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This post is more than 5 years old


August 6th, 2009 15:00

I WILL NEVER BUY ANOTHER DELL!!!!! Update on problems with my M17x.

I posted about my laptop starting and stopping continuously.  It gets worse.  Much worse!

On Sat. Aug. 1 I went to turn on my Dell Alienware M17x and got the message cannot find OS.  OK.  Called Dell tech support immediately and told them of new problem.  The Tech man in another country, removed, asked me why I hadn't let them fix the problem from June 30th?  What?  I told Mr. Z that I had been waiting to hear from Dell about setting up an appointment for some one to come to my house!!!!!  He stated that Dell had tried calling me in July with no response.  I asked him if they left a message?  Unknown.  I told him there were no calls on any of my phones or caller ID.  We stayed on the phone with each other going over the OS problem for over an hour.  Mr. Z couldn't fix it but would get a Tech out to fix.  I gave Mr. Z explicit instructions to call, gave 3 numbers, told him to leave messages, etc.  Deja Vue again.

Finally heard from a Tech person Mon. Aug. 3rd!!!!  Today was my appointment.

Tech came to house and brought the part in.  It was a motherboard, RECONDITIONED!  I said "No way" is that going in my new machine, I want a new part.  The Tech said he couldn't fix the OS problem as that was not what he was there for.  OK, I understand.  Told the Tech to leave as I would be calling Dell and I had had enough already.  And of course when Tech tried to start laptop it wouldn't, nor would it stay on!  Also found out that the idiot in June, removed, had taken my phone number and info wrong and thats why nobody could reach me.  They were calling the wrong number.

Called Dell.  Spoke to 7 people, thats right folks 7 people.  They said that it was a shame that Mr. X had given the wrong numbers out but that 30 days had gone by and I cant return my lemon laptop!!!!!  Its Dells fault but I'm getting punished.  They are going to send out another Tech with a brand new motherboard to install and maybe, this will work to fix all the problems.

I'm FURIOUS!  This is how you treat loyal Dell customers?  I explained the reason I was not on the phone day and night all through July is that I work 12 hr. shifts at a Children's Hospital and cant be on the phone every day.  There are lemon laws in my state and now I'm going to see about this.  I'm also contacting the BBB.  And of course telling everybody and blogging about this horrible customer service, etc.

Not one person I talked to was in the United States, not one.  Dell just lost a customer.  I'm sure they don't care.  Word of mouth can destroy a company quicker then anything folks.

I cant even get my money back.

Wow.  What a nightmare.


10 Elder


44.3K Posts

August 6th, 2009 15:00

Sorry to hear about your problems.

You probably want to edit your post to remove names of all tech personnel. It's a violation of the forum's Terms of Service to include employee names. Moderators may remove this thread if you don't edit it.

Read Dell's warranty. It allows them to install refurbished parts. In many instances refurbished parts are more thoroughly tested than new parts. Motherboard in my system was replaced 5 years ago under warranty with a refurbished board, and it has worked flawlessly ever since then. .

You can try contacting Dell's Unresolved Issues for further assistance.


(No, I am not a Dell employee)


31 Posts

August 6th, 2009 16:00

I have edited my post.  Your comment about refurbished parts, I'm sorry I disagree.  This system has hardly been used out of the box.  Its brand new.  It is defective.

If you bought a new car and something on the suspension or engine was not working, would you want a new part or a reconditioned part?


I want a new part/or laptop.  Dell just called me and said they are sending a new motherboard directly to my home for installation.  Also one of the managers is now looking at my case and is apologizing.  They will get back to me tomorrow and are very sorry.  I sent an email to a VP at Dell.

31 Posts

August 6th, 2009 19:00

My many computer savvy friends have told me that my hard drive is probably fried and that anything I had on there is gone.  And more then one told me not to buy a Dell.

31 Posts

August 6th, 2009 21:00

I have a feeling my post will be deleted now. 

10 Elder


44.3K Posts

August 6th, 2009 21:00

I have a feeling my post will be deleted now. 

You got that right...

31 Posts

August 7th, 2009 11:00

I have reported this issue to BBB and my AG.  Since Hurricane Katrina our AG has been a tiger about fraud and bad business practices.  We shall see.

31 Posts

August 7th, 2009 19:00

I see allot of the replies to my post have been deleted.  How odd.  I mean this is a forum and I am having problems.  If Dell doesn't want people to talk about there problems and issues then Dell should FIX the problems the ethical way!!!

10 Elder


44.3K Posts

August 9th, 2009 11:00

There are standards on ths forum, including use of proper and polite language, etc. as detailed in the Terms of Service for membership here.  Those terms give Dell the right to remove any post which violates the TOS.

Dell hasn't removed this entire thread so you can't say they won't allow people to talk about problems with Dell products. Only posts by one particular forum member have been deleted from this thread because of inappropriate language and offensive comments. You yourself noted in one of your earlier posts that certain responses might get your thread removed, so you, obviously, were aware that inappropriate comments were being made by that individual.

And, no I'm not a Dell employee...



41 Posts

August 9th, 2009 15:00

I hear your pain. In the same boat. If I don't get more response from tech support in a few days the XPS 730 I have been looking at to buy,well Dell can kiss that good buy.....

31 Posts

August 11th, 2009 18:00

Newest update.

And I know all about posting and my post has not been rude, mean, or nasty.  Just the truth!

