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This post is more than 5 years old



January 22nd, 2009 09:00

Service excellence? Complete Care? Rants and Raves

Greetings fellow community members.

This thread is designed to solicit your feedback on recent experiences with Dell's customer service, technical support and Complete Care.

I want to preface this with a brief insight to my situation.  I was sold a 3 year complete care warranty with next day in-home service - come to find out the sales representative misrepresented the way the warranty works.  I recently had an accident with my laptop and called in for service.  In the course of trying to go through my claim I've been misinformed, blatantly lied to, and have had 2 personal guarantees that were not fulfilled (one from management).  It has been an absolute nightmare and to top it all off still no resolution!

These behaviors suggest that Dell no longer cares about the consumer.  I have tried on many occasions to speak with management in the US and Canadian head offices to seek resolution and express my dissatisfaction with the level of service being provided. 

I encourage you to express your opinions.  I invite all to comment but am especially interested in hearing from my fellow Canadian consumers.  Please indicate if you are from Canada.

January 22nd, 2009 16:00

I selected them from a box.  I want to try to get as many responses as possible but I haven't had any luck.  I'm not sure why...maybe everyone here has never had an issue and is pro Dell.

4 Operator


34.2K Posts

January 22nd, 2009 16:00

That's a lot of tags you got there.

2.2K Posts

January 22nd, 2009 17:00

Perhaps there is no response because the most detail you gave was about the nationality of the people trying to help you. While factual, it hardly seems relevant.

Without knowing what your specific concerns are, it is difficult to give an opinion.....

In the US, if you want guaranteed North American tech support, you can join Dell's Your Tech Team program ($99 / year, I think). The guaranteed North American support is one part of the package. I don't know if it is available for Canada or not....

By the way, I'm not Candian... You seem stuck on this nationality issue....

1 Message

January 22nd, 2009 18:00

I have just had an inexcusable and infuriating experience with Dell "customer care".

I was sent a broken adapter from the manufacturer, and I was informed (after nearly 45 minutes of back and forth, and two accidental disconnections by the dell operator) that the item would only be shipped regular mail, arriving in 12 days, because Dell does not offer free shipping upgrades to correct their own defective shipments.  I'm waiting to get on with my business, and Dell has informed me that in no way are they accountable for their mistake, and that if I want faster service I could cancel my order and go to a retailer.

So I have canceled my order, and plan on never ordering another thing from this has-been company.

I am infuriated and offended at the attrocious lack of courtesy, service, or accountability.

I have no problem with foreign support, but I do have a problem with bad support, and disrespectful treatment of customers. I'm sure that my complaint will go unheard by anyone at Dell, but I can only hope that eventually Dell will be held accountable by the market and taught the importance of caring for one's customers instead of nickle and diming.

January 22nd, 2009 18:00

Making this a nationality thing is not what I'm trying to do.  I have called Dell on numerous occassions over the last few days and have not been able to reach anyone from any other office than India.

I am trying to solicit people's experiences with customer service and technical support to see if there is a common thread.

We don't have a North American support package...We should - I would be willing to spend the extra.

I would like people to understand I am not stuck on nationality I am stuck on poor service.

January 22nd, 2009 18:00

Thank you gchivinski for sharing! 

It is a shame that your experience has left such a bad taste that you never want to do business with them again.  I share your sentiments.

I think you might have hit a key point - Accountability.  Why is it that companies feel that consumers are dispensable?

I too have no problems with foreign support - especially when it keeps the prices down and it never hurts the bottom line (I own a marketing firm).  On the other hand, I don't feel you should sacrifice service for profit. 

8 Posts

January 22nd, 2009 19:00

I have owned 3 XPS computer systems and have had plenty of contact with tech/customer support.  This is my opion and what i generally tell everyone thats interested in buying a pc when they ask about Dell:

The Technical support is frustrating and would rate around a 3 out of 10.  The Customer support is outstanding and i would rate 9 out of 10.

