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文書番号: 000022425

How to install License Server for NetWorker 9.1

概要: This knowledgebase article documents the steps to install the License Server for NetWorker 9.1



Note: Dell EMC recommends that the EMC License Manager be installed on a separate machine to the NetWorker Backup Server.


1. Obtain EMC License Server installation package (EMC_LicenseServer_3.4.0_x64.msi).
2. Browse to Drive:\<PATH>\ 
3. Double click <EMC_LicenseServer_3.4.0_x64.msi> binary
4. Accept security warning and click Next
5. Click Next when the EMC License Server Setup Wizard opens
6. Accept the EMC Software License Agreement and click Next
7. Adjust the installation path if required and click Next
8. Click Install when the Ready to install EMC License Server appears
9. Wait for the Completed the EMC License Server Setup Wizard to appear and click Finish
10. Check that the following files have been installed:

File                                                                                                               Description
EMC_Freeware_EULA_20130905_final.pdf                                                End-User License Agreement
EMCLM.exe                                                                                                 Vendor daemon executable
lmgrd.exe                                                                                                     License Server manager executable
lstools.exe                                                                                                    License Server manager application
lmutil.exe                                                                                                      LMUTIL executable
README.txt                                                                                                 Text file with instructions

Watch the following video for step by step instructions:



1. Download the EMC License Manager Server installation package for Linux from the location specified in your EMC software product documentation. Typically, this will be the same location that you download the product software.
2. Log in to your Linux server as a superuser.
3. Execute the following command:

sudo rpm  ivh emclicenseserver-3.4.1-2.x86_64_lsb.rpm

4. (Optional) The default path of installation is /opt/emc/emclicenseserver/. However, you can relocate the package during installation by using the relocate option from command line. The prefix used for relocation of the package is /opt. For example, on relocating to /usr/local during install, the installation will be in the /usr/local/emc/emclicenseserver directory. To relocate the package, use the following command:

rpm --prefix= /usr/local -ivh emclicenseserver-3.4.1-2.x86_64_lsb.rpm

5. To confirm that the install was successful, examine the directory in which the EMC License Server was installed and verify that the following files have been installed:

File                                                                                                               Description
EMC_Freeware_EULA_20130905_final.pdf                                                End-User License Agreement
emclicservd                                                                                                  Post install script
emclicservd.conf                                                                                          License Server configuration file
EMCLM.exe                                                                                                 Vendor daemon executable
lmgrd                                                                                                            License Server manager executable
lmutil                                                                                                             LMUTIL executable
lock                                                                                                               Directory for creating server log files
logs                                                                                                               Directory for creating lock files
README.txt                                                                                                 Text file with instructions

After you install the EMC License Server software on a Linux platform, an error may appear during the EMC License Server (lmgrd) startup:

Error  no such file or directory 

even if you determine the file does exist by running:

# ls -l ./lmgrd -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1509320 Aug13 22:44 ./lmgrd.

"-bash: ./lmgrd: No such file or directory"

This error occurs due to a missing or out of date library.

To determine the missing library, run the readelf utility and search for the text [Requesting program interpreter: /lib64/<library name>].

For example, running

# readelf -a ./lmgrd | grep interpreter

will return the output

[Requesting program interpreter: /lib64/ld-lsb-x86-64.so.3]

In this case the missing library is ld-lsb-x86-64.so.3.

Watch the following video for step by step instructions:





09 8月 2022




How To