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How to Roll Back Windows 11 Upgrade to a Previous Operating System

Shrnutí: Learn how to roll back Windows 11 from a new feature update to the previous version, or to roll back to a previous version of Windows after upgrade.

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About Windows 11 Rollback

When a computer is upgraded from Windows 10 to Windows 11, the previous version of Windows is retained on the hard drive for 10 days. This feature allows a user to revert to the previous version of Windows for any reason. After 10 days, the old version of Windows is removed to free up space on the hard drive.

How to Roll Back Windows 11 to a Previous Version of Windows

To go back to a previous version of Windows, perform the following steps:

  1. If your computer is unplugged, be sure to plug it into wall power and click Next.
  2. Click Start start button, then type "recovery".
  3. Select Recovery options (System Setting).
  4. Under Recovery, select Go back to Windows [X], where [X] is the previous version of Windows.
    Note: You can only downgrade to Windows 10 within the 10 days of your upgrade.
  5. Select a reason for going back, then click Next.
  6. Click Go back to Windows [X].
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the rollback.

After the rollback is complete, the computer will boot into your previous version of Windows. If you used a password to log into your previous version of Windows, you will need to know it to log in.

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Desktops & All-in-Ones, Laptops

Datum posledního vydání

08 srp 2023



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How To