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3.1K Posts


May 24th, 2016 03:00

【Translation】Ask The Expert:What is DSSD ?

This Ask the Expert event originally took place May 9th - 20th, 2016 in the Japanese forum


It took 5 years! We all know this is fast and powerful but what exactly ??? Experts will navigate you to the DSSD world ! Do not miss this chance !

Meet Your Experts:

    Hideto.Mochizuki (hideto.m)

     Systems Engineer, Isl In Ent _ Specialist Isilon

     Isilon Expert is also DSSD expert ! His outstanding SE skill goes beyond Isilon.

     He believes in integration of humanity and latest technology .

      System is build to make people happy, not just showing tech geek!

     Makoto,Miura ( Makoto)

     Sr Systems Engineer, Cor In Ent _Specialist Orcl P

     Well Known for Orcle Expert but that related storage bring him to be expert !

      Love tech stuff! Also love outdoor stuff !

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3.1K Posts

May 24th, 2016 03:00

H.Mochizuki    H.Mochizuki

Most of the people think ... what is DSSD ?

OK ...Lets start with what this storage for .... Block? NAS ? Object ? This is too fast so it must be memory!


Well ... cannot believe it ? Hard to imagine First and Object storage .... does not mix well together ?

Lets me show you what this can do and show you every step of the way! Lets go !

BTW The first release model called DSSD D5 . I Cannot wait for another model come up soon as well !


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May 24th, 2016 03:00

H.Mochizuki    H.Mochizuki

It was a year ago @ EMC World 2015, First DSSD show up ....

Everyone at there was shocked as it has great power. This has technology beyond anything in the market .

Now in 2016 , Finally DSSD has been GA. Most of the customer says ``Gotta have one!`` ``So simple``

``So edgy ! ``

I believe this product is the key for successful Business .So here I am, I would love to walk through

to DSSD world with you and show you How DSSD change your business !

BTW , I wrote this blog!…

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May 24th, 2016 03:00

H.Mochizuki    H.Mochizuki

Super First ....How much?


Max IOPS Over Over 1000k

Max throughput  Over 100GB/sec

Latency Under 100usec

If you think gee its fast by  above number  ... you are storage nuts....

And yes ... this spec can be done with other product ....let me show you what you need to do to get same...

spec with DSSD D5 Isilon X410(SATA model)100GB/sec see this difference !


--> if you want to get 100GB/sec spec , you need 320U 8rack Isilon ( huge! ) BUT ONLY  5U with DSSD D5!

DSSD D5 is way too fast ! ( it does not mean other storage and Isilon are slow though.....)


A DSSD D5 can have up to 48 clients connection !

General connection for storage are Ethernet ,FC , and Infiniband if you need speed .

DSSD ? None of above are used ! DSSD use PCIe Gen3 to connect Clients directory !


PCIe Gen3 are rare technology for external connection yet . Also required high quality connection for cable and other related gears ....

So We have created New DSSD IO cable and Client Card  for client connection using PCIe Gen3 technology !

We make gear if we can not find !


This connection is used NVMe technology on PCIe3 Gen3 infrastructure .

NVMe is one of the storage standard like SATA,SCSI, and designed for Flash drive .

DSSD use PCIe Gen3+NVMe technology and get latency under 100usec.

Create parts if there is none available on the market .That is  DSSD mind. We do everything to offer customer the best!

You can see how much EMC putting effort on DSSD ..

Are you getting DSSD mind now ?

Next ....will show you how Client contacts DSSD.

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3.1K Posts

May 24th, 2016 03:00

H.Mochizuki    H.Mochizuki

As I`v been saying ... DSSD is Super fast Storage ...but for what ?

Super fast system = you get better result from it .... so what is the benefit for getting fast system ?

Money ?...... Yes...... we all work for money ....

But today, I want to share something bit different ....

Medical .... DSSD fast processing technology gives quick and effective treatment for patients.

Patient`s medical history , family history ,genes ,and other patients cases ...All information

has been checked and compared ... then find best treatment . DSSD can be used for this process and shortens analysis

time by 98% . So DSSD can make better and quicker analytic result and resulted that offering best treatment to patients !

You get to wait for 100 min at GP if they are busy but if this wait time shortened by about 98 % ... nice wouldn't it ?

DSSD can make things happen quicker .... Also DSSD is Object storage ... but most of the data are block these days ,,,,

so how can you transfer those block data to Object data ...?

