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This post is more than 5 years old


April 4th, 2012 06:00

14z- N411z Multiple failures

I've had a dell technician out 3 times in the last week to replace a touchpad issue with jumping cursor- they replaced the mother board also.  then the display went bad. tech came out and replaced mother board but the new MB would not power on so he put the old one back in. said it must have been a loose connection to the screen. next day, system would not power on.  came out today for the 3rd time and replaced MD, power charge connector, new adaptor and who knows what else.  working fine until the laptop just shut off. can't power on- can't do anything.  i've been asking to get this lemon replaced. send me a new 14z and i'll put my old hard drive in and be good to go.  but they won't do it.  it has to be repaired.  take care of this problem and give me a new computer. stand up for your products.  it is a 6 month old lemon. oh, and in trying to repair it the first two times, they fried the cable to the webcam also which today's tech pointed out to me.  i am stunned by dell's response.

9 Posts

October 5th, 2012 11:00

i can't recall exactly- it just seems as if it's been an ongoing problem and i live with it unfortunately.  sometimes i wonder if pressure on the area beside the touchpad where i rest my wrists has anything to do with it - also, it seems as if it doesn't happen initially when i am using my computer but seems as if cursor problems seem to occur if i have been working for a while- just anecdotal observation.  i'll try the touch freeze.

4 Operator


4.4K Posts

October 6th, 2012 02:00

Hi  rrleon1,

Since we are not sure if replacing the touchpad had fixed this issue at all and you have already tried updating the drivers,we may need to get the system serviced(replace touchpad) one more time and see if that helps.After trying touchfreeze if there is no change,private message me your system service tag number,along with your full name,address and phone number.

To private message click on my user name,click start conversation.

October 9th, 2012 23:00

I purchased by Dell N411Z last November and I also have an issue with the touchpad where the cursor randomly jumps around and will not respond to touch. The issue started within 2 months of receiving the laptop. I decided to use a wireless mouse as my work around, however, that uses up one of the USB ports that I now need. Plus the warranty will expire soon and I want to try to get this issue resolved. To the Dell rep on this thread, I did try your fix and I deleted the driver as well as Quickset64. I installed those again but that, unfortunately, did not fix the problem. I am not comfortable installing the 3rd party program on my laptop and frankly I should not have to do that. I want Dell to stand behind their product. Please let me know on what steps we can take to fix the issues. It seems from my research tonight both here and on other websites, many people have this issue. I look forward to hearing from you.  Thank you.

6 Posts

October 10th, 2012 05:00

I had the Touch Pad replaced on Monday and so far it seems much better.

4 Operator


4.4K Posts

October 10th, 2012 09:00

Hi  tvmeteorologist,

Welcome to the Community,

Since updating drivers did not help,to fix the issue we may need to get the touchpad replaced.Please private message me your system service tag number.To private message click on my user name and click start conversation.

I will check your system details and get back to you with repair options.

Thank You

1 Message

April 11th, 2013 22:00

I thought I was crazy.  I have been researching this problem of the jumping cursor thinking that I needed to change some setting or had done something incorrectly.  I will be typing along and look up only to discover that I am now typing in the middle of a word on another paragraph.  This has been getting really bad lately.  I also notice that I am in a website scrolling around, and if I hover too long on a certain place, my computer will leave the site I am on and totally hijack me and send me to another site.  This is driving me crazy.  I did not realize that this is a problem with the computer.  I thought I had done something to change settings. Can I get someone to look at this?  I bought this in November so I guess it is still under warranty.  I do not know what to do with a computer if it is not working properly.  I have really loved this computer until now.

4 Operator


4.4K Posts

April 12th, 2013 02:00

Hi ebarmer,

Welcome to the Community,

Try installing this Touch freeze utility (it disables touchpad automatically while you are typing text) and confirm is the issue persists even after installing it.

Use this link to download and install:

Let me know how it goes.

Thank You

9 Posts

April 12th, 2013 09:00

This worked for me- it's really too bad though.  I use a mouse for most of my stuff but there are times when I pull out my laptop and would like to use the touchpad.  It will work for a while and then get all jumpy again.  Then I disable it and everything is good.  I too like the laptop, hate the damn touch pad.  Love the location of the touchpad for my typing, so have no idea why this was a problem.  Would luv to replace the touchpad if I could do it myself- i just don't want to send it in- i use it daily.  Bob

4 Operator


4.4K Posts

April 16th, 2013 02:00

Hi Bob,

Are you still having issues with the Touchpad even after trying the Touch Freeze?

If yes,private message me your system Service tag number.To private message click on my user name,click start conversation.

Thank You

1 Message

July 9th, 2013 18:00

I've tried to disable my touchpad, but can't seem to do it. I have a wireless mouse, but it hasn't solved the problem of my cursor going wherever it wants.  It's very difficult to work with. I already had the hard drive and MB replaced for another issue. Can you help?

9 Posts

July 9th, 2013 19:00

To disable the touchpad, just hit the Fn (function) key and the F3 key at the same time.  This will toggle the touchpad on and off.  My cursor will still jump with my wireless mouse if the touchpad is enabled but I don't have any problems with the cursor jumping if the touchpad is disabled.  I just wish the stupid touchpad would work.  I don't need it ofter but would be nice to have it work when I need it.  Have not been satisfied with Dell's service at all.  Shoddy.  They screwed up my webcam trying to fix the touchpad.  Pinched a wire- sent out a new one and it still doesn't work.  I just don't have time to send it in to the shop so I'm about done with Dell as are a lot of people I know.

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