What i mean by that is, when i have a problem and i call tech support.  First problem is almost always my 3 year olds english and understanding of it is better than what im dealing with on the phone with the support tech.  Either they dont understand me or i cannot understand them, either way its frustrating to no end.  Second is, 8 out of 10 times they have absolutely no idea what part, program or other item i am even talking about.  Usually about an hour later (which i can google it and figure it out in 30 seconds, why cant they) they figure it out or take my info to call me back, which may be today, tomorrow or next week.  I mean how can you call yourself "technical support" for one of the largest pc companies in the world and not know what an sli bridge, 4 pin connector, firmware upgrade, or safe mode are?  Half the time you call back, give a different guy you case # and info and he spends an hour walking you through the same updates or steps the last guy did that apparently did not work.

With that said, i fell their Customer support is outstanding because if they do eventually figure it out (or think they did) a part is on your doorstep within two days.  You usually have to return it because the tech support guy guessed wrong, but they do get the items to you to attempt to fix your problem in a hurry.

A couple of examples in the last two years.

Purchased a new XPS 600.  Sound was crackling and programs like ventrilo, TS and other voice overs could barely pick up the microphone sound.  I replaced the mic with the same problem existing on the new one, rule out the mic.  I updated drivers and changed every setting i could think of and finally called support. We spent an hour and  a half updating drivers and changing settings.  Ok i could buy this, maybe i missed something.  Finally he gave up, said he would look into this and call me back.  2 days later i recieved a call from a different tech.  Who once again started going through the motions of updating the drivers and changing settings, which i informed him we had already done.  After over an hour he gave up, decided it was the soundcard and said he would ship me one.  Unbelievably i recieved the card the next day (one of the bright sides).  Installed the new card, updated drivers and same problem.  Back to tech support.  New guy this time, same hour updating drivers and settings then he decided to send me another card too, all of which i had already told him had been done.  Recieved the card in two days, installed, same problem.  This time instead of calling tech support i took it to a local service guy (who does not work for Dell) who within 10 minutes changed some setting in my windows control panel and problem solved.

Recently i purchased a new XPS 730.  When i booted up the first time an error message popped up that the rear fan was malfunctioning or not connected.  I opened the side panel and noticed the connector was not hooked up.  The connector had four holes but the place to connect it, labeled "rear fan" had only 3 pins and the 4th was broken.  Looked in my book and sure enough there should have been 4 pins.  Well i hooked the 4 pin connector to the working 3 pins and booted up, sure enough the cpu fan ran wide open.  I mean it sounded like i was mowing the lawn in my bedroom.  Called tech support, told them i just got this, the 4 pin connector to the rear cpu fan had one broken pin and it was running at 100% all of the time.  The support guy swore to me that they are 3 pin connectors and the 4th is now obsolete and not needed.  Now im no techy, but to me i would think the rest of the fans in the box are 3 pins because they run constant, but the cpu fan would need to go up and down as the cpu heated up.  My logic was the pin that broke was the one that controlled the speed.  But the tech guy told me it was ok and couldnt be that loud so i hung up, booted back up and went tone def after about 30 minutes.  I called tech support again, this time different guy.  I told him the problem and likely cause and he seemed to listen better than the previous.  He started sending me emails of connectors thinking it was 3 as well.  All of the emails he sent were pictures of the wrong motherboard, or the front fans which require different connectors.  Finally after an hour he said he was going to go find a test model 730 and look at it (after i had returned an email to him with pictures of my mobo, connectors and missing pin).  Recieved an email from him 3 hours later saying he thinks hes figured it out and will call me tomorrow (this was at 5 pm).  I was mad, waited about one hour and called tech support again.  This time i got a guy (who i could understand this time) and within 5 minutes he sent me a picture of my mobo with the connector and pins circled.  I informed him that was the right one and mine had one pin broken and will likely need a new LCD circuit board.  He disregarded my remarks and took control of my pc and began updating and installing new versions of firmware, drivers and eventually the bios, which had already been done.  Nothing worked as usually.  After an hour or so he finally decided he will send a tech support guy over with the LCD circuit board.  Hmm sounds like what i said multiple coversations ago.