NO Worries ! It can be done!

We have Server software called "Flood Block Driver"You can install this to your server.

Then DSSD looks like traditional block storage at your server !

Also other stuff called "DSSD libflood" "Plug in for HDFS" are available now !

"DSSD libflood"

Library for C+.You can get best result by using this allowing access DSSD API directory

"Plug in for HDFS"

Allow HDFS  multi Analytical Processing process from multiple servers at same time .


So ...DSSD is Object storage but this  can be used for multiple storage listed below !

Object storage ( DSSD API access )

Block Storge ( Via Flood block drive )

HDFS storage ( Via HDFS Plug in )

Do you think you can use DSSD in your system and make HUGE change ?

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3.1K Posts

May 24th, 2016 04:00

H.Mochizuki    H.Mochizuki

Today, I want to share my experience with my customer ...

AS we All know, Japanese customer expects high quality when it becomes to availability,reliability.especially in finance industry ...

as it is critical .

I tought I knew what customer needs but it was shocking when my customer told that

``no need availability `` He was a stock broker  .... he needs speed more than anything else ..

Speed is the most important factor, not availability to get better trade.

There is a word `` write penalty ``

This is the time for calculate parity and write data to disk in Raid5/6 system .

It will only take one second, But for him this one second is crucial ...No write penalty allowed in his system.

It has been 2years since then  ...DSSD is out!

DSSD use Cubic RAID. This protection method used minimum space overhead and offer Max protection .

It is 2 times better availability than classical Raid6 !

DSSD has High availability and is Super fast Storage !

Now I can visit that stock broker customer and proudly introduce DSSD !

It is the chance for you to get best result in your business with DSSD while not many people got Idea of it ....

Be quick .... soon or later everyone will have DSSD !

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May 24th, 2016 19:00

Ryo.T Ryo.T

This may be very basic....What is the difference between flash module used in VNX and DSSD ?

H.Mochizuki    H.Mochizuki

DSSD has control module which manage Garbase Collection,Wear Leveling for entire DSSD so that each

NAND element can be last longer than other flash products (They have to manage on disk level which caused bottleneck)

Am I answering your question ?

Ryo.T Ryo.T

Thanks for the explanation! I just come up with idea that GPU and DSSD can be used together.

Pivotal had MATLAB kmeans test result that took 5days for process, if you can use DSSD for this

process,it will make faster ....

H.Mochizuki    H.Mochizuki

I agree with you that GPU computing and DSSD will mix well together .I know some customer had tried .

Processing of clustering is continuous co-reading,reasoning,and writing.The more clustering has been done , the more data creates...This is the ideal for DSSD. DSSD is built for processing huge amount of data.

Thanks for the reply ! you made good point ! Ryo.T !

makoto Makoto

Actually , there is a plan for DSSD and GPU ....Serious GPU user wants to use 3-4 GPU cards and end up

fight over PCI slot with DSSD !


Ryo.T Kent

It is interesting that mixing GPGPU and DSSD ...GPU has high-bandwidth, energy-efficient interconnect called NVlink ,

Imagine mixed with DSSD will create massive system !

( Mind you that NVLink only supports IBM power-processor ,,,,not DSSD yet)

H.Mochizuki    H.Mochizuki

OH ,,,there is technology for connecting GPU together ! NVlink looks faster than DSSD PCI gen3 ! ..

Super first Frontend with NVlink and Super first Backend with DSSD .... Gee this will be a beast wouldn't it ?

Thank you for the great information !

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May 24th, 2016 19:00

H.Mochizuki    H.Mochizuki

Ok,Today I will talk about cost ....

You know what is Capacity Unit price ? ( cost per 1GB ... ) To be honest with you,DSSD is not special in this DSSD is focused on speed not space.

So what is the strong point in DSSD in terms of cost ... Yep ! Performance Unit price would be the one DSSD can proud of!

It is 1GB/sec per cost,or cost per 1 IOPS. If you want to know more in detail about this,please let us know !

Ok ,Let`s move down to space ! What exactly is DSSD D5 execution capacity ?

DSSD need 18 or 36 flash module per one DSSD D5 .. ( cannot add flash module separately )


Outlined in red is Flash Module

Now you can chose 2TB or 4TB flash module but have be the same capacity withing the DSSD.

