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10 Posts


January 20th, 2019 13:00

Inspiron 7577 Caps Lock, 2, w, s, x randomly stop working

My 7577 internal keyboard Caps Lock, 2, w, s, x keys randomly stop working.

Search the internet and found that many people have/had the same issue. However, no concrete solution posted even though many of the issued are marked as solved.

- Many suggested it's the hardware issue and recommended cleaning, disconnecting & reconnecting the internal cable, or replacing the keyboard.

- Fewer people suggested it's software/malware.

One guy mentioned that he was able to get rid of the malware by running AVG + Windows Defender + Malwarebytes + Spybot at the same time. He said the antivirus/antimalware couldn't detect/remove this malware when each ran independently. 

I am inclined to believe it is the software issue, because when ran multiple antimalware/antivirus, the defective keys come back to life like nothing happened. The keys might work fine for few hours, then they would stop working again.

- I have tried different combos of antivirus/antimalware and none were able to resolve the keyboard issue permanently. For the antivirus, besides the Windows defender (that I always use), I have tried Avast (Free), Bitdefender (free), Kaspersky (Free), NOD32 (online). For antimalware/antirootkit, besides the Spybot and Malwarebytes (that I always use), I have tried Hitman, Zemana's, Emsisoft's, TDSS killer, ADW Cleaner, and Roguekiller.

- I already tried reformatting the HD + reinstallation windows but the problem came back. (Perhaps, I reinstall software too soon with ninite. And perhaps, the virus comes with one of the software?)

- All the drivers/firmwares are up to date per Microsoft, Dell, and Intel. I'm starting to think that it's the BIOS virus.

Any recommendations? I'm seriously considering switching to Mac just for the ease of access to customer service. I have always used external keyboard most of the time (barely used the internal keyboard) so I find out the issue about the defective keys when my Inspiron is already out warranty. Thanks for the suggestions in advance.

10 Posts

January 20th, 2019 14:00

Are there any significant differences between disc image through Dell OS Recovery tool and disc image directly from Microsoft?

Before I noticed the keyboard issue, my 7577 would occasionally freeze (and the solutions were either unplug and replug the power cable, or close and reopen the screen). People on the internet said Dell software is the culprit. Once I install a fresh copy of Windows (directly from Microsoft), the occasional freeze issue disappears for good. 

9 Legend


33.3K Posts

January 20th, 2019 14:00

IF it is a virus/malware you need to do a total reinstall but do not install any extras.  If it works ok with the basic Dell disc image then start reinstalling apps one at a time and see how it works.  Or, if you are installing from a flash drive, run a virus/malware scan on the flash drive then reformat the hard drive and only install Windows. If its OK with just Windows then install apps one at a time and see how it works after each app install.

A virus in the BIOS is not very likely.


9 Legend


33.3K Posts

January 20th, 2019 15:00

Win 10 is the same whether a Dell provided or direct from Microsoft.  There are extra drivers installed with the Dell disc image and maybe some extra apps, but the basic Windows is the same.

This has been a myth for years that the Windows from PC vendors (Dell, HP, Acer, etc) is not the same as Windows from Microsoft.




9 Legend


33.3K Posts

January 22nd, 2019 14:00

I have no idea why your posts and my response were deleted. 

However, my response was:

If you do another clean install, only install Windows, do not install McAfee (just use the built in and very adequate Windows Defender AV) and Malwarebytes.  Nothing else.  If the keyboard works OK initially, wait a couple of days to see if it still works OK or develops a problem before installing any other apps.  If OK after several days then install one app at a time and test it for a day or two and if it messes up chances are it was the app.  If OK install another app and do the same thing.  This is a hassle but needed.



10 Posts

January 22nd, 2019 14:00

Before formatting and reinstalling Windows, the broken keys start working again in SAFE mode.

After formatting and reinstalling Windows, the keys start working again temporary. I ran Windows update right away. (Didn't even run updates from mfg, e.g., Nvidia and Intel.) 

Installed McAfee, the keys still worked.

Installed Malwarebytes, the keys still worked.

Installed Firefox with UBlock and No Script, the key still worked.

The broken keys (Caps Lock, 2, W, S, X) worked for about 4 hours. I went to bed for 6 hours and woke up, and the broken keys stopped working again. This time, going through safe mode (through a guest account) didn't fixed the issue either. Going back to using the admin account, the keys didn't work initially but after a while started working again. However, now I'm paranoid about using this computer. My productivity has significantly gone down.

I had other computer issues before in the past, but none costed me this much time and energy in fixing. 

At this point I'm considering selling this laptop, but I just upgraded HD1 to a 1TB NVMe drive. How much would I be able to sell a laptop with i7-7700HQ, 16GB RAM, 1060 Max-Q 3GB with a broken keyboard?

Going through local shops and they charge inspection fee whether they can fix it or not. Any helps/suggestions? 

10 Posts

January 22nd, 2019 14:00

My issue is NOT solved.

Why was my latest replies deleted? If this is how Dell treated customers, you think people will continue to buy your products? It is common knowledge than unsatisfied customers are more likely to discuss your products (negatively). The way you deleted my posts showed a lack of transparency. Instead of helping customers solving their issues, you silence them? 

