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August 16th, 2018 13:00

RF ports on VMAX ALL FLASH 450F


does any one have a document to set the RF ports on VMAX ALL FLASH 405F, i mean, the best practice  to config them??

I have  2 VMAX ALL FLASH i will replicate by using SRDF, but i want to know which port i can use for RF ports(Best Practice)

Those are VMAX ALL FLASH 3 engines full config, i mean, 72 FA ports.

Best Regards

465 Posts

August 17th, 2018 16:00

Firstly, A postscript to the SRDF/A commentary above. You get granularity of SRDF control via multiple RDF groups with SRDF/A. But, the SRDF/A cycles are not consistent between groups (no common DR point between RDF groups) unless you employ MSC.

For your RF ports, The SRDF connectivity should have been discussed prior to the VMAX landing on the floor. In this case, the RF ports will already be assigned so you will be good to go.

If you have a box with FC SLICS and only FC configured (no RF emulation and no ports assigned as RF). First you want to be sure that converting FC to RF will still achieve the design goals of the array.

Next you want to configure enough RF to meet your replication requirements.

Now you are ready to address the question above. Which ports to use.

Rule 1. A different director and different SLIC per RF port as stated in best practice.

The actual port number on the FC SLIC used for RF is not hugely important. Typically, the default bin file containing RF and FC will use the same relative port number on each SLIC for RF. Port selection can be influenced by the number of SLCS and the desired FC port groups. You want a good balanced configuration is the key.

465 Posts

August 16th, 2018 19:00

RF ports are put to use by creating RDF groups. An RDF group is a logical container with the RF ports from the source and target arrays in it. You assign devices to the RDF group so they can replicate. You can have multiple RDF groups and you can operate in different RDF modes. SRDF is very flexible and customizable to your requirements.

So a best practice for one customer / environment is not necessarily the same for another. In other words, customer requirement influence what is  best practice is for their particular environment.

Do you want your SRDF/A traffic sharing the same ports as your SRDF/S traffic for example. This is a technical decision to be made based on the ability for the array to share the different replication modes on the same RF's (yes it does that very well) along with any specific site requirements. Should Dell EMC provide a best practice advice for this example given different customers will have differing requirements do think?

Here are some basic best practice:

-     Multiple RF per RDFG on different directors and in multiple fabrics for redundancy.

-     Multiple RDF groups for SRDF/A if you want to manage the SRDF/A applications independently from an SRDF perspective.

-     Read and understand the SRDF product guide and Solutions Enabler SRDF CLI product guides to understand the features, caveats and restrictions for SRDF.

August 17th, 2018 11:00


Thanks for the info

but i also want to know what is the best practice to select RF ports, i mean , base on the engine picture which port are recommended for a disign?  my boxes are 450FX 3 engines full (72 ports)

best Regards

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