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May 24th, 2014 11:00

Area-51 alx AlienFx problems.


If you are shutting down the system after you force close it Press and hold the power button , front FX light power does not turn off .

20140525_145523 (2).jpg

It does not resolve when you reinstall the program . Pls advise .

Command Center Version : A02

2 Intern


1.8K Posts

May 25th, 2014 10:00

Go into the bios > boot options > find & disable fast boot, see if it works.

Also, it's been said that Cmnd Cntr might need uninstalled & reinstalled several times til it "fixes itself". Follow the "Correct Procedures" link I gave you.

If that doesn't work, it might be a win7 upd8 or .netframework, call it a corrupted file, call it incompatible w/CC, I don't know, but you are not the 1st person this happened to "all of a sudden", but I can't remember or find the post that described the actual "fix".

I'm not saying to try this, but this is what I would do: make a system image, boot into it & uninstall Cmnd Cntr & .netframework 4/4.5, reinstall .net4, upd8 it, then install CC, see if it works.

If not, make new image, keep CC installed, lol, then uninstall/reinstall .net4.

When in doubt, reinstall win7 if it bothers you, but be prepared if symptom returns due to possible win7 or .net upd8/conflict - sorry I could not help further - I've told you what I know about this - when in doubt, call Tech Support or contact one of the Dell/alienware reps on this forum - post their answer if they give you a fix ...




2 Intern


1.8K Posts

May 24th, 2014 19:00

try this:

you may have to bump the theme tempo down all the way. It may or may not work. Mine stays on too I think, but I always unplug after shutdown, so, I don't even check anymore, lol.

somebody said once you have to disable "fast boot", maybe that was for Win8, can't remember.


2 Intern


1.8K Posts

May 24th, 2014 20:00

I'm not using the Alien right now, but you have to open CmndCntr, go to AlienFx, go to advanced, & fiddle with it, tell it what to do after shutdown similar to the Aurora guide link I gave you. Lemme know what happens

12 Posts

May 24th, 2014 22:00

The version currently installed, there is no AlienFusion tab.
So, it does not improve I tried to apply the power settings in the Control Panel.

2 Intern


1.8K Posts

May 24th, 2014 23:00

are you on Win7 or Win8?

2 Intern


1.8K Posts

May 24th, 2014 23:00

I'm still not on my A-51, & it's been a while since I fooled with this. The Aurora screen shots they show you in that how-to are different, I know, but you open AlienFx, there's a tiny button called advanced > click it > it opens a menu > you start to disable things, the things they show you on the Aurora screen shots like "sleep disable all options" "usb settings disabled", whatever that link said.

When you see an option for your alienhead led, you can try to find the option that speeds up or slows down the "theme", set it to its lowest, it might work. I'm going from memory here & mine still does it too, lol.

If I'm not helping tonight, you can look for dell alienware employees on this forum, like Chris_M of Dell or Naomi of Alienware, send them a personal message, ask how to fix this. If memory serves, it might be a small glitch in .netframework 4.5 update that keeps front light on after shut down & one of the side panels stays lit too.. We were supposed to disable fast boot to fix it.

I'll send my friend a question about it, when I hear back I'll pass it on or he will. We'll get us both fixed here in the next couple days; unplug the pc when you shut down, that will fix it for now :)

12 Posts

May 24th, 2014 23:00

OS is win7.
I do not have good English.
I'm sorry, but you can not understand the content of the comment.

2 Intern


1.8K Posts

May 24th, 2014 23:00

you can umplug your pc, press your top power button down for a minute, let pc sit a few minutes, boot up, shut down, see if it stops.

You can go into bios, find the usb setting that "disables s5", then check if it helped, if not, go back re-enable s5.

You can try a newer version of CmndCntr, read the page, follow instructions to find it:

Correct procedure to reinstall Command Center on Area-51 and Aurora systems;

8 Wizard


17K Posts

May 25th, 2014 00:00

Yes, v2.8.9.0 is the correct and last final version for Area-51 on Windows7-64.

Have you changed the MIO-Board or some of it's wiring? Is this machine used or been re-wired?

Try "Power Off Dissipation Fix"... should at least fix it temporarily.

Like Cass-Ole says, also check USB settings in BIOS. For some reason, MIO-Board thinks machine is still powered-up.

See my post here and also about running Dell Diags (outside of Windows).


12 Posts

May 25th, 2014 01:00

Changed the setting of the USB in the bios, but it does not resolve.
How many times was terminated by the system error, but did not have any problems.
Suddenly, there was a problem.

Had the same symptoms before, but it was resolved by reinstalling Windows.

8 Wizard


17K Posts

May 25th, 2014 12:00

You said:

"Because it is the ASUS motherboards now, it is not possible to install Dell Diags."

So, you are lucky it works at all with 3rd party after-market MB. I can't really help with that config, but other might be able to.

12 Posts

May 25th, 2014 18:00

restart to remove the Command Center and net framework.

I solved the problem by reinstalling.

Thank you for all answers.

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