Point is, eventually they do get it right, but they are far from what they advertise as far as tech support, especially since i buy the top end pcs which are supposed to come with specialized support.  The majority of them are special alright, short yellow bus special, but every now and then you do get a good one.

January 22nd, 2009 20:00

Wow!  Kudos - you definitely have a lot of patience!  You had me laughing with the "special" part! 

How long do you think it will be before your patience runs thin?  That's a lot to put up with!  

8 Posts

January 23rd, 2009 14:00

I put up with it because i like the end result.  Like i said, this is my third computer and each one has lasted twice as long as most of my buddies who upgrade their non Dells or self builds within 2 years.  My 600 and old pentium 830 still runs any game or app almost as well as a new  build.  I might be a couple fps or 4 seconds loading behind, but other than that there is no difference.  With that said, benchmark it and my score pcmark is 1/3 of the new models but actual day to day use there isnt much differnce.  The only reason im upgrading is, well, im a guy, gotta always have newer and bigger. 

When researching or roaming forums your read so many negative reviews on dell pcs and support, but if you really sit back and t hink about how many computers are sold each year compaired to how much negative feedback  you find the number is very small.  We have 20 Dell computers in our office, only one of which has had any issue and that was resolved by sending it back.  These are low end Dells that are anywhere form new to 5 years old.  Cant really complain about those numbers.  While my patience does constantly run out, usually in the end the problem does get solved.  I really believe Dell should invest more time into training, but the bigger issue is they should spend more time on the tech software or progs they are using.  No way i should be able to enter in random info into google and find an answer faster than the company can.

4.6K Posts

January 25th, 2009 10:00


I'm sure that my complaint will go unheard by anyone at Dell, but I can only hope that eventually Dell will be held accountable by the market and taught the importance of caring for one's customers instead of nickle and diming.


Although you've since cancelled the order, you could still file an Unresolved Issues form, to let them know of your grievances :emotion-55:

January 27th, 2009 13:00

Have you had any experience in contacting this department TheRealFireblade?  I've read blogs that some people have had issues resolved after speaking with them and some are still dissatisfied. 

People - If you have an experience with the escalations team, let's hear it.  I will post my experience once I have it...still waiting for them to call me (26 hours and counting).

2.2K Posts

January 27th, 2009 15:00

I have not ever had to use the Unresolved Issues link.

I have, however, been on these forums for years, and have NEVER seen someone unhappy with the resolution of an Unresolved Issues case that had a valid complaint.

Bear in mind, there have been people unhappy with the Unresolved Issues team, but they seemed to have unrealistic and unreasonable expectations.

That goes back to my earlier post... Without knowing what specific issues you are having, it is hard for any of us to judge what an acceptable resolution (if any is needed at all) would be.

1 Message

December 2nd, 2011 13:00

I have a gripe about the Accidental Damage or Complete Care service.  I have all 7 pages of the contract in front of me and nothing I find states that my regular warranty must be in effect for the Complete Care Policy to be in effect.  My regular warranty ran out on 11/16/11.  I received one warning that it was expiring.  Someone called on the day that it expired and told me it would be $400 to renew.  I chose to not renew.  I'm not about to give information over the phone to a stranger who calls me on supposed day my warranty expires.  I was not at home, I had nothing to check!

Regardless, according to the Complete care information, my laptop will be repaired or replaced in the event of spills, drops, etc.  I called today because my laptop took a hard bump from my grandson and was knocked onto my chair.  Now it just clicks and won't boot.  When I contacted Dell I was told that it didn't matter that my complete care policy coverage expire till June of 2012, my laptop was not covered because the normal warranty had expired.

That's just bull and not in the contract!

Sorry, I'm not from Canada.

4 Operator


9.4K Posts

December 5th, 2011 05:00

Hi Nirahli,

Sorry you are having problems with your computer.  I may be able to assist.  Please contact me privately by clicking my username, then on the next page, click the envelope icon that says "send message" and send me your information.  I'll see what I can do.  Thanks.





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