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This post is more than 5 years old


April 26th, 2007 17:00

DM061-020302.EXE BIOS Missing In Action

A listing for the latest BIOS Update for the Dimension E520, DM061-020302.EXE, Version 2.3.2, dated 25 April 2007 has been posted for  4 days now, but when trying to download it you're only taken to a blank page.
I even poked around on the actual Dell BIOS FTP site ( ) but it's not listed there either.
I have a new unit which I have to deliver by late this evening, and I sure would appreciate someone from Dell Tech Support getting the thing put up there in an expeditious manner, or else revealing where on the Dell Website it might be found.
It makes no sense to post an important BIOS update (labeled as "recommended" if I remember correctly) and then not allow the customers access to it.
Time is of the essence here.
Thank you.

Message Edited by Travis_Lloyd on 04-28-2007 03:53 AM

Message Edited by Travis_Lloyd on 04-28-2007 03:54 AM

176 Posts

April 26th, 2007 17:00

The new one for the E521 is MIA too.

168 Posts

April 26th, 2007 19:00

I'm having the same problem with DM061-020302.EX too. Also get a "page cannot be displayed" on the firmware update for my Sony DVD player. I've been trying since last night with no results.

April 27th, 2007 01:00

Well it is pretty obvious that all the latest files are not uploaded into the ftp server or someone deleted it from the server. It might be some Dell April Joke, what i can say is nowadays Dell has lost it touch. The person who suppose to upload the files might be MIA as well or someone lost the password to the FTP server, so many reason and so many days delay.

April 27th, 2007 03:00

I tried firefox and seemed to work but then i tired to run the file and i get an error

119 Posts

April 27th, 2007 12:00

I think whoever put the files together messed up..
The one I downloaded for my E521 wouldn't run, And when I went to download it again
(in case I had just gotten a bum transfer) it was gone from the server. But, since
I had the floppy drive connected to the rig, I did install the 1.1.4 update.

We'll see how long it takes for them to fix the files and put them back up for us.
I'm not holding my breath tho..

Message Edited by Fing on 04-27-2007 08:13 AM

24 Posts

April 27th, 2007 21:00

Same problem here, must be just a glitch.

1 Rookie


51 Posts

April 28th, 2007 08:00

Okay, there's obviously a GOOF on the loose around here somewhere.
Perhaps we could believe (assuming we were avid Twilight Zone fans) that something like this could "accidentally" happen for a day or two, but this has now gotten far beyond the absurd.
There is simply no excuse for posting a BIOS update for one (or more) of Dell's newest and most popular computers and then having the link go to a dead end for days.
Now, if there was truly a problem with the file (a possibility I suppose, but an inexcusable one considering that advance testing of such things is a strict prerequisite long before it would be put up on the Website) then why the Devil has someone left the link up on the Downloads Section for all this time?
Such a thing far exceeds the definition of gross incompetence.
At the very least someone from Dell could have posted some kind of a (hopefully plausible) explanation up here, since there're obviously many, many customers trying to update the BIOS on their computers, as suggested by Dell themselves.
So come on and get with the program Dell Mods, and roll-out some information (or better still, perhaps even the file we're trying desperately to download); where is the much-ballyhooed "new & improved" Dell Customer Service Initiative we've heard so much about lately?
It does not appear to be in evidence here...

Message Edited by Travis_Lloyd on 04-28-2007 04:28 AM

April 28th, 2007 10:00

I have the same problem.

I think this is a point of TQM Total Quality Management, how to deal with customers. I see a lot of space for improvement for TQM.

To post a bios which don't work is bad, but leave it on web without information is much worse. I use an ATI graphic adapter and have some "special" experience as an Linux user. Here I could say only: welcome to the club.

I recommend for both firms: or

Greeting b-w

April 28th, 2007 14:00

Does this mean DELL is going down the drain? Nowadays, Dell are not making much money and making losses due to the batteries retrieval. Will it end up like Gateway?

24 Posts

April 28th, 2007 14:00

Wow, it's just one file guys, don't bash Dell because of it. You're computer works fine now without it. It's not like once you get this file, the computer will work 10x better. I'm sure it's a glitch and it will be fixed. And I highly doubt Dell will turn into Gateway..

April 29th, 2007 19:00

Still not working... :-(

May 1st, 2007 11:00

The link is now fixed and the BIOS update can be downloaded.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

May 1st, 2007 16:00

Just in the nick of time.

1 Rookie


51 Posts

May 2nd, 2007 02:00

Yes Bill, you're exactly right, a little transparent sarcasm notwithstanding.
The question is, where the Heck have you (and the rest of your bunch) been all this time, while we, the good, loyal, and faithful customers of Dell (over 15 years, in my personal case) have been agonizing about when (or if) we would get any relief from this greatly mishandled BIOS imbroglio?
Contrary to the totally false accusation which Mr Cujo, (aptly named, I might  add) below tried to tar us with, we were not so much "bashing Dell" as he inaccurately alleged, rather we were rightly pointing out that if either the BIOS update had had to be pulled for some reason and / or it was not forthcoming immediately, that Dell should have simply taken down the link so as not to disingenuously lead us to believe that it was indeed available for download.
That would require all of about 60 seconds, for even a marginally-skilled Webmaster's apprentice to do.
While some out there will try to accuse us of making the proverbial Mountain out of a Molehill, I say No Way in Hades!
All we really wanted was someone from Dell (such as the Mods, who absolutely have the authority, if not the duty, to do so) to keep us far better informed than they did.
Even a simple "We don't know exactly what's going on but we're trying our best to find out" would have been better than totally ignoring the situation, thereby allowing those of us stuck out here in La-La Land Limbo to unceremoniously twist in the wind in the meantime.
Really, is that too much to ask?

24 Posts

May 2nd, 2007 05:00

Calm down. You have too much time on your hands.
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