

65 Posts

January 8th, 2008 15:00

There are fairly new drivers and firmware for the media card reader on the support part of this site.  That fixed it for me.

3 Posts

January 8th, 2008 16:00

Ok thanks, I found the new driver but it still is doing the same thing. Any other ideas?

705 Posts

January 8th, 2008 16:00

there are definetly new drivers for the 19-1. You can get to the 420's via Dell support center -> drivers....

65 Posts

January 8th, 2008 17:00

When you checked the connection... did you just make sure it was in place or did you pull it out completely and reseat the connector?  (kinda grasping at ideas but worth trying for sure)

1.1K Posts

January 8th, 2008 17:00

I was going to suggest turning off the computer, opening the side, ground yourself (not that way, you know what I mean...) and then unplugging the cable and plugging it back in.

Maybe it isn't seating properly. I know I did that for my parents machine (well actually my wife did via phone instructions from me,) I know she stated that the cable was plugged in but it worked fine once she replugged it in.

Message Edited by eskymi on 01-08-2008 01:38 PM

3 Posts

January 9th, 2008 05:00

Yes, I have unplugged it an plugged it back in, that was actually one of the first things I tried. I'm starting to think it is something wrong with the drive itself.

1.1K Posts

January 9th, 2008 14:00

If you have done the plug/unplug, uninstall/reinstall, update drivers, etc. Yeah, it sounds like it might end up being the drive.

Is there a Dell Diagnoistic for that. Reboot, hit F12 and try it. I have done the diagnostics on my machines, but I can't recall if the media reader is one of the tests.

416 Posts

February 1st, 2008 11:00

I bought a new XPS 720 XP Media Center around Xmas and the 19 in 1 card reader failed right away. Dell tech was ony here and tried a 13 in 1, plus all any any drives for either under the sun and it still work fail. Dells fix was to replace my PC with a guarntee that they problem would be solved with a new unit.


My new PC arrived 1 week ago today, use the card reader 2 and it failed just like the last one. Called Dell again and spent over a  hour on the phone with all the same runaround I got with my original PC. No there sending me a new reader and cable. I can gaurtee that that is not the problem. What ever it is Dell is not owning up to a Flaw in the reader or software. Sice I boought the oirignal machne and then got this one I have been on the phone more with Dell than I have used the PC.


There is a serious flaw somewhere and they will nor fix it. FWIW my kids $5 Ebay extarnal card reader works flawless but my $3600 Dells internal one does not!!!!!!!!!!!! The Dell techs checked out the Spec's on my Transcent 2GB 150x SD card and said well it should work. I ask them WHY NOT and get a runaround.


I would start raising holy heck with them and I certainly would like to hear from others that are having this problem....................



@scotty0276 wrote:
I just got a new XPS 420 with Vista and the media card reader does not work right. It only shows up in the computer window sometimes, if I restart sometimes it will recognize the drives and show them in the computer window. It will read a SD card sometimes but will not read CF cards at all the light comes on in the front and stays solid when I put a CF card in. I checked the connections, deleted the drives in the device manager and let windows reinstall the reader and it still doesn't work. I couldn't find any updated drivers on the dell site. I even tried a new CF card and that doesn't work. Anyone have any ideas?

Message Edited by escorial on 02-01-2008 07:52 AM

14.4K Posts

February 1st, 2008 13:00

i have used my 13 in 1 card reader for over a year and have not had any issues with it..

416 Posts

February 1st, 2008 14:00

Mine came with the 19 in 1 and worked about 3 times and that was it. The replaced that with the 13 in 1 and that worked twice and quite. The dell tech was here at the time. Now the send out a brand new PC with the 19 in 1 and thay lasted 4 times..............................


This is brand new stuff and there is somthing wrong and it seems that I'm not the only one with the issue from what I have seen on the web.


Comparison, buy a new car and the radio does not work, replace the radio with another and that does not work. So they give you another new car and the radio does not work on that either.



@Davet50 wrote:
i have used my 13 in 1 card reader for over a year and have not had any issues with it..

@Davet50 wrote:
i have used my 13 in 1 card reader for over a year and have not had any issues with it..

8 Posts

February 6th, 2008 00:00

I am having the same problem with an Inspiron 530 I received Jan of 2008.  Dell wants to replace the computer but that is not the problem.  They sent me a new card reader and it worked about a dozen times and it too would stop working. 

I do not need it very often so I am working around the problem.  When you stick a card in the reader and the drives vanish from my computer, leave the card in and shut down the computer, than restart.  Just doing a restart will not bring them back. 


It looks like Dell has had this problem for several years according to these fourms.  My Dimension 4100 did not have a card reader so I did not have the problem with my old computer. 


We should keep after Dell and keep bringing it up as new subjects so they will not ignore us.



416 Posts

February 6th, 2008 16:00



I hope mother Dell does not erase this post like they did many of my past ones. As I mentioned Dell replaced my new PC with another new PC in wich the 19 in 1 card reader promptly failed. There fix was to send me out another new card reader and cable.


Somthing that sort of ticked me off was that one of the techs questions to myself is "How Much Do you actually use it" like it was not a big deal that it did not work on my uint............


I have had the new card reader in the PC for around 4 days now and its still working but you can believe that you will see more posts from mysefl if it fails again........... FWIW when I turned my PC on after installind the reader & cable which was Ca-200 Exception Processing message c0000013 Paramaters, I did contact DELL tech asap with that for documentation. But the reader has been working.


In your case just keep after Dell to fix it and if not satisfied contact a SR Teck and make sure to keep all of your case numbers and contact Customer Service with them.


@DadKalb wrote:

I am having the same problem with an Inspiron 530 I received Jan of 2008.  Dell wants to replace the computer but that is not the problem.  They sent me a new card reader and it worked about a dozen times and it too would stop working. 

I do not need it very often so I am working around the problem.  When you stick a card in the reader and the drives vanish from my computer, leave the card in and shut down the computer, than restart.  Just doing a restart will not bring them back. 


It looks like Dell has had this problem for several years according to these fourms.  My Dimension 4100 did not have a card reader so I did not have the problem with my old computer. 


We should keep after Dell and keep bringing it up as new subjects so they will not ignore us.



416 Posts

February 10th, 2008 21:00



I do not know what the problem is with the card readers that Dell has on the XPS 720 but mine just failed again. My original new XP720 Card reader failed the 2nd day I had the PC, Dell came out and replaced the card reader and that failed 10 minutes after the tech  left. He came back and verified with Dell the problem.


So Dell sent me out a brand new PC with promises that the card reader will work on that one. Guess what, about a week later the reader failed. Dell says that they will replace the reader and cable. Guess what about a week later FAILURE.


One of the techs asked me well how much do  you really use the card reader ( like it was no big deal) Hey I plunked down $3600 for this unit and EVERYTHING SHOULD WORK every time that I use it.


This is nuts, does anyone know what the problem is? I see that there are other people in the same boat so what gives. DELL STEP UP AND FIX THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL!


Not a Happy Camper

October 7th, 2008 15:00

Dude your lucky to even have one i thought they come with the system but when i got my system last week it did,nt have one so when i called dell they told me i cant get one now there only come with the systems when ordered and i know that a regular one want fit because its in a 5.25'' bay and theres a big gap there if i try a regular 3.5'' and who wants to loog at gaps on a new system

October 7th, 2008 16:00

What really burns my hide is the fact you can never get a person that speaks english. If you did maybe we would,nt have to be on the phone all day huh. i am having all kinda trouble from dell guess its lawyer time huh
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