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Dell EMC PowerVault ML3 - Reference Articles

Shrnutí: The Dell EMC ML3 a Scalable SAN backup base model plus expansion will scale up to 21U with addition of six ML3E (3U expansion modules). The ML3

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Support Library - PowerVault ML3 Tape Library

 PowerVault ML3 Tape Library

Product Overview:

The Dell EMC ML3 Tape Library offers scalability above and beyond traditional tape solutions, so that you can grow your data environment with your business. Keep it simple and save on time and support costs with the easy to order, easy to configure, and easy to upgrade ML3 with ML3E expansion.

With its compact form factor, the ML3 packs an impressive amount of information in a small amount of space. Occupying only three units (3U) of rack space, the library can hold up to 40 tapes, and each ML3E expansion can hold up to 40 tapes — ideal for small office environments managing explosive data growth.

Getting Started:







Vlastnosti článku

Dotčený produkt

Dell EMC ML3, Powervault LTO6, PowerVault LTO7, PowerVault LTO8

Datum posledního vydání

10 kvě 2023



Typ článku
