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Dell PowerEdge Express Flash NVMe PCIe SSD Adapter User’s Guide

Exporting the log

The Export Log option exports the NVMe PCIe SSD log to a text file. The log contains debug information of the NVMe PCIe SSD which can be useful while troubleshooting.
  • NOTE: To save the log, you need a writable media with a UEFI-compatible file system attached to the system.
  • NOTE: If there are no application devices inserted into the system when entering the Export Log HII screen, then the only option is to return to the previous page.

To export the NVMe PCIe SSD log from the HII configuration utility, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Export Log menu of the HII configuration utility.
  2. Select the file system device to which the log will be exported.
  3. Select the directory into which you want to save the log.
  4. Enter the file name under which you want to save the log in the File Name text box. For example, NVMe.log.
  5. Click Export and follow the instructions to complete.
  6. To exit the HII configuration utility, click Exit in the top-right corner of the System Setup menu.

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