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November 13th, 2013 09:00

New networker setup

We recently got networker setup to backup a few NTFS shares from a few different servers. I'm seeing the following message after jobs run. Jobs seem to complete, so wondering if this is just a warning or informational alert.

98519:save: Unable to setup direct save with server networker: no matching devices for save of client `networker'; check storage nodes, devices or pools.

90018:save: Cannot open a save session with NetWorker server 'networker': no matching devices for save of client `networker'; check storage nodes, devices or pools

Unable to find any full backups of the save set 'radius:index' in the media database. Performing a full backup.

radius:index: retried 1 times.

November 13th, 2013 11:00

Thanks for the tip, just removed the selection and will see how it runs tonight. We do target to a DD, so left that as is.


November 13th, 2013 11:00

Yes, we have DDboost on the DD.

4 Operator


1.3K Posts

November 13th, 2013 11:00

Uncheck "client direct" on the client properties of the respective client. Do you use a data domain type device as target? If no then check if you have enabled "datadomain" as the device type in the client properties.

If all the above are checked and your are still facing the same error then please provide more details about your environment.

--- Original Message ---

4 Operator


1.3K Posts

November 13th, 2013 11:00

To clarify, do u have ddboost enabled on the DD ? or are you mounting a cifs share as an aftd in networker ?

--- Original Message ---

2 Intern


14.3K Posts

November 13th, 2013 12:00

Hint questions:

1) do you see that during data backup or index backup?

2) which NW version (including build) do you have (due to storage node with ddboost bug which has been fixed in recent releases)?

2 Intern


1.1K Posts

November 13th, 2013 20:00

from the error code, it appears the issue occurred when index was to be backed up.

check these KB and see if they are helpful.

November 14th, 2013 11:00

All these take me to a salesforce page that shows a login error.

2 Intern


14.3K Posts

November 14th, 2013 11:00

jdrake wrote:

Looks like just index backup as I can recover data.  Using 8.1 (199)

Hrvoje Crvelin wrote:

Hint questions:

1) do you see that during data backup or index backup?

2) which NW version (including build) do you have (due to storage node with ddboost bug which has been fixed in recent releases)?

Then it's easy... I will illustrate it with typical configuration error.  Let's say you use disk device and you have data pool called dataSN.  You have devices labeled for this pool on media server and backup runs fine.  However, once the data is done, it has to save index (and eventually bootstrap - depending on setup).  These two save sets belong to server and server as storage node is using backup server and not media server.  So NW will look for dataSN pool device on backup server, but now it will fails to find as it as there is not such device.

To address this you would need to have device per pool on server which is a bit pointless.  Another solution would be to have index pool (or whatever you choose to call it) where in selection criteria you put all groups and under save sets you place "bootstrap" and "index:" (without quotes - note also that index has : while bootstrap does not).  Than make sure you have that index pool device on server and you are free to go. 

I remember I always kept pool configuration as simple as possible as too many restrictions will drive you nuts.  This is especially true with tapes (physical or virtual).  Today with disk devices, I use one single pool for everything and I never worry about this.

November 14th, 2013 11:00

Looks like just index backup as I can recover data.  Using 8.1 (199)

Hrvoje Crvelin wrote:

Hint questions:

1) do you see that during data backup or index backup?

2) which NW version (including build) do you have (due to storage node with ddboost bug which has been fixed in recent releases)?

2 Intern


1.1K Posts

November 14th, 2013 17:00

check if they can help below.

The NetWorker server's client file index and bootstrap save sets can only be saved to a volume mounted locally on the NetWorker server (by design).
That is, the NetWorker server's client file index and bootstrap save sets cannot be saved to remote devices (rd=).
Create a new pool named index with the "Selection Criteria" of "Save sets: index: ; bootstrap".
Label a volume to the new index pool.

To get the , in the NetWorker Management Console (NMC) NetWorker Administration - Administrator click on the Configuration icon -> click on Clients -> in the right pane of the window, right click on the NetWorker_servers_client_name -> click on Properties -> click on the Globals (1 of 2" -> click in the Client id field which will select the contents -> right click the hightlighted contents -> click on Copy.

To create a new pool, in the NetWorker Management Console (NMC) NetWorker Administration - Administrator click on the Media icon -> right click on Media pools -> click on New Ctrl-N -> type index in the Name: attribute -> select a label template -> click on Selection Criteria tab -> enter index: -> hit the Enter key to create a new line in the "Save set:" sttribute -> enter bootstrap -> click Ok.

