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May 27th, 2013 02:00

how to use lgdup/emcopy/sharedup maybe batch examples

Hey EMC-Community,

i have to migrate a an old fileserver to an new fileserver (emc vnx 5300). I created a new virtual data mover. At the new VDM i created a CIFS Server. I want to migrate the old fileserver incl. ACL, Permissions, Share to the new VNX5300. I searched a while and found the "Using EMC Utilities for the CIFS Environment.pdf"

I found out that i have to run the "lgdup.exe" to copy the local groups to the vnx 5300

After that i have to run the "emcopy.exe" to copy all files incl. the acls and permissions

After i copied the files with "emcopy.exe" i have to run the "sharedup.exe" to copy all shares to the new fileserver.

So far so well, i created for each tool a batch. They looks like that:

lgdup: C:\> LGDUP.exe -r -p -v \\NT1 \\EMCCIFS01

emcopy:  net use Y: \\NT1\Freigaben$

                 net use Z: \\EMCCIFS01\DataCopy

                 C:\>emcopy x:\ z:\ /o /s /d /q /secfix /purge /stream /c /r:1 /w:1      /log:c:\emcopylog.txt

To copy the share to the new fileserver is my problem. I dont understand to export the shares on the oldfileserver to txt. file with sharedup. Can anyone give me an example how to use the sharedup? Got anyone experience with that tool how to use it right?

Thxs for your help experts. I am new here. Iam sorry for my englisch.

Greetz Riccardo

8.6K Posts

June 17th, 2013 03:00


7 Posts

May 28th, 2013 07:00

Hey Karl,

thank you very much 4your quick answere. Thanks!

I will try it tomorrow and give an feedback if that helps.

but I must not use the flag  /fi to copy the shares?


Greetz Riccardo

1.2K Posts

May 28th, 2013 07:00

You want to use ShareDUP to copy the share themselves from the old server to the VNX5300 VDM.  Here's the syntax of the ShareDUP command:

Usage: SHAREDUP \\source \\target srcdrive


           [/LU] [/ND:domain_name] [/IP4700] [/PREFIX]



\\source               Netbios name of the source server.

\\target               Netbios name of the target server.

srcdrive               Drive letter of the server source to select for the

                        duplication (example C:). Specify "ALL", to select all

                        drives of the source server.

So, in my case, "CRCNAS02" is an old Windows 2003 server and "CRCNAS02-tmp" is the CIFS server on my VG2.  I used the following command at the command line:


and I get the following written into the logfile called "SHAREDUP.txt"


    Copyright (C) 2008-2010, All Rights Reserved,

    by EMC Corporation, Hopkinton MA.

Source server:DFDNAS02        5.0

Target server:DFDNAS02-TMP    5.0 EMC-SNAS:T7.0.14.0








Fri Jan 20 19:16:52 2012

Creating share "\\DFDNAS02-TMP\asa01collections$"

to export directory "C:\fs_ev02collections\data"...

-> OK

Now, on my VG2, I have a hidden share (note the "$" indicates a hidden share) on my new VG2 for the filesystem.  All the output was appended to the LOG file (note the "+" indicates append to log file, not overwrite), which I can review for errors.

You can also use the flag /FO: to write out all the shares to a text file.  At a later time, you can use /FI: to read back in that same file and create the shares, based on the entries in the text file.

Let us know if that helps!

1.2K Posts

May 28th, 2013 10:00

The /FI flag stands for "File Input".  It tells SHAREDUP to read in the Share from the text file you supplied and write it to the destination CIFS server.  In my example above, I copied the permissions directly from the source Windows server to the destination CIFS server without writing to a file - only the output was logged to my file, not the share listing. 

If you want to write out the share permissions to a file, you must use SHAREDUP with the /FO flag to write the share permissions to your file in one step.  Then, you must run SHAREDUP with the /FI flag to read in from your text file and write to the destination CIFS server.  Does that make sense?



7 Posts

May 31st, 2013 07:00

Hi Karl,

at first i have to say thank you 4 your help!

I hope you can help me one more time. I got the callange:

I have to migrate 3 old fileserver to 2 new vnx cifsserver.

The old fileserver: File-Server#1 M1S02 (some files for employees)

                          File-Server#2 M1S21 (Outlook-Archive, Profiles)

                          File-Server#3 M1S08 (Install; Backups)

These fileservers has to be migrate to CIFS01 and CIFS02.

My question ist: What are the correct paramater when i use lgdup to copy the local groups?

                           What are the correct parameter for emcopy to copy all files correct to the new fileserver?

                            When i use sharedup to copy the share to the new cifs server, which parameters should i use? The                             same as you post?

Iam sorry for beeing a newbie at this theme. I hope you can tell me, what is best practice in this case?

If you got any question, feel free to ask me!


