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PowerVault ME4, ME5 : Total volume capacity reported in host operating system less than reported on Array.

Shrnutí: Volumes created on PowerVault ME may report less than expected total disk capacity when presented to some host operating system. Administrators can change the default measurement unit on ME series from base 10 to base 2 to match the host operating system capacity reporting units. ...

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Table of Contents

1. Description
2. Solution
3. Further Information



In some instances, the capacity of the volume shown in the operating system appears noticeably less than the capacity showing in PowerVault Manager or CLI. This is not an error and is part of the normal system operations.

PowerVault Manager displays capacity space in decimal format (base-10), by default.  Many host operating systems display storage space (volumes/disks) using binary format (base-2) and this is the reason for the apparent discrepancy. Base 10 values are called Gigabytes, abbreviated GB, and Base 2 values are called Gibibytes, abbreviated GiB.  In order to confirm the capacity of the volume shown in the operating system matches the capacity showing in PowerVault Manager or CLI, is to convert the GB to GiB or to convert the Base 10 Bytes to Base 2 bytes. Please see the worked examples below:
Gigabytes example:
500 GB volume is approximately 500,000,000,000 bytes
Note:  1 GB = 1^10 bytes = 1,000,000,000 bytes

Gibibytes example:
500 GB volume is approximately 500,000,000,000 bytes
Note:  1 GiB = 2^30 bytes = 1,073,741,824 bytes

GB to GiB example
500,000,000,000 bytes / 1,073,741,824 Base 2 bytes = 465.661 GB
Below are the Decimal to Binary capacity conversion formulas, for MB/GB/TB:
  • Decimal capacity in bytes / 1,048,576 = Binary MB capacity
  • Decimal capacity in bytes / 1,073,741,824 = Binary GB capacity
  • Decimal capacity in bytes / 1,099,511,627,776 = Binary TB capacity


PowerVault ME5 administrators

 Administrators must use ME5 command line interface (CLI) to change the reporting units on a per user basis. For details refer to this article: PowerVault ME5: No Base unit preference option available while creating a user through PowerVault Manager.

PowerVault ME4 series administrators 

If preferred, the ME4 Series user settings can be changed to display Base 2 per user following the steps below:
  1. Login to the PowerVault Manager web based management interface.
  2. Navigate to the Home tab if needed
  3. Click the Action button in the upper left
  4. Select System Settings
  5. Click on the Manage Users Tab
    manage users tab 
    Figure 1: System Settings
    - Manage Users Tab
  6. Select a user account you wish to display in Base 2
  7. In the Preferences section, use the "Base Preference:" drop down to choose Base 2
    Manage users tab preferences 
    Figure 2: System Settings - Manage User Tab - Preferences section
  8. Log out from PowerVault Manager 
  9. Log back in to PowerVault Manager and you now see volume sizes, and other information reported using Base-2 units.
 Further InformationFor more information about Dell PowerVault ME4 Series Storage System refer to the Administrator's Guide.

A data storage conversion calculator can be found here at calctool.org. Please note that calctool.org is an independent third party site and was not created by Dell Technologies.

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Vlastnosti článku
Číslo článku: 000177925
Typ článku: How To
Poslední úprava: 28 říj 2024
Verze:  6
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