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January 5th, 2009 10:00

Dell Returns

Does anyone have any tips for dealing with Dell Technical support?

I Bought a Dell XPS 630i about Four months ago and frankly it's been nothing but trouble. It blue screened on startup when I fired it up for the first time, the nighmare continued with various memory management issues and blue screening, display adapter occasionally resetting and then bluescreening. there are missing drivers which seem not to exist and so constantly throw up errors... and for a gaming machine the number of times games hang requiring a complete reboot is ridiculous. And any chance of being productive while working from home is a pipe dream.

I know Vista is partly to blame seemingly incompatible with almost every piece of hardware and software ever created but there are hardware issues too, an intermittently failing network adapter, dodgy memory etc... I was going to build my own PC but foolishly thought "well seeing as I have a business to run I'll save time and buy an off the shelf machine"... 

So now Basically I've been through 2 and a half months of technical support hoop jumping, re-installs, re formatting etc. The hardware department say its software the software department say its hardware and my attempt to save time has resulted in repeated 60 minute phone calls as I'm repeatedly transferred around

Now I've had enough, If its faulty out of the box and they havent managed to reach a solution in 2 months its not going to get better with age... I called CIT Group the Finance group who sell to the UK and who I have the finance agreement with and told them I'd cancelled the direct debit and they said "fine just contact technical support and organise to have it collected" but technical support just keep putting me on hold and telling me they'll call back with a solution... then when they call back they try start the whole diagnostic process again. incidentally I've done the whole thing three times now as I figured eventually they'd realise it just didn't work

Now I just want it taken away!!! But they obviously have an "on no account take a machine back" policy... Please someone help!!! I cant afford to spend anymore time arguing with people in india.

Has anyone out there managed to get Dell to take away a defective machine? I have a business to run and this machine is harming my productivity which is a bad thing in this financial climate



2 Posts

January 5th, 2009 10:00

Indeed but diagnosing seems to be the only option via technical support... My girlfriend bought a laptop the same week and the keyboard and touch pad are faulty. It's definately a hardware issue and I figure if the build quality on both of these machines is so bad a replacement will probably have the same issues... I work with computers and I know how to build them so I'd rather save myself any further heartache and have it taken away and then I can build myself something that I know will work...

I'm just very dissapointed with both the hardware and the after sales support

January 5th, 2009 10:00

Does anyone have any tips for dealing with Dell Technical support?

I Bought a Dell XPS 630i about Four months ago and frankly it's been nothing but trouble. It blue screened on startup when I fired it up for the first time, the nighmare continued with various memory management issues and blue screening, display adapter occasionally resetting and then bluescreening. there are missing drivers which seem not to exist and so constantly throw up errors... and for a gaming machine the number of times games hang requiring a complete reboot is ridiculous. And any chance of being productive while working from home is a pipe dream.

I know Vista is partly to blame seemingly incompatible with almost every piece of hardware and software ever created but there are hardware issues too, an intermittently failing network adapter, dodgy memory etc... I was going to build my own PC but foolishly thought "well seeing as I have a business to run I'll save time and buy an off the shelf machine"... 

So now Basically I've been through 2 and a half months of technical support hoop jumping, re-installs, re formatting etc. The hardware department say its software the software department say its hardware and my attempt to save time has resulted in repeated 60 minute phone calls as I'm repeatedly transferred around

Now I've had enough, If its faulty out of the box and they havent managed to reach a solution in 2 months its not going to get better with age... I called CIT Group the Finance group who sell to the UK and who I have the finance agreement with and told them I'd cancelled the direct debit and they said "fine just contact technical support and organise to have it collected" but technical support just keep putting me on hold and telling me they'll call back with a solution... then when they call back they try start the whole diagnostic process again. incidentally I've done the whole thing three times now as I figured eventually they'd realise it just didn't work

Now I just want it taken away!!! But they obviously have an "on no account take a machine back" policy... Please someone help!!! I cant afford to spend anymore time arguing with people in india.

Has anyone out there managed to get Dell to take away a defective machine? I have a business to run and this machine is harming my productivity which is a bad thing in this financial climate



Sorry about what happened to your computer. Well, it seems that you computer is still in it's "1 year initial warranty" so i suggest have an exchange for the system. Frankly, I think the whole computer is defective. So why bother to get the computer diagnosed.

213 Posts

January 7th, 2009 11:00


It certainly sounds like this comes under the 'not of mechantable quality' heading and if I were you I would make a phone call to your local Trading Standards Dept and ask them for their advice on how to proceed - if Dell continue to give you the run around I would take out a small claims court summons against them and watch how fast that wakes them up - I think they will take notice. If they don't you win by default and get your money back plus possibly other costs.

Alternatively if you don't want to go this far in the first step tell the next person in Dell that you speak to that the above is what you are proposing to do unless you hear from someone with authority to resolve your issues, and see what happens.

I know of at least one person in these forums who has successfully pursued Dell along these lines, but I cannot remember who it was now.


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