How to Troubleshoot Inkjet Cartridge Issues on Your Dell Printer
Zhrnutie:Resolving the printer not recognizing the ink cartridge(s) with Cartridge Errors (Alignment, Missing and Unsupported) or only prints in one color.
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This article provides information on how to resolve the printer not recognizing the ink cartridge(s) or only prints in one color. The error messages may include Cartridge Alignment, Cartridge Error, Cartridge Missing or Unsupported Cartridge.
Dell does not recommend the use of refilled or third-party ink cartridges. These cartridges can potentially damage the printer.
To verify the cartridges are Dell-branded, take the cartridges out of the printer and look at the top. Verify that the cartridge has the word Dell molded into the cartridge case (Figure 1). For more information on identifying the proper printer cartridges, refer to the Online User's Guide.
Figure 1: Dell-branded ink cartridges
Note: The 725 and 810 printers only have one ink cartridge.
The Dell All-In-One printers come with two separate ink compartments that are not interchangeable. The black ink cartridge cannot be used in the color ink cartridge slot and vice versa.
Turn the printer on.
Raise the front cover of the printer so that the ink cartridge carrier moves to the center.
Inspect the ink cartridges ensuring that the black ink cartridge is inserted into the left-hand ink compartment and that the color ink cartridge is inserted into the right-hand ink compartment.
Note: If the ink cartridges are not in their correct slots, carefully remove the ink cartridges and re-insert them into the correct slots. Make sure the lip is in the correct position (Figure 3).
Dell 720 Color Printer, Dell 725 Personal Inkjet Printer, Dell 810 All In One Inkjet Printer, Dell A920 All In One Personal Printer, Dell 922 All In One Photo Printer, Dell 924 All-in-One Photo Printer, Dell 926 All In One Inkjet Printer
, Dell 928 All In One Inkjet Printer, Dell A940 All In One Personal Printer, Dell 942 All In One Inkjet Printer, Dell 944 All In One Inkjet Printer, Dell 946 All In One Printer, Dell 948 All In One Printer, Dell 948w All In One Photo Printer, Dell A960 All In One Personal Printer, Dell 962 All In One Photo Printer, Dell 964 All In One Photo Printer, Dell 966 All In One Inkjet Printer, Dell 968 All In One Photo Printer, Dell J740 Personal Inkjet Printer, Dell P513w All In One Photo Printer, Dell P703w All In One Photo Printer, Dell P713w All In One Photo Printer, Dell V305 All In One Inkjet Printer, Dell V305w All In One Wireless Inkjet Printer, Dell V313 All In One Inkjet Printer, Dell V313w All In One Wireless Inkjet Printer, Dell V505 All In One Inkjet Printer, Dell V515w All In One Wireless Inkjet Printer, Dell V715w All In One Wireless Inkjet Printer
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Číslo článku: 000136082
Typ článku: Solution
Dátum poslednej úpravy: 19 dec 2022
Verzia: 6
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Vlastnosti článku
Číslo článku: 000136082
Typ článku: Solution
Dátum poslednej úpravy: 19 dec 2022
Verzia: 6
Nájdite odpovede na svoje otázky od ostatných používateľov spoločnosti Dell
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