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1 Rookie


2 Posts


October 19th, 2019 19:00

XPS 15 9575 2-in-1, going to sleep/shutting down

Hey all, I recently bought a Dell XPS 15 9575 2-in-1 for college, for obvious reasons as the XPS lineup is supposed to be reliable and I need it for college. However, this laptop has been very unreliable in one aspect.

While I'm working on it, it will RANDOMLY shut off and go to sleep, and I have to wait about 30 seconds before pressing the power button actually wakes it up. My hand will be nowhere near the power button, and sometimes it'll happen when I'm watching a show, so my hands are nowhere near the laptop. Often times, my white webcam led light will turn on, stay solid, and turn on and off until my laptop finally wakes up. 

The strangest thing? When I check event viewer on Windows, it says the reason for it going into low power/sleep mode was a power button press, which is definitely not true. 

It gets even worse. Since I use this for school, on rare occasions it will go black, and won't turn on at all. The webcam light comes on again, but pressing the power button does nothing (my keyboard is the first thing to light up when I turn the laptop on, which doesn't happen after this shutdown). I have to wait about 5-10 minutes before pressing the power button shows any sign of life, which is the fans turning on at medium ish blast. I see the Dell logo, however the screen is really dim and for some reason the keyboard is still not lit. After the Windows loading ring finishes the laptop turns off again. Finally after a few minutes, the charging status LED turns on and off a couple of times, and my Windows Hello IR lights flash on with me suddenly being on the login screen. This is HORRIBLE as if this happens in class while taking notes I will be royally screwed and this is unacceptable for such an expensive laptop. The weirdest part? On the event viewer, it just says the last shutdown was unexpected. There's nothing about a possible cause for it on there anywhere.

I haven't changed anything except for the storage since getting this from Best Buy, but this problem was happening before the storage swap. It isn't a thermals issue either as far as I know, as the laptop always hovers around 40-45C when it's on. I've had this since July, but I believe the warranty is still there. What do I do? I can't have this happen so often.

2 Posts

December 6th, 2019 13:00

Dell XPS 15 9575 2-in-1 System BIOS
Version: 1.7.1 ,1.7.1
Last Updated Date: 07 Aug 2019
File Name: XPS_15_9575_2-in-1_1.7.1.exe
File size: 13.78 MB

I went to dell`s website (downloads and drivers) and downloaded (saved to hard drive and then run) this Bios Firmware update and I am having no more random shutdowns! Its` only been 2 days but my device has worked flawlessly. After a year of frustration finally a fix! I did a search with the words random shutdown with Dell 15 9575 2in1 and came across somebody saying I thought Dell fixed that with a Bios Firmware update. So I went to dells` website and this was the only Bios Firmware update I could find and it is a relatively new release. Like I said it`s only been 2 days going on 3 but my device is working great!!!

4 Posts

October 28th, 2019 08:00

Hey Zareef, I can relate to your problem. Especially in school, you're depending on a working device, so random shutdowns are really annoying. Not something to except from a 2000$+ device!

Recently, the similar issue started occuring on my XPS 15 9575 as well.
Usually, I'm running on battery, when it suddenly powers off. No clean shutdown, just a power off. The power-log on the BIOS stating an "ASF2 force off" probably confirms the problem. I need to add, that the battery never has been low or uncharged.

Perhaps with more people having the same issue, we can track down the root cause.

Even my trackpad issues, that could not be solved by 3 weeks of customer service, have eventurally been resolved on this forum. I'd say heads up and let's keep each other informed.

1 Message

November 13th, 2019 13:00

I have a similar problem. I'm a graphic designer and did my research before deciding on buying Dell XPS instead of a Mac which is commonly used within the industry.

I use Illustrator on a daily basis, and my dell recently started recently to suddenly shut down (nevertheless the files are not heavy). I suspected that the fans might be dusty what caused overheating, so I cleaned them. The problem still occures.

1 Message

November 14th, 2019 13:00

And no one is coming out to help??

4 Posts

November 15th, 2019 01:00

No, they do not provide any more support for me. The warranty of one year ran out a few months ago. There would be an option for service extension, but I am not ready to spend money if I cannot be shure whether they can fix it.

In the mean time I keep my XPS 15 9575 plugged to AC, as the random power offs just happen when I am on Battery. 

Any more hints would be welcome. From my point of view, I don't even know if its a software or hardware issue.

1 Message

November 25th, 2019 11:00

Well same for me with my XPS 15 9575. Randomly goes to sleep/shuts down with absolutely no warning or anything else. I had so many problems with this laptop (hard- and software) and it seems there will never be an end for this chain of failures. But also for me, the one year warranty is over and there is no support for me as long as i don't pay. And to be honest, I'm not ready to pay anymore for more support, everytime it was dissappointing.

Sorry I'm absolutely not helpful to you guys but from day to day I'm more frustrated about this everything else than cheap laptop.

2 Posts

December 2nd, 2019 19:00

Wow and I thought I was the only one. I paid over $2,300.00 for my XPS 15 2in1 9575. About 2 or 3 months after buying it started randomly shutting down. I sent it in 2 times to be repaired. The first time they said they replaced the Main Logic Board and Operating System was Reinstalled. When I got it back it worked for about 2 weeks and then it started doing it again. I sent it in again to be repaired with a long description of what was happing and I wanted it fixed this time and I didn`t care how long it took! After a long time I got it back and this time they said they repaired or replaced IO/Daughter Board Replaced, Hard Drive Replaced, Operating System Reinstall, Main Logic Board Replaced, and I received a new Windows Activation Key. For about 3 months it worked great (flawlessly), no problems whatsoever. Now it is doing it again, exactly the same problem I had in the beginning. Now my 1 year warranty has run out and I contacted Dell to buy another year and they asked me if I was having problems with the device? I  said yes the same problems I was having before (Randomly Shutting Down). They said I would have to pay for the repairs myself before I could extend the warranty. Can you believe that! Very frustrated with Dell!!!  

1 Rookie


2 Posts

December 14th, 2019 13:00

Unfortunately, I've been on the newest BIOS less than a week after it came out, and I still have these issues. I've only ever noticed these random shutdowns while I'm on AC power, but I could be wrong. Here's a video showing what happens after it does these shutdowns as well. The behavior is extremely bizarre. Here's the link:

1 Message

December 26th, 2019 13:00

I also experience the same issue here. The sad part is my mom spent a fortune for this device to help supplement my medical school and who knew it would start acting up this early (just over a year old) and actually issues started months after we bought it. I’m not sure if its a power thing for me though, whenever i plug it in the designated charging port it doesn’t actually power the device and plugging it elsewhere sometimes causes the charging indicator to blink (white/orange) 

January 3rd, 2020 16:00

well, one thing is foor sure. i am never buying another dell product. 

1 Message

December 20th, 2023 16:50

It is now Dec 20th 2023 and I am having the black screen issue when off the charger.

Has someone come up with a solution? Does this gets seen by any Dell representative?

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