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This post is more than 5 years old



March 25th, 2008 17:00

Spy hardware

I have a Dimension 2400 PC. I wrote a long time ago to this forum and got a lot of valuable information, including a link to a shop manual for my computer.


The first time I was on this forum was also the last. It subsequently wouldn't accept my password, wouldn't give me a new password, and generated bizarre messages. For instance, it would tell me the password must have only alphanumeric characters when I was using just that. Also, I've never been able to get on any other forum. I'm sending this from a Kinko's.


I now know what this hacker is doing. When I turn my computer on, I'm instantly connected to him through this wireless spy hardware, even though I don't go online. Every screen I see on my monitor is forged, even my desktop. When I go on the Internet, every page is filtered through his machine. Rarely it's the actual website. Usually it's a forgery of the website, which I can't navigate.


With the shop manual, I was able to take my computer apart. The CD has a screw that's almost impossible to reach. It was turned down only part of the way. Does anyone know if it's possible to attach a wireless component to the CD drive or to swap the original CD drive with one that is pre-wired to be a wireless transceiver?


I've also read about wireless modems. Maybe he switched my modem for one. Or maybe he switched the Ethernet card. Is there something I should look for on these cards?


In Device Manager I found the following under network adapters:
Direct Parallel
WAN Miniport (IP)
WAN Miniport (IP) Packet Scheduler Miniport
WAN Miniport (L2TP)
WAN Miniport (PPPOE)
WAN Miniport (PPTP)


Also, one of the USB ports is called an Enhanced Host Controller.


Does anyone know which of these he could be using and how to find their physical location?


Thank you.



13 Posts

March 28th, 2008 14:00

Way to think outside the box! Ma'am, just let me re-install the operating system and install an antivirus, and everything will be all right. I was ripped off by two of those "computer professionals." Everything wasn't all right. One idiot broke my modem and installed a program to send my files to his office when I went online. I see these jerks with their little bags and realize that they're the same jerks I see reading comic books (excuse me, graphic novels) on the subway. They're working from flow charts. If it isn't on the flow chart, it doesn't exist.

2K Posts

March 28th, 2008 15:00

The fiend!  No wonder you divorced him.


Media player can't do anything unless it's running.  So close it.


There is no IDE protocol for a drive to request data, or autonomously feed unrequested data to the bus so a gizmo planted in a CD could not do what you seem to see.


Not possible to 'co-install' something while Windows is installing.  A fresh install would give you control to set and password anything you wanted.  Fiend or not, he can't possibly be watching you install and corrupting it before you can set it the way you want.  He'd have to be doing nothing else but tampering with your system in real time.


RE: Cop devices.  They're expensive.  They're in locked inventory.  Cops can't check them out without a court order.  They can't be bought or sold without a license.  If they're discovered, the person associated with planting them is charged with a felony.  Not impossible, but prit-dang unlikely.  What data would you have that would warrant that trouble, expense, risk?


RE: Ethernet box.  If it's OFF in hardware, nothing comes in, nothing goes out, 'cop device' or not.  The only other places that have access to the bus are: slots, USB, 1394.  You can't just tack something onto the MB and have the bus recognize or converse with it.


Now, where was your ex when the Hindenberg crashed?

1.9K Posts

March 28th, 2008 17:00


Get a notebook computer, and make sure nobody touch it...

1.7K Posts

March 28th, 2008 17:00

A friend of mine sent me this thread for some fun reading..... I haven't stopped laughing !!


4 Operator


34.2K Posts

March 28th, 2008 21:00

@Lillian1000 wrote:
They're working from flow charts. If it isn't on the flow chart, it doesn't exist.
Flow charts, I tell you!! It's all in the flow charts!!! :D :D :D :D
Lillian, you're a classic. Thanks for your post.

58 Posts

March 29th, 2008 02:00

Your obsessed with this nonsense. Just reinstall Windows or try Linux. I'm sure anything is possible but what would he gain by changing the info you see on the websites. 


E-6600 Core2Duo @ 2.40 ghz
Four gigs Kingston 667 mhz RAM
Two 150 gig WD Raptors
Dual Boot Win XP MCE 2005 & Vista Ultimate x64
Two Sony DVD RW Optical Drives
EVGA 8600 GTS 512 mb Video
Auzentech X-Fi Prelude 7.1 Audio



4 Operator


34.2K Posts

March 29th, 2008 22:00

@yarddog983 wrote:

Just reinstall Windows or try Linux.

