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How to Troubleshoot 016-757: Auditron Invalid User Error on the C3760N / C3760DN / C3765DNF Dell Laser Printers

Zusammenfassung: This article provides information on "How to Troubleshoot 016-757: Auditron Invalid User Error on the C3760N / C3760DN / C3765DNF Dell Laser Printers"

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Table of Contents:

  1. How to Troubleshoot 016-757: Auditron Invalid User Error on the C3760N / C3760DN / C3765DNF Dell Laser Printers

This article provides information on "How to Troubleshoot 016-757: Auditron Invalid User Error on the C3760N / C3760DN / C3765DNF Dell Laser Printers"

1. How to Troubleshoot 016-757: Auditron Invalid User Error on the C3760N / C3760DN / C3765DNF Dell Laser Printers



Check by User




Check the user‘s account setting.

Set the correct user‘s account (user name and password).

Does the error still occur when the power is turned off and on?

Go to step 2.

End of work.


Check the Firmware Version.

The latest Firmware Version should be checked on the DELL Support web site.

Is the firmware the latest version?

Contact Dell Technical Support.

Go to step 3.


Download the latest version of the firmware from the DELL Support web site.

Does the error still occur?

Ask system administrator about correct settings.

Then, set them again.

End of work.

More info can be found in the C3760n User's Guide , C3760dn User’s Guide or the C3765dnf User’s Guide.

If these steps do not correct the problem, please contact Dell Technical Support.

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Betroffene Produkte

Dell C3760dn Color Laser Printer, Dell C3760n Color Laser Printer, Dell C3765dnf Color Laser Printer