DELLSONiC# show interface advertise [Ethslot/port]
サンプル出力 (簡潔にするためにトリミングされた出力)
DELLSONiC# show interface status
Name Description Oper Reason AutoNeg Speed MTU Alternate Name
Eth1/1 - up oper-up off 25000 9100 Ethernet0
Eth1/2 - up oper-up off 25000 9100 Ethernet1
Eth1/3 - up oper-up off 25000 9100 Ethernet2
Eth1/4 - up oper-up off 25000 9100
DELLSONiC# show interface Eth 1/1
Eth1/1 is up, line protocol is up, reason oper-up
Hardware is Eth, address is XX.XX.XX.XX.XX
Mode of IPV4 address assignment: not-set
Mode of IPV6 address assignment: not-set
Interface IPv6 oper status: Disabled
IP MTU 9100 bytes
LineSpeed 25GB, Auto-negotiation off
Link-training: off
Unreliable-LOS: off
initialized at 2023-10-14T11:11:47.61798+09:00
admin-up at 2023-10-14T11:12:04.289966+09:00
port-enabled at 2023-10-14T11:12:04.291712+09:00
phy-link-up at 2023-10-14T11:12:31.328101+09:00
DELLSONiC# show interface advertise Eth 1/1
Name: Eth1/1
Admin State: UP
Link Status: UP
Auto Negotiation: OFF
Operational Link Training: OFF
Standalone Link Training: OFF
400G 200G 100G 50G 40G 25G 10G 5G 2.5G 1G 100f 100h 10f 10h
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Admin Local Advertisement - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Oper Local Advertisement - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Oper Remote Advertisement - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DELLSONiC# show interface status
Name Description Oper Reason AutoNeg Speed MTU Alternate Name
Eth1/1 - up oper-up off 10000 9100 Ethernet0
admin@DELLSONiC:~$ sonic-cli
DELLSONiC# configure
DELLSONiC(config)# interface range Eth 1/1-1/2
DELLSONiC(config)#Speed 25000
DELLSONiC# show interface status | grep Po
PortChannel1 - up oper-up - 50000 9100 -
DELLSONiC# show interface PortChannel 1
PortChannel1 is up, line protocol is up, reason oper-up, mode Static
Hardware is PortChannel, address is 0c:2c:1e:b9:00:0a
Minimum number of links to bring PortChannel up is 1
Mode of IPV4 address assignment: not-set
Mode of IPV6 address assignment: not-set
Graceful shutdown: Disabled
MTU 9100
LineSpeed 50.0GB