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Dell PowerEdge R320 Getting Started Guide

Other Information You May Need

NOTE: See the safety and regulatory information that shipped with your system. Warranty information may be included within this document or as a separate document.
  • The Owner’s Manual provides information about system features and describes how to troubleshoot the system and install or replace system components. This document is available online at dell.com/support/manuals.
  • The rack documentation included with your rack solution describes how to install your system into a rack, if required.
  • Any media that ships with your system that provides documentation and tools for configuring and managing your system, including those pertaining to the operating system, system management software, system updates, and system components that you purchased with your system.
NOTE: Always check for updates on dell.com/support/manuals and read the updates first because they often supersede information in other documents.
NOTE: When upgrading your system, it is recommended that you download and install the latest BIOS, driver, and systems management firmware on your system from dell.com/support.

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