That's exactly what they want you to do. Install Linux, which everyone knows is a portal used by aliens.

2K Posts

March 29th, 2008 23:00

Aliens?  Penguins.  Same thing.

13 Posts

March 31st, 2008 14:00

I live in New York. The police laugh in your face if you try to report a burglary. I've tried every law enforcement body I can think of and got nowhere. To get justice, you have to be able to afford to buy justice.

13 Posts

March 31st, 2008 14:00

I did disable media player. He just re-enables it. I once deleted all the media player entries in the Registry. Same deal.


I'm sorry if I made it sound like the CD was working autonomously. He has a program that sends data to the CD, using autoplay. (I also turned this off, and he turned it back on.) He sends the data to two files in wbem, Logs and Repository. He also sends them to the game Pinball.  He does so many different things. I think he writes many programs. If I interfere with one, another takes over. Is there a file somewhere on the computer that would tell you what he's doing? Most are encrypted, but some have English in them. I forgot, he also uses Help and HTTP to capture or send data. 


I don't know how he does it, but he gets on in real time, while I'm installing. I saw a program called pre-install. Maybe that's what he's using - like he commands Windows to be installed as a network before installation begins.


I swear this is what he seems to be doing. Also, I don't understand how he knows when I'm installing a new OS. It's like he has an alarm that goes off to alert him.


Re: cop devices, that's the way it's supposed to be. But stuff happens. Stuff gets lost and sold to non-cops.


He has provided a driver etc. for whatever he's using. I saw an entry in the Registry for unknown HW (hardware?), but it didn't say where it was.


I have only one card in a slot. The others are empty. Wireless transceivers broadcast an RF signal. The only place in the computer that I've found one is near the power source. I know household current doesn't engender an RF signal, but maybe a computer power source does. But possibly he has this device attached directly to the power source.


My husband was having a smoke near a helium leak.


Seriously this is driving me crazy. The network is there. I'm using a factory Microsoft XP disk, so it's not coming from there. I feel like I'm up against the NSA. What he's doing seems impossible, but he is doing it somehow. 



806 Posts

March 31st, 2008 14:00

so you breathed in some nerve gas at a local hospital? i would think the FBI would be very keen to learn of your information regarding the release of nerve gas in new york city and of course your subsequent resistance to said nerve gas. it would seem that anyone that can detect nerve gas by smell and suffer no ill effects would be a person of great interest in many circles.

just curious, how did you come to be able to identify nerve gas by smell anyway? is this something you encounter often?

Message Edited by bweed6 on 03-31-2008 10:38 AM

13 Posts

March 31st, 2008 14:00

I guess I'm a better writer than I thought I was. I was working in a hospital, also, and got a whiff of nerve gas through the lousy ventilation. Maybe they're afraid I'll write about what they're not supposed to be doing in a residential neighborhood.


I tried the FBI. In New York, you can't see the FBI without an appointment from your local precinct, or at least that's what they told me. An assistant director from DC told me different, but so far I haven't heard back from the FBI. They might not have got my letters, though, because my incoming and outgoing mail is often stolen. If you go down to their office, they won't even let you near the elevators to the FBI. You have to leave a note. 

13 Posts

March 31st, 2008 14:00

Good idea.

806 Posts

March 31st, 2008 15:00

"my husband was having a smoke near a helium leak." ..... interesting statement. was that supposed to mean anything to anyone here, or is that a coded message to others out there in a situation similar to yours?

kind of like - "the rooster crows at midnight" or "one day governor reagan will be president".


10 Elder


44.3K Posts

March 31st, 2008 16:00

Helium isn't a nerve gas and it isn't explosive. Afterall, they fill the kid's balloons with helium.  It's oderless and tasteless too. 


This thread has gone from absurd to ridiculous. And now that Lillian1000 has admitted to be a NYer (which I already suspected!), I'm convinced this is all being made up by a troll having some jollies, and/or she escaped from Bellvue Hospital.


Time to pull the plug on Lillian1000.





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