So this is the choice you have at this point ....

25TB(2TB x18disks )

50TB(2TB x36 disks or 4TB x18disks)

100TB(4TB x36disks)

BTW , DSSD can create above configuration in just 5U space ! Some people asked me if they can use daisy chain to conned or expand DSSD,unfortunately the answer is No.Let`s hope 4TB flash module come out soon !

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May 24th, 2016 23:00

H.Mochizuki    H.Mochizuk

Like I told you last week ,, DSSD is super fast machine and  very specific use .

We always put some idea about DSSD to customer ... Now it is your turn.

Please advise what you can do with DSSD ! There is always blind spot .

Sometimes best Idea came out from people from other area.

New usage of DSSD D5 Wanted !

Please do not hesitate write your thought !

Let me summarize what DSSD is ...

*Super fast ... Compare with all flash block storage. Super first , no latency

*Unlike internal connection , DSSD can share data between servers quick and easy .

*Multiple protocol can be used  ... driver for Block,API for NAS,Plug in for HDFS

This is the once in a lifetime chance for revolutionize IT ! You can create NEW world with DSSD !

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May 24th, 2016 23:00

Uehara Y.   Uehara Y

I saw TV that  AI learn how to drive and end up avoid crashing each other within 4 hours time .

If DSSD can be used for AI would open new world as this super fast function.

Wouldn't be interesting see the difference if one company use DSSD and other didn't.

Thanks you for the comment Uehara Y. Something like Machine learning( ML)  ,Deep Lerning(DL)  beginning to come on the table with our customers ..

It will not be long before  I can tell you the story about that!

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May 24th, 2016 23:00


This would be so exiting hear all about DSSD !

I really want alert for earthquake sent from NTT can be faster by using DSSD .. as DSSD can process quick for the info may related to ....Fast processing ability can save thousands of lives.


Thanks for the  comment ayas ..

It is need that fact we can predict earthquake alert early enough ....

Yes ,,gathering information from various field and put together and analyze ..... this is ideal for DSSD workload ,,

if Amount of data is too much for DSSD to handle  ,,, We can even use with Isilon...

It will become true earthquake prediction can be made way before it happens then save hundreds of lives ...

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May 25th, 2016 00:00

Sigrid_NW_EMC  Sigrid_NW_EMC

AM*Z*N deliver my order in same day ,,, I feel like saying what more we want for system speed ! of course ,, network as well .Only field we can touch may be silence and nature like ayas suggested ,,,

I saw the article about software called waifu2x, This Linux platformed software's used technology for Deep Learning and give great resolution to old photos ends up looks like new ,,, if waifu2x and DSSD can work together , It will add more chance to find tiny little cancer cells that what used be !

Also in archaeology ,, this field become digitization now.We do not need to dive into deep sea to investigate Titanic. It is only need to scan it  and investigate in  virtual reality. People were surprised when this virtual reality investigation result has revealed as it was pretty good one even it did not went through under water .

Egypt ... pyramid has symmetric rooms inside ... but as it is protected architecture investigation cannot be done Unless you can see though the wall .... Imagine if you can use better scanning photo technology ,,,

We may be able to check inside of pyramid without damaging wall around !

Whole new world will open .. so exciting !

But still we are rely on human ability for some area ,,, like plane crash .. if we could use DSSD for this kind of investigation and get more accurate result ,  I do not need to scare every time got on to place.

If this cannot be comprehend ... lets talk about surveillance area ,,, we can use DSSD and Isilon and get better visual resolution technique and bad guy can be find sooner ,,,, It will not long before till surveillance  camera arrest bad guy with excellent facial recognition ... To be honest I do not like big brother watching me all the time though...

Technology has always dream! I can talk this over night ,,, but I better get back to work ...LOL

H.Mochizuki    H.Mochizuk

HI Sigrid... thanks for the great Ideas ! Did not think DSSD can be used archaeology ! It must me huge amount of image data DSSD need to process!

Also Wrecked ship ,,, High speed processing will comes in handy if only limited time and space has been offered for investigation .

So as Plane crash ,,,, DSSD can be life saver for this kind of  field and that is ideal for anybody work on this industry ...

The solution for mystery of the world would be DSSD ,,,, wouldn't it Sigrid ?

I enjoy your comment ,,,thanks !

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May 25th, 2016 01:00

When I explain about DSSD ,,, I often got asked `` what is difference between AFA ( All flash array like xtremIO ) and DSSD ?

