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This post is more than 5 years old



October 30th, 2013 11:00

New Aurora R4 w/Cooling Fans running Full Speed, no LED Lights, HD suddenly not working, CPU Fan not Working, No Temperature Readings

Hi, new Aurora R4 owner here:

I just got my system on Monday. The day I received it, I went and plugged it in, and turned it on. Went through and loaded up all the  very latest Windows Updates and the latest Nvidia video card driver. Ran system over night w/o any issues. Shut down system before leaving for work the following day.

2. Got home from work and opened up system and installed new memory (16 GB vs. 8 GB it came with). Replaced the video card (GeForce GTX 760, which is showing to be really a remarked 660), w/a another video card (GeForce GTX 670) that I had.

Closed up the cabinet, plugged it in, and turn the power on. The cooling fan for the water cooling ran a very loud, and at full speed, the screen stopped w/error messages showing that the cpu water cooler pump wasn’t working and neither was the HD. Also no LED lights came on as well. I shut down, un-plugged it, and went and checked everything inside, and started it up once again, but w/no luck. Checked the BIOS, and reset it, but still no luck. I then connected the HD up to another cable, and it suddenly worked. I was now allowed to boot up into Windows, but not before getting an error message again, but stating now that the cpu fan rather than the cpu water pump wasn’t working. There were still no LED lights, as well as the Water cooler fan was still running at full speed. I opened up the Alienware Command, and it showed no fans to be working, as well as for the cpu cooler pump not working. I went and loaded a cpu temp software program, and it showed the cpu temperatures OK. Other than the loud fan(s) running full speed, the Alienware Command Software not reading, as well as no lights, and the opening message stating that cpu fan not working, everything else seemed to be running OK.

I looked the issue up here on Dell, and the closest I could find suggested to remove the Alienware Command Software, as well as the Microsoft Net software, then reloading everything after rebooting. No luck there.

Anyone w/any ideas?

As for the HD cable connection failing as well is weird.



2.7K Posts

October 30th, 2013 14:00

Hello Gohack!

Have you try to install again the original components that came with the system to check if the issue persists?

And as well did you perform a power drain after you uninstall the command center?

100 Posts

October 30th, 2013 16:00

power drain?

100 Posts

October 30th, 2013 18:00

Yes, and nothing changed. Same issues.

100 Posts

October 31st, 2013 22:00

After working w/Alienware Tech Support, they determined the m/b to be bad, and will be replacing it.

I decided to just return the system.



100 Posts

November 2nd, 2013 11:00

They talked about replacing system w/a new system. I decided to go that way.












































































































They talked to me about replacing the system w/a brand new one, so I'll go that route.








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