On Friday last week I spoke to a man from corporate who will go by the name Mr. S.  Mr. S told me they(Dell) would send me a new part (motherboard) to my house to be installed by tech.  Today is Tuesday, no part.  Yesterday and today were my days off.  I canceled plans and waited for this part to come.  The tech. called me yesterday to see if the part had arrived so he could install it.  He told me that once again Dell had given him the wrong phone numbers to contact me!!!!  Coincidence?  Mistake again?  Or they at Dell don't want to fix this?  It is now 7:12 p.m. central time and no part.  I emailed Mr. S at 3:00 p.m. central time for an answer why I haven't got the part they promised me would be here Monday.  No response.  Tomorrow I go back to work, and I work Thursday also.  How many more of my days off will I spend waiting on Dell?

My laptop sits on the dining room table collecting dust.

I want a new laptop.  I'm furious!  How awful of Dell.  Just take this lemon back and replace it!!!!!!

23 Posts

August 12th, 2009 23:00

I have had no choice but to request a full refund. Had mine 7 weeks, all manner of problems, no use, fed up, given up and lost faith.

If you are within your thirty days, you should be entitled to the same refund or replacement no fuss, outside that timescale if you bought under CC you still have that right, however I am not sure of the regulations and consumer rights in the US, I am over the water in the UK. You appear to have bought under some other finance arrangement, would look into your entitlements under consumer rights.

I hope your problem fixes soon to your satisfaction, they are nice lookin machines, just hope they are not just nice LOOKING I am begining to see more and more unhappy folk appearing here......seriously considering going to Sager when the refund is actioned. I am watching these spaces when I can.

Wishing You The Best


31 Posts

August 16th, 2009 12:00

And now hopefully for the final UPDATE!

Friday august 14, 2009.  My motherboard arrived for replacement but it was REFURBISHED.  Having given up at this point and deciding to let the tech New Orleans in stall it, I called him.  He arrived at my home at 1:30 p.m. and started to tear apart my  M17x.  The dining room table was soon covered in parts as he concentrated on the laptop.  The music provided for this and for me cooking in the kitchen was a little N.O. jazz and Glenn Miller, we rocked.  2 hours had gone by as he announced that he was ready to restart the laptop.

It started and on the screen was the dreaded "No OS found".  We both looked at each other.  Well howdy the motherboard didn't fix the problem!!!!

The tech N.O. called tech support Dell who told him to put the recovery disk in and see if it would fix.  Tech N.O. hung up and put the recovery DVD in my laptop.  The whole laptop shut down, no go.  Tech tried to start it, no go.  Laptop fried.  The N.O. Tech says "You need a new Laptop"!   AAAAAHHHHH yes.  Tech N.O. gets on phone again with Dell tech support.  Dell puts him on hold for 40 mins. and then hangs up.

At this point as Tech N.O. is on the phone, on hold, for third time I call Mr. S at Dell customer resolutions.  Mr. S and I our practically on a first name basis by this time.  (I say with great sarcasm).  I'm put on hold.  20 minutes later Mr. S gets on my phone, N.O. tech still on hold on his phone, he asks how progress is going with laptop?  So I hand the phone to N.O. Tech to talk to Mr. S.  They go back and forth.......N.O. tech states "I need a new a Laptop" to Mr. S.  Then N.O. Tech hands me the phone.

Mr. S says.....DRUMROLL PLEASE......"I will send you a new Alienware M17x Laptop'!!!!!!!!!!!     WOW    WOW     WOW  finally.

After 3 hours at my home N.O. tech leaves.  Hopefully never to return except for friendship and some fried shrimp. By the way this man was fantastic!!!!  He was patient on the phone with Dell and with me.  If Dell had HIM running the company then Ladies and Gentleman I wouldn't be here with these issues.

They promised me a new laptop would be here in 7 days.  We shall see.  I will continue my saga if it warrants.  How unbelievable and sad from the get go.

My hours lost, over 100.  For what.

By the way my XPS 600 that I have all tacked out , bought in 2005, has never given me a bit of trouble, real work horse.  The last of the great Dells.

31 Posts

August 20th, 2009 16:00

Another UPDATE:

Monday while at work my cell phone was called by Dell, no message left.

Tuesday while at work Alienware called my home and talked to my husband, they will call back on Wednesday when I'm off.

Wednesday morning 9:00 a.m. Mr. S from Dell calls.  Asks me how is everything and to be patient the laptop is being put together.

Noon the mail arrives with a letter from Louisiana AG.  AG has excepted my case.

At 3:00 p.m. the phone rings it is Alienware Miami.  Alienware is sorry, they have read my problems, they will send me a new laptop!  I tell them that Dell is sending me a new laptop.  Man at Alienware gives me his phone number and tells me to call him if any problems.

I guess they have gotten my BBB and AG letters.  Interesting.

20 Posts

August 31st, 2009 10:00

Hey greatzoron.


I ordered the m17x, complained about how long its taking, 2 months..

I called and canceled my order, instead of canceling it, they are gonna ship it out 14 days earlier then 2 months, WOW HUGE IMPROVEMENT (sarcasm).

but I said I wanted it canceled? They still have it, and they said its impossible for me to cancel my order now... ................. What? You still have it? But its impossible for me to cancel it? Does that make any sense at all? Really, I dont see how Dell/alienware is even in business anymore.



So anyway, I geuss I'm recieving a laptop, I just hope it doesnt have problems like yours did =\. Id really hate to have to wait all this time, and becuase I complained and wanted it canceled, they build it poorly. I wish alienware never signed with dell :( They did so much better, Now the famous alienware's are being built in china and korea and all those places that really dont even care. So I'll be in touch with you. Cause if mine is all messed up like yours, I want to email you for you to help me :(








31 Posts

September 4th, 2009 18:00

Well I just got my new laptop and it is working fabulous!!!!!!

100 hours lost to fixing the issue.

Very, very sad!!!!

What an incredible waste of time.  I still will never buy another Dell.

Nobody should have to go through what I went through.

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