OK! Let me show you ...

This is the AFA ( see photo below )



*has all comfortable function you can think of ( like air con , car navigation etc ...)

* Be able to drive any load ..

Like in the photo ,, AFA looks cool and very handy ( snapshot /replication/compression/de-dup etc )

Now ,,this is DSSD ( see photo below)



*you can drive normal road if you really wants to ... ( need some effort for it )

* Air con ? car navigation ? .... forget them ... well at least seat-belt is there though.

DSSD is like F1 ,,, made only for specific propose ``FAST ``  Anything else are not matter ..

there is no snapshot/replication/compression/dedup so it would be easy to create  quote! but Cubic RAID protects data though !

So you can safely enjoy fast machine !

Can you feel the difference on AFA and DSSD ?

Think about DSSD when you just want Speed .. you get what you want !

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May 25th, 2016 01:00

Sigrid_NW_EMC  Sigrid_NW_EMC

Last day for the event.......

Yes ! DSSD will be good tool for solving mystery of the world ... but DSSD is a single sided product , it has double and triple sides or more .....there are many area DSSD can be used.

Frankly speaking ...DSSD is kind of fire for early human ,,,Like super computer or quantum computer in the early stage of It industry. Processing huge ( 100T class ) data with super fast speed will be serious threat when it is used for wrong area,,, that is why we need human wisdom ( means application which handle DSSD pretty well ) need to be involved .

Like ayas suggested ,, Area DSSD can be good at lives anyhow.

Surveillance camera may help cut down crimes ,

Traffic camera may help car accidents and traffic jam.

More so,,, trading system can be super fast ....random walk and chart analysis ,,,then scalping stocks creates endless money making system !

Gee I wish Dept of Pension office implement this system !

Talking about wreck ship investigation, Most important fact is the the ship itself are changing every minutes  under water so need to investigate and collect information while you can  .. we can even capture the moment before its disappear.

Soon or later .. we may be able to input even human into system DSSD used then interact with human being in the future or 100 year ago ..

It is pity that I do not have guts to build that kind of system , but somebody will make this happen one day !

Sorry I am getting too far  ,,, but I am the true believer for New world DSSD can create !

H.Mochizuki    H.Mochizuki

Hi Sigrid,

thanks heaps for the update  2days in the row..

It is quite amazing that you mentioned about `` Capture information or Save time `` for the use of DSSD . I never

thought about it ! Yes , if you can process fast enough then be able to snapshot every moment at the time ...

And Idea about Interaction with other time line, that Idea gave me goose bumps, One day somebody came up and saying ..

`` We create time machine! with DSSD ! ``

If that happens ,, amount of data will be enormous,,, I also would like to offer Isilon for back end .. LOL   

This is great that whole new Idea came out from forum users ,,, I am so excited and appreciate the reply from you all !

Please give me brain buzz more!!!

come on !

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May 25th, 2016 01:00


Takayuki Takayuki

I can see everyone are saying DSSD is fast !

but I need to see with my eyes ,,, can you please tell me when or where I can see that ? like Demo ..

As I need to see it ... I am very skeptical  ...

Yes ,, we are planning to do Demo , In APJ , there is Demo environment in Singapore ( 4 Times PCIe Gen3 x4 = 16GBytes/sec bandwidth ,, ) This Lab creates 100kIOPS easy ...

I will update you once we have more result ! Keep in touch !

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May 25th, 2016 01:00

Xperia   Xperia 

If DSSD is fast ,,, What about use DSSD  for Super computer component so that Super computer will get

super super fast !

H.Mochizuki    H.Mochizuki

Thanks for the Idea !

Yes that is the Ideal for use case for DSSD !

Super computer storage compornent are used to enhunce server performance also size need to be small as it could be .

DSSD has high performance sepc and only 5U size .... Super computer may size down if DSSD is used for storage unit .

BTW , Max DSSD capacity is 100TB , This is not enough for using Super computer.. so using with storage like Isilon would be the realistic option ...

Xperia   Xperia

If DSSD can help space saving for  Supercomputer .. it would be wonderful !

It may need 10years of time to get where it become true ,,,but remember, when we first had calculator it was huge and soon we have laptop !

If super computer become smaller and many people can have it ,, the world become ful of good ideas!

bright futue on DSSD !

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