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This post is more than 5 years old


March 18th, 2017 11:00

Windows 10 sudden reboots when trying to wake from sleep

I'm currently having, and have had it come and go before, an issue regarding waking up from sleep on a Windows 10 laptop. The problem is that when waking up from sleep, the laptop would reboot. I currently use a Alienware 13 R3, but I've had it with other Dell models too, so it shouldn't be (entirely) model dependent. I have also had slightly different versions of the issue: waking from sleep on AC may be OK, but waking on battery led to reboot. The problem might come and go with Windows 10 Updates. At the moment, on the Alienware 13 R3 both AC and battery-powered wake leads to reboot; I have changed Power Options to make Hibernate as vs sleep the action for the lid and power button, as a work around.

Do people have similar issues? If we all report similar experiences here, a pattern might emerge.

3 Apprentice


4.4K Posts

March 20th, 2017 10:00

Hi GreatArtist‌,

  • Make sure the BIOS and video driver is up to date.
  • Also, run this command prompt powercf.exe -energy and reply with the log file that it will generate.

25 Posts

March 20th, 2017 12:00

Hi: This is a known "feature" of Win 10 that has not been resolved. If you do a web search on Win 10 reboots on wake up, you will find more answers than you can deal with. II nkow of no answer. I just stopped my PC from going to sleep. I am not holding my breath waiting for Microsoft to  to offer to pay part of my electric bill!

8 Wizard


17K Posts

March 20th, 2017 13:00

I agree with both Replies above.
It usually points to a driver problem. Also, be sure to try Eimy's Diag and the similar command to reset/fix it.
However, it works on all of my laptops and my newer desktops. If I have a machine it doesn't work on (usually an older desktop), I just disable it. I kinda like having machine either On or Off. With a fast UEFI/SSD boot, there is very little difference.
It's rebooting because that's the way you have it set. You might also look for crash dump files or BSOD entries and/or errors in Event Viewer.

51 Posts

March 22nd, 2017 11:00

Sorry for the late reply. For some reason I wasn't getting forum reply notification emails. Alienware-Eimy‌: I indeed have latest BIOS and video drivers. I have run the command you specify (btw, for those who copy & paste... it should be "powercfg" not powercf). I have posted the html file on Box: Please take a look and let me know what you see in there and what I should do... Thanks.

Enabling tracing for 60 seconds...
Observing system behavior...
Analyzing trace data...
Analysis complete.
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12 Errors
6 Warnings
63 Informational

51 Posts

March 28th, 2017 09:00

Update: the problem disappeared after latest Windows Update. Will it come back in the next Windows Update? It's betting time.

8 Wizard


17K Posts

March 28th, 2017 10:00

Windows-10 more actively downloads and installs driver updates now (than in previous versions). The buggy driver might have been updated.

Glad to hear it's working better now. 

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