10 Posts

January 22nd, 2019 16:00

Thanks, fireberd. The thing is this issue happened even before McAfee was installed. 

I tried different free antiviruses, until I remember that my ISP offered free McAfee Internet Security Suite. 

Your suggestion makes sense. It's just I bought this laptop to use. I believe most people buy their computers to use, and not to test why this and that software is not compatible with their computers -- especially, when those software work fine with other computers.

If I didn't use an external keyboard, I might have found out about this issue sooner. I did test the internal keyboard when I first got it, but it worked fine (somewhat like right now, where the issue comes and goes.) I use an external keyboard to increase productivity. 

Thanks though, will try to negotiate with local shops -- although solutions described on their websites seem like something I could do myself. In the meantime, will likely have to get another computer while sorting this issue out; who can wait to install only 1 software/2 days after a clean installation, realistically? Thought I got a good deal with this laptop. Lesson learned. A poor man pays twice. Should have opted for an extended warranty, a better laptop (XPS? Alienware?) or a professional laptop, or a laptop from another camp.   

293 Posts

January 22nd, 2019 18:00

Just brainstorming besides what Fireberd suggested:  Did you run Dell's diagnotics for your specific 7577?  Run Malwarebyte?  Just a note: You don't need 2nd or 3rd party anti-Virus as previously mentioned....long story short,  but still run Malwarebytes every so often on my heavily used PC.  It probably could be one of the BIOS updates too.  

My previous i7, 2 yr old, ASUS, had a HD issue this past December. Rather than replacing the HD, I took the $$$ and bought this 7572.   The other Inspiron is 4 years old and no issues.  I am skeptical, with performing a BIOS update when they come out.  Since DELL only introduced my model in October 2018, I did do a BIOS update in their December release, but won't do any more.  I will update any others.

I kinda learned that from our IT Mgr,  due to our own existing software in special systems, and the change in new HP shipments,  the BIOS from HP was no longer compatible with our software.  We had to make software changes in our own product.  The new HP laptop shipments,  had the updated BIOS and could not be reversed.  YES, BIOS, can be an issue to work with all kinds of software/programs. 

My 4 installed action games and Geforce 602 mouse, are just fine on my new 7572.  But, NO future BIOS updates!  Do at your own risk. lol

10 Posts

January 22nd, 2019 19:00

Thanks Teetertotter,

This issue is annoying lol. Didn't know what to do so the instinct was to update everything! Even then, the BIOS update somehow never seemed to finish until I reformat the HD and reinstall windows, and the BIOS update somehow went through. But it didn't fix anything lol. 

I kind of giving up on this lol. Just remember I bought it with a CC, and most of them extend the warranty for another year. Call AMEX, they open a case, and told me they'll get back to me within 2 business days. Curious to see how they will fix/diagnose this since the issue comes and goes lol. One thing I found out while talking to the insurance agent was that my 7577 1060 Max-Q actually comes with 6 GB of RAM instead of 3 GB. Bought it for gaming, but work and school actually prevented me from doing that T_T 

Now I have more time, and the keyboard is **bleep**. BTW, I did run all diagnostics and they came back normal except I still could not use the 2 W S X and Caps Lock keys. (Never test the F2 key, but from reading on the internet, these keys seem to **bleep** out at the same time.) One guy swears that it's malware, not hardware. Tried everything lol, wasted days.  

February 10th, 2019 18:00

Have you find any solution yet? Im having the same problem here and i dont know what to do, its kind of exhausting having an external keyboard for portable device thats its not working as its suppose to.

9 Legend


33.3K Posts

February 11th, 2019 03:00

I've serviced two laptops for clients with flakey keys - either do not work or intermittent.  Replacing the keyboard on both of them fixed the problems.  One was an Acer and the other a Lenovo.  I haven't looked at what is involved on this Dell model to replace the keyboard but on the Acer it was a major task, the Lenovo not as much.

3 Posts

June 12th, 2019 01:00

I'm also experiencing the same issue since past 2 weeks. My laptop is same spec (i7-7700HQ, RAM 16GB, 1060 Max-Q with 6GB VRAM). Any updates? I've tried many ways and this is so annoying man. 

9 Legend


33.3K Posts

June 19th, 2019 09:00

Those are a classic symptom of a defective keyboard.  The membrane switches make contact sometimes and sometimes not.  If it was a software problem all the keys would be flakey.


1 Message

June 19th, 2019 09:00

same thing here, thinking of replacing the keyboard but somehow still wondering it still a software issue since it's working sometimes ... if it's a hardware issue it should not work at all

3 Posts

June 21st, 2019 01:00

My 1 year warranty expired last month.The keys not working for me are caps, 2, w, s, x and Right Shift keys. If any key from caps, 2, w, s, and x works, all keys will work. Right Shift key is separated though, no idea for that. Fortunately caps locks has a light toggle, so I boot into BIOS pressing F12 and test whether it is a software or hardware issue. Found that it is a hardware issue since the keys randomly stop working even in BIOS select screen. We are having this issue in so many users and Dell still neglecting this. How will Dell take responsibility for this defect keyboard? I am sure that I will not purchase a Dell product from now on.
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