Cause: NetWorker would issue a 'media waiting event' tonotify the NetWorker administrator that NetWorker needs a tape.Depending on the circumstances NetWorker could be highlighting aconfiguration issue. (ie. It is performing what it has been told,however it may be differeent then what was expected.)

Fix: The 'media waiting event' could be triggered formultiple reasons and may require you to correct multiple items. Inorder to provide the most accurate fix, we need you to validateeach of the symptoms below.

These symptoms will hyperlink you into a relevant solutionthat will

1) tell you how to validate the symptoms and

2) how to fix the symptom if it is not true for yourenvironment. The symptoms are ordered in the most appropriatesequence to eliminate/assist in identifying a root cause.

1. Confirmthat the pool exists

2. Howto create a pool

3. Confirmthat the pools are not limiting the type of devices, groups,savesets, clients or levels incorrectly.

4. Confirmindexes are saved.

5. Howto configure NetWorker so bootstrap and index backups are saved toa special pool.

6. Confirmbootstrap or index backups are saving to the correct storagenode.

7. Poolsfor manual (Client initiated) Backups (saves)

8. Full,NonFull and Offsite Pools are disabled by default

If you have validated each of these symptoms and applied afix and you are still encountering problems then you may haveencountered a new issue that requires further investigation. Pleaseprepare your daemon.log file and test outputs from the aboveactivities and contact LEGATO Customer Support

How to configure NetWorker so that client's file index(es) are saved to the Storage Node they are affiliated with

Clients indexes reside on the NetWorker server and are considered as server's client data.

This setup will allow indexes of clients to be stored at the Storage Node they are associated with.
The NetWorker server as a client will have it's index and bootstrap saved to the same pool as the data is saved to for the NetWorker server. The NetWorker server must be in a group that is auto enabled, otherwise, when the other groups are run for backing up clients to storage nodes then the NetWorker servers bootstrap would need to be saved during these backups. If the NetWorker server was slated to go to a different pool then the Default pool then a request for a volume from the Default pool would be made.

Note: Attributes not listed are configured as per the requirements for backing up the client or not required to be changed from the default setting.

NetWorker Server as a client's Group, Pool and Client setup:
(Note: The NetWorker server index must go to the NetWorker server for storage as well as the bootstrap. These can not be saved to a Storage Node.)

type: NSR group;
name: NetWorkerServer;
autostart: Enabled; (***This group must be enabled***)

type: NSR pool; (can be the Default pool instead)
name: NetWorkerServer;
groups: NetWorkerServer;
devices: "/dev/rmt/0cbn", "/dev/rmt/1cbn";

type: NSR client;
name: diamond;
group: NetWorkerServer;
storage nodes: nsrserverhost, indysiva, accapi;
(Note: notice that all storage nodes of where indexes are to be saved are listed in this client setup)

1st Storage Node Group, Pool and Client Setup:
Clients affiliated with 1st Storage Node (Indysiva): Indysiva and Vortex.

type: NSR group;
name: SNIndysiva;

type: NSR pool;
name: IndexesForSNIndy;
groups: SNIndysiva;
save sets: "index:";
devices: "rd=indysiva:/dev/rmt/0cbn", "rd=indysiva:/dev/rmt/1cbn";

type: NSR client;
name: indysiva;
group: SNIndysiva;
storage nodes: indysiva;

type: NSR client;
name: vortex;
group: SNIndysiva;
storage nodes: indysiva;

Note: You must add this storage node's name to the "storage nodes" attribute of the NetWorker Server's client resource.

2nd Storage Node Group, Pool and Client Setup:
Clients affiliated with 2nd Storage Node (Accapi): Accapi and Brick.

type: NSR group;
name: SNIndysiva;

type: NSR pool;
name: IndexesForSNaccapi;
groups: SNaccapi;
save sets: "index:";
devices: "rd=accapi:/u02/nsrdev1", "rd=accapi:/u02/nsrdev2";

type: NSR client;
name: accapi;
group: SNAccapi;
storage nodes: accapi;

type: NSR client;
name: brick;
group: SNAccapi;
storage nodes: accapi;

Note: You must add this storage node's name to the "storage nodes" attribute of the NetWorker Server's client resource.


In the POOL configuration, the Client List doesnot have this Client name
Add 'client name' in Client List under POOL.

No Events found!
