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PowerStore: PUHC failed - The system encountered unexpected backend errors. Please contact support. (0xE0101001000C)

Riepilogo: PowerStore: PUHC failed - The system encountered unexpected backend errors. Please contact support. (0xE0101001000C)

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During a PowerStore OS Code upgrade , the Pre-Upgrade Health Check has failed

PUHC Fail - The system encountered unexpected backend errors.


From the PowerStore node journal log the cause is logged

Sep 28 22:56:54.847708 ASSET-A control-path[124493]: 2021-09-28 22:56:54.847 [NDU] [INFO] [com.emc.cyclone.contexts.infrastructure.ndu.application.NDUCommonUtil.ApplianceUpgradeUtil|vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] [72fee6ed-bc69-47f6-a4e3-05d8ac9deb1d|9b3b14a3-e90d-4fee-914d-1ac253b28bb1|fetchApplianceSessionInfo] Platform request to fetch appliance session id completed successfully1
 Sep 28 22:56:54.847772 ASSET-A control-path[124493]: 2021-09-28 22:56:54.847 [NDU] [INFO] [com.emc.cyclone.contexts.infrastructure.ndu.application.NDUCommonUtil.ApplianceUpgradeUtil|vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] [72fee6ed-bc69-47f6-a4e3-05d8ac9deb1d|9b3b14a3-e90d-4fee-914d-1ac253b28bb1|fetchApplianceSessionInfo] Is rollback failed state on the appliance upgrade session is null
 Sep 28 22:56:54.954970 ASSET-A control-path[124493]: 2021-09-28 22:56:54.954 [NDU] [INFO] [com.emc.cyclone.contexts.infrastructure.ndu.application.NDUCommonUtil.AwaitResponsesFromPlatformUtil|vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] [72fee6ed-bc69-47f6-a4e3-05d8ac9deb1d|9b3b14a3-e90d-4fee-914d-1ac253b28bb1|prestageHandleResponse] Platform request completed successfully
 Sep 28 22:57:24.996368 ASSET-A control-path[124493]: 2021-09-28 22:57:24.996 [NDU] [ERROR] [|vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] [72fee6ed-bc69-47f6-a4e3-05d8ac9deb1d] 
 Prestage failed: (with error 'java.lang.Exception: ERROR: 15G free space is required. Clean up the space under /cyc_cfs and try again.

The cyc_fs file system is used to store support materials diagnostic files and the space consumed by these is normally automatically managed. In a few rare occasions too many support materials were retained causing free space in cyc_fs to be low.


Use the PowerStore Manager GUI or the service shell script svc_dc to remove older data collects  to free up space in cyc_fs

Prodotti interessati

PowerStore 1000T


PowerStore, PowerStore 3000T, PowerStore 5000T, PowerStore 9000T
Proprietà dell'articolo
Numero articolo: 000192404
Tipo di articolo: Solution
Ultima modifica: 01 dic 2021
Versione:  2
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