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Dell Lifecycle Controller Remote Services v2.60.60.60 Quick Start Guide

Provisioning Server

The Provisioning Server feature in iDRAC allows newly installed servers to automatically discover the remote management console that hosts the Provisioning Server. The Provisioning Server provides custom administrative user credentials to iDRAC so that the management console can discover and manage the newly installed managed system.

If you order a Dell system with the Provisioning Server feature enabled (factory default setting is disabled), then iDRAC is delivered with DHCP enabled and user accounts disabled. If the Provisioning Server feature is disabled, you can manually enable this feature and disable the default administrative account using the iDRAC Settings utility. For more information about the iDRAC Settings utility, see iDRAC User’s Guide.

For more information about Provisioning Server, see the Lifecycle Controller Management profile document available at www.delltechcenter.com/systemsmanagement.


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