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Dell Wyse ThinOS Version 8.5 Administrator’s Guide



A new global security policy has been defined for ThinOS and this policy is applied to all secure connections (https/SSL connections) with a few exceptions. 

Purpose—To improve the security level by default and add the global configuration. This security policy integrates security setting for each application.

Table 1. INI parameterINI parameter
INI parameterDescription
SecurityPolicy={full | warning (default) | low} 
SecuredNetworkProtocol={yes | no (default)}
TLSMinVersion={1 (default), 2, 3} 
TLSMaxVesion={1, 2, 3 (default)}
Full—SSL connection need to verify server certificate. If it is untrusted, cancel the connection.

Warning (default)—SSL connection need to verify server certificate. If it is untrusted, the user can continue or cancel the connection.

Low: Server certificate is not verified– this is the value set for a few applications.

After firmware is updated, the default value is set to warning for all applicable applications immediately.

There is one exception for file server and WDM.

The old ini SecurityLevel | SecureProtocol from Privilege segment is deleted.

All applications running on the default SSL security mode follow the global mode. In the global mode, the default value is Warning. The affected applications include VMware View, Amazon Workspaces (AWS), File Server, WDMService, Caradigm Server, and OneSign Server.

For more information about the security mode INI parameters, see Dell Wyse ThinOS INI Guide.

The following are the exceptions:

  • File Server and WDM in factory reset state: Before loading any INI parameter, the SSL security mode is set to Low, and after loading the INI parameter, the value is changed to follow the global mode value. For example, the default value is set to Warning, if the value is not changed by the INI parameter.

    System with previous settings (default value is set to Low) follows the global mode after the unit is upgraded. For example, the default value is set to Warning, if the value is not changed by the INI parameter.

  • VMware View and AWS brokers include own security settings (GUI and INI). From ThinOS 8.3 release, an additional option is added to follow the global mode as its new default value. The security mode GUI context is updated for better understanding.

    Security mode option

  • Wyse Management Suite, Microsoft RDS broker, Citrix broker, and SecureMatrix are always Full.

File Server default protocol is retained as FTP without any setting from WDM/DHCP/INI and always displays the full address with protocol prefix. For example, ftp://.

New firmware/client deploy information

  • Dell recommends you to define the Security Policy before upgrading to version 8.3 and later. If not, you may get warning messages that require intervention to proceed.
  • Before upgrading to version 8.3 and later, it is recommended to define the desired SSL security level and add the required Security Policy parameters/options to global INI file.
  • For SecurityPolicy=Fullor warning, you are required to add certificates from the respective File, View, AWS, WDM, Wyse Management Suite, OneSign, and/or Caradigm server(s) to the ThinOS client before updating the firmware.
  • The default protocol of File Server is still FTP and ftp prefix is added automatically, if the protocol is not provided.

Improved user friendly messages are displayed for errors and warnings

The UI is not changed and only the message is modified for security errors/warnings.

In full security mode, the following warning message is displayed:Warning message

For warning security mode, the following warning messages are displayed: Security AlertFile Server

The server address does not convert to http, if WDM server is set as https.

  • In the previous scenario, If WDM server is configured without HTTPS, and local WDM server address is specified in HTTPS, then the system converts it to HTTP address.
  • In the current scenario, the system does not convert the WDM server address to HTTP.

Manual discovery is removed from WDM. In the WDA tab, the Manual discovery method option is removed.

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