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Professional Learning Services for K-12 Educators

Transform teaching, learning and leading practices to empower learning

Dell Technologies Professional Learning consultants work with districts to develop outcome-based learning programs to facilitate transformative practices. Incorporating one-on-one instruction, coaching and modeling, and sharing sessions, Dell Technologies Professional Learning is customized to meet district goals.

Unleash student potential to improve outcomes

  • Customized Professional Learning to meet district goals
  • Educator certification to showcase achievement
  • Virtual course options increase delivery flexibility

K-12 Professional Learning Services

Dell Technologies Professional Learning helps educators transform teaching and learning practices to maximize the impact of technology in learning.

Transform teaching practice to empower learners

Technology plays a vital role in transforming the learning environment, but will have minimal impact without enhanced teaching and learning practices focused on outcomes and aligned to validated measures. Dell Technologies takes this approach when helping K-12 districts develop professional learning programs designed to meet district and teacher goals.

Learn More About Dell Technologies K-12 Professional Learning Services for Educators

Fostering creativity in learning

Fostering creativity in learning

Cobb County School District works with Dell Technologies Professional Learning to transform teaching practice for better learning engagement.

Empowering teachers to transform practice

Empowering teachers to transform practice

Moreno Valley USD Professional Development Specials are the first in the nation to become Dell Technologies Certified Mentors.

Transform teaching practices

Transform teaching practices for high school with 1:1 Initiative

Moreno High School teachers rely on their Dell Technologies Certified Mentor to help transform teaching practices along with a 1:1 technology implementation.

Rethinking teaching

Rethinking teaching to improve student learning

Frenship ISD educators work with Dell Professional Learning and each other to transform teaching and learning practices using technology.