Greetz Riccardo

8.6K Posts

May 31st, 2013 12:00

I agree that reading the docs and understanding the options is better than just copy&paste commands without know whether or not they are the best choice for your particular environment

2 Intern


20.4K Posts

May 31st, 2013 12:00

to re-iterate what Karl mentioned, if this is your first migration to this platform you can setup a test CIFS server or practice with a virtual appliance

1.2K Posts

May 31st, 2013 12:00

No worries, Riccardo - the included README.txt files with each has shows each flag for each command.  I strongly urge you to try each command out and understand how the flags affect each command.  You must understand what happens if you include/remove certain flags.  If you blindly run commands - mine or anyone else's here - you run the risk of failing to copy shares, groups or ACL information and be forced to do all the work all over again.

My suggestion for the process is:

0) TEST, TEST and TEST until you understand the entire process and your fallback options

1) copy local groups with LGDUP and review the logs

2) copy shares with SHAREDUP and review the logs

3) copy files with EMCOPY and review the logs

For LGDUP, your commands might look like LGDUP -L+ \\SOURCE \\DESTINATION:

LGDUP -s -v -l+ M1S02-CIFS01-LGDUP.txt \\M1S02 \\CIFS01 (note the direction and number of backslashes)

This would copy any local groups to the destination and attempt to merge any local groups found, but not set any local groups members in case of an error.  Why would I do this instead of another flag?  I leave that as an exercise for you to figure out.

For SHAREDUP, if you wanted to write out your shares to a file, your commands might look like SHAREDUP \\SOURCE \\DESTINATION /FO: /LOG+:


For EMCOPY, you want to understand your flags before you use the command.  One possible string might look like:


I can't say strongly enough that you need to test this with a subset of your data, then check your permissions and ACLs.  It will greatly simply things.  Thanks!

1.2K Posts

June 3rd, 2013 08:00

It's not required to run SHAREDUP before EMCOPY, but it's the most common practice.  Thanks!

7 Posts

June 3rd, 2013 08:00

Hi Community, Hi Karl,

thank you very much for all response by you! That was very helpfull! Again Thank you very much! I studied the emc pdf.

The vnx simulator is a great stuff! Thanks to dynamox!

I will try to migrate the data.

I got only one question left. I have to execute the sharedup before the emcopy data migration? Is that rigth?

Thank you very much@all



7 Posts

June 3rd, 2013 10:00

i will try it and give an quick response.

The only thing i have to say is thank you to all and a special thank you to karl!

greetz Riccardo

7 Posts

June 4th, 2013 00:00

Hi guys,

i worked very well, but i got a question about the cifs server. I greated 2 cifs server CIFS01 and CIFS02 on ONE virtual data mover.

After that i greated tow filesystems, FS1 and FS2.

Where i can configure that the CIFS01 uses the FS1 and the CIFS02 uses the FS2?

Or its better to create two virtual data mover for two cifs server?

i get thoughtful about that, during i want to copy the data with emcopy. When i look at my (Karl's) .bat, there i used \\M1S02 \\CIFS01 (source - target). I wondered, how do the \\cifs01 know, which filesystem should it use.

Hope you understand what i mean and can help me again. Iam sorry 4 newbieness

Greetz Riccardo

1.2K Posts

June 4th, 2013 07:00

No worries - everyone was a newbie at this at some point.  When you create a filesystem, the VNX will mount the filesystem to the root datamover by default.  This means that this filesystem can only be used for CIFS servers on the root datamover, server_2.  You create CIFS servers CIFS01 and CIFS02 on a Virtual Data Mover (VDM) - that means, you must create or mount a filesystem to that VDM.  Once you have a filesystem mounted on the VDM, you can then create a share on the CIFS server.  The way things are now, if FS1 and FS2 are mounted on the server_2, they cannot be written to from CIFS01 and CIFS02.  Take a look at documentation to understand how to unmount FS1 and FS2 from server_2 and mount them on your VDM.  The online help can be useful for this too.



8.6K Posts

June 4th, 2013 08:00

The main benefits that a VDM provides are security (multi-tenancy) and replication of CIFS config

You would typically use more than one VDM if:

- If is a requirement that users/admins from one CIFS server cannot access the data of another CIFS server.

while users are restricted to their shares and admin can use the C$ share to access all of the file systems mounted on the VDM

- If you have two or more CIFS servers that are in are in two different AD domains and might need different settings (DNS….)

- You want to be able to replicate and failover separately

The pro’s of using just one VDM is flexibility – with multiple VDMs and file systems if you run out of space on one fs you cannot use space from another fs on a different VDM.

Similar you cannot share data across VDMs – with two CIFS servers in one VDM each can have a share pointing to the same data

7 Posts

June 17th, 2013 03:00

Hey Community,

i will give you an feedback about my problem. I finished my migration very well. Have to edit some parameters. After that it works very well and very easy. But i got a one last question:

I resolved errors during i start the emc copy job.

I receving a number of 1308 errors when attemting an emc copy job.

I have read that emcopy trys to copy some users out of the active directory, but the tool doenst found them. Is that correct?

Do you fix these errors or know them?

Thnaks again for your help and great support.

Greetz Riccardo

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