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This post is more than 5 years old


3 Posts


April 5th, 2008 23:00

A11 on Inspiron 1525 incompatible w/ Vista SP1?

I made the mistake of applying a BIOS update very close to the same time that I had applied Vista SP1 on aDell Inspiron 1525. After applying both updates, the laptop would consistently reboot when put to sleep (hardreboot instead of sleep), and would reboot instead of shutting down when hibernating after committing thememory image to disk. Rolling back SP1 would make the problem intermittent, but did not resolve completely. Reapplying SP1 and rolling the BIOS back to A09 seems to have resolve the issue.


Is there a known incompatability with BIOS A11 and Vista SP1 on the Inspiron 1525?  

7 Posts

May 8th, 2008 11:00

I know some our issues seem to be connected to the BIOS, but I can't really believe that is the problem. I have A11 and a clean re-install of Vista running just fine now. As I slowly re-installed drivers and a variety of software, including Office 2003, I experienced moments of sleep problems, but after a couple of system restores and re-installs, my system seems to be working properly -- for the moment. Until we know the actual source of the sleep/restart issue, I know I won't feel comfortable with Vista. I hold my breath every time I close the lid!

3 Posts

May 8th, 2008 18:00

i just wanted to add my vote for having this "reboot on Sleep" problem with the Inspiron 1525 I purchased mid-April 2008. The laptop shipped from Dell with BIOS A10 installed and Vista without SP1. I installed SP1 about a week ago, and have had the reboot problems ever since that time.  Reboot even occures with a click on the true shutdown option.

41 Posts

May 8th, 2008 20:00

This problem was solved for me by downgrading to BIOS A09. I've been back on A09 for three weeks and haven't had any problems with rebooting after hibernate. Since it's unclear what advantages A11 offers, I guess I'll just stick with A09 since it works flawlessly as far as I can tell. It would be nice to hear from Dell on this issue, though.



41 Posts

May 9th, 2008 15:00

Here's a lnk to BIOS A09. Just follow the directions. Dell will warn you that it normally does not recommend going from a higher version number to a lower but in this case, that's the whole point:


8 Posts

May 9th, 2008 15:00

a quick advice about how to downgrade the bios to v09?

flash in windows metod please.

i gotta try or else i will install vista without sp1 if that wont work

8 Posts

May 9th, 2008 19:00

i really don't get it .. if the problem is the A11 biso version, must be a problem happened in conjuction with something else, because the error is inconsistent.


and another thing .. there isn't any reference in all logs (events viewer) at the time of the crash

343 Posts

May 9th, 2008 20:00

So, my Inspirion VISTA 1525 which supposedly will ship on May 20 :smileywink: what are chances it will have SP1 and the A11 bios?


I plan on installing my never unwraped Office 2007 on this guy.

8 Posts

May 9th, 2008 20:00

thanks for the url.


and Celestin i wont be surprised not to be listed in the event viewer because its just reboots at the end of the hibernate process.

The laptop just reboots when it had to shutdown ... and you can resume the hibernate like it was a successfull hibernation

8 Posts

May 10th, 2008 17:00



on my system, hibernation is disabled so only sleep is available


so ..after my last post, on multiple sleep/shutdown operations, no reboot occur .. if the problem is A11, there's a good chance that one of the drivers/soft AND A11 bios together cause the problems and not just bios update

13 Posts

May 12th, 2008 13:00

It seems that we all have a similar problem, but not exactly the same.


Initially I had sleep/hibernate problems, but shut down was OK. After having read your experiences, I downgraded to A09, but then the sleep/hibernate problems persist. Moreover, I realized that the PC could not  shut down (it reboots instead)!  Then I downloaded A11 and tried to get it back, but surprise:  the installation of A11 restarted automatically the PC and errored out (no valid ROM found). At that moment I really wanted to throw it out of the window. I tried again A11, then it is OK, so I could go sleep myself (not the PC).


Next day I was at the point of returning the PC to Dell, but I tried the following:

the 2nd workaround on that page (I do not understand EHCI, anyway I was not using any USB device),  then sleep is successful. Shut down is OK too. I still have A11 at this point.


Though things seem working now, I never know if next sleep or shut down will be successful or not!


12 Posts

May 14th, 2008 07:00

Same problem here: Spanish Inspiron 1525, BIOS A11, Windows Vista SP1 and intermitent reboots on suspend, hibernate and shutdown.


All drivers are updated, I reinstall Vista and this problem persist.


Tonight I will try downgrade to A09 .


Dell must solve this issue.

7 Posts

May 14th, 2008 15:00

I hope this helps everyone. I contacted Microsoft through their e-mail support center. They suggested two things that seem to have solved my sleep problems. First, switch to the High Performance power management option and be sure to change the multimedia setting to Allow Computer to Sleep.


Second (and probably the real solution for my system), they suggested disabling several non-essential device drivers and then re-enable them one-by-one to find the culprit. So, follow these steps:

1. Go to Device Manager (via Classic View of Control Panel) right-click and Disable devices like: DVD, audio, any non-essential USB devices like a mouse, modem, ethernet or wireless (whichever you don't use).

2. Test sleep.

3. If sleep works, you have it narrowed down to one or more of those devices.

4. Re-enable devices on at a time, starting with the most important, like DVD, USB devices, ethernet, etc.

5. Test sleep between each change.


For my system, the problem was with the Microsoft High Def. Audio Device. I also have the Sigma Tel High Def. Audio CODEC, which seems to work fine. For now, sleep is working just fine and I don't think I'm losing anything keeping the MS Audio Device disabled. I believe it is intended for external speakers, which I don't use on the laptop.


This solution also seems to explain the intermitent nature of the sleep problems. Sometimes I would use the laptop for just a few minutes and it would sleep fine. It may be that using an application that makes sound (like a game) would activate the audio device and cause a problem with sleep.


Maybe... either way, I have run through several sleep cycles now without any problems.

8 Posts

May 14th, 2008 18:00

great help we got to try

But this has to be resolved by they with a driver update or something...

I need the speakers from time to time btw =)

12 Posts

May 15th, 2008 09:00

Downgrading BIOS version does not work for me, nor disabling device drivers from device manager. The issue persists, but it's intermitent. Normally, is when suspending the machine two or more times in a row, then reboots.


I'll try to make a clean install without Vista's SP1 and see if the problem persist. I think the problem comes with the SP1, so, for the moment, i will not install the service pack.


What about Dell? The spanish support tells me that I have to install the SP1. I refered to this post and i'm waiting a response.


We'll see.


PS: I'm sorry for my bad English :smileysad: 

2 Posts

May 15th, 2008 13:00

I have been experience this problem as well. I have a 1525 w/Vista SP1


I had BIOS A8 and tried going to A9 to see if that would work. Short answer: no.


PLEASE Dell -- fix this problem! It is very frustrating. I would love this laptop completely if not for this flaw.

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