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This post is more than 5 years old


June 1st, 2009 12:00

Media Direct, is there an update or not?!

I have a 2 month old M1730.

Media Direct has never performed properly since day 1, but after reading multiple horror stories I just decided not to bother with it since it is so obviously broken.

Yesterday I decided to throw a Blu Ray disk in the drive and up pops Media Direct and promptly locks up the machine. Hard Lock. Only way out was remove the power brick and let batt. drain down.

I then restart the machine using the power button and Media Direct pops up again. Seems it somehow swapped buttons from Power to home button. Very strange.

If i start Media Direct thru Vista it opens in a window and IMMEDIATLY wants me to update, so I try, but then it hits me with a 404 (page / server not found) error, or internect connection problem which is equally funny since i'm 10 feet away from my N router.

From looking at the header it appears media Direct is trying for version 4.7 update (mine is 3.5).

I would rather force this app to work rather than take it off the machine (stubborn) so has anyone had any recent success with this program?


3 Posts

August 4th, 2009 18:00

I have a E1705 and have had the same problem for months now. I really don't know what started it, but hopefully we get some techs in here to help us out.

48 Posts

August 5th, 2009 02:00

I cannot find the post atm, but I finally gave up. The frustration factor was not worth it. I purchased the nifty win dvd blu ray program from Corel.

It updates itself properly, has tons of features, and has played about 10 discs so far without a hitch.

Most importantly I spent my money with a company that has nothing to do with the company that made Media Direct. Dont want to name them

for fear of this post getting deleted, but suffice it to say that as long as I live i wont spend a dime with them, and will steer my customers accordingly.

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