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November 29th, 2015 22:00

Dell XPS 13 9350 touchpad two finger scrolling "jumps"


I have the brand new Dell XPS 13 9350 with Windows 10. When I use the touchpad with two fingers to scroll down on websites the content "jumps" back up some lines. This happens when lifting the fingers from the touchpad.

It occurs in Chrome and Edge and is pretty annoying because I'm losing focus on the page I'm reading everytime I use two finger scrolling.

Any idea how this can be fixed? I found no driver for touchpad on Dells support page for the XPS 13 and I'm not sure if I should use Synaptic drivers ...

Thanks in advance

4 Operator


5.2K Posts

December 15th, 2015 13:00

Yes, it might work, but some Win 10 updates will delete this and link to the built in Win 10 Precision. Microsoft plans to add additional features to this driver periodically, so you will need to do the Synaptics driver after most updates. I do not understand why they decided to do this and not include all the advertised features initially. A post by one of their developement team (no longer acessable!!) Indicated this was their intentional strategy.

3 Posts

December 26th, 2015 15:00

I have the same problem on mine. This really ***, its unusable at times.

3 Posts

December 26th, 2015 15:00

I have the same problem on my 9350. I have just updated Win10 to 1511 and still the same problem. The laptop is unusable at times, this must be fixed ASAP.

3 Posts

December 26th, 2015 15:00

Testing, why cant I post on the forum?

2 Posts

January 20th, 2016 14:00

I recently returned the Dell XPS 13 after having the same issue. It was very frustrating, as I had spent several hours on the phone (most of it on hold) with customer care and tech support trying to resolve the issue, but to no avail. After reading this forum, it helps me to understand why. I tried different mouse settings, also to no avail. Tech support then downloaded some new drivers for me, which didn't resolve the issue either. I then did a complete erase and reload, which didn't change a thing. I also tried Edge, Chrome, and Firefox, and had the same issue in each. Way more time than I wanted to be spending on a brand new computer!!  Tech support couldn't tell me if it was a common issue, though I can now see from this forum that it is. I had considered ordering a replacement XPS 13, but since I couldn't get any answers from tech support, didn't want to go through the whole process over again- and have to spend several more hours on the phone. Sad, because the computer is rated so highly, and I was hoping to feel the same, but the jumping screen was not something I wanted to live with. I have other windows and mac machines, and don't have this issue. I responded to several emails Dell sent me about my experience (and also included my phone #), and I've never received a response to any of them. 

January 21st, 2016 04:00

I have exactly the same issue with my XPS 13 (9350), also, sometimes when I scrolling in a webpage, it will suddenly become pitch to zoom in / out. The whole experience is horrible, my 7 years old MacBook is much better than that.

Everyday I've discovered new issue with my XPS13, I feel like paying dell $2K be a testing engineer..... or should they pay me for that? 

2 Posts

January 21st, 2016 22:00

I have exactly the same problem for my xps 13 9350. the touchpad is jumpy while using two fingers scrolling.. this is REALLY annoying! spending a thousand dollar just for this trouble??

another problem with the touchpad is that it rattles while clickin' on it... feels like the touchpad is very loose...

look at MacBook's touchpad.. what a shame!!!

1 Message

February 11th, 2016 01:00

It seems to me you have to be a pc power user to be able to fix these XPS issues... not OK, what will the average user do?

First I had to install a beta graphic card driver to stop the laptop from freezing every 10 seconds. That took an evening to figure out...

Now I have to jump through hoops to try to find a working 2-finger scroll - come on! The whole reason I switched from a Surface Pro 4 to XPS was due to the small trackpad on the Surface Pro keyboard. Kind of funny but still not really :)

My 2-finger scroll issue

  • When scrolling in one direction the scroll jumps back a few centimetres most times I lift my fingers.
  • Oddity: at times it works as it should! Right now it did for a minute for example.
  • No easy workaround like disabling some stuff or reversing scroll
  • Not working with Win update
  • Haven't tried Synaptics workaround above, don't know if I can be bothered considering returning...

1 Message

February 18th, 2016 13:00

Exactly the same here.

I could not find any solution so far.

February 18th, 2016 15:00

I can't believe people are still reporting this issue and NOTHING has been done to amend this.  I returned mine awhile back and they took it back as a defective touchpad.  Clearly a design flaw.  

1 Message

May 16th, 2016 06:00

If I disable 2-pinch zoom and tapping on the trackpad, it solves the scrolling issue (for now).  Yes, not ideal, because now I have to click instead of tapping.  But at least the scrolling is smooth.

2 Posts

June 11th, 2016 22:00

There is a fix, but yes, Dell seems unwilling to do much about it. I tried a couple computers from Dell that all had the same issue. Went to the Microsoft store and tried one of their XPS 13's-- not an issue. I thought I was just going to have to learn to live with it on the one I purchased from Dell, but after having an issue with my bluetooth not connecting, I sent the computer in to Dell to fix it. It was a bit of descent in to ***, as it took many, many hours on the phone with Dell tech support in India. After many hours unloading and reloading drivers, windows, etc., all to no avail, they finally sent a tech out for a home visit, and he replaced the video card. To no avail. So then I had to send it in to Dell repair depot center. They sent it back as certified working, and replaced the logic board and palmrest. When I got it back, it wouldn't power up at all. Had to send it back again.  I no longer seem to have the scrolling issue, but spent several more hours/days on the phone trying to resolve the bluetooth issue with tech support, again to no avail. Didn't want to send it in a 3rd time, as Dell has had the computer more than I have. I went down to the Microsoft store and they figured out pretty quickly that the bluetooth issue was an old driver interfering with a new driver. When it works, it's a nice product, but I can honestly say I wouldn't recommend Dell to anyone based on my tech support experience. Or, if you do buy a Dell, your much better off getting it from a Microsoft store. It's a long, long way from my Apple experience, both in terms of the quality of the product and the quality of their tech support. You pay more for Apple up front, but I've wasted way more time (and money)  just trying to get a new Dell product to work properly. Once you're past the 30 day return window, good luck getting any reasonable help from them. You'll get mired in their phone web, and you talk to several different techs, and have to explain your problem from the beginning to each new person you talk to. I feel sorry for their techs-- it's not their fault-- it's the way Dell leadership has designed it-- obviously it saves them lots of money doing it this way. 

1 Message

August 18th, 2016 18:00

Ok after lots of searching and frustration and trying multiple solutions I found online that didn't work I finally found one that did.  I was having this same problem and it definitely was more than a minor annoyance--it bordered on making the laptop completely unusable.  I can't believe dell would let they're flagship series of ultrabooks go out like this with what is obviously an extremely widespread and well documented problem.  Really speaks volumes about why the company has been going down the tubes the last several years.  That being said, the xps is a wonderful laptop once this issue is fixed (oh minus the terrible network adapter that comes stock and will have to be replaced--at least that's an easy fix...)  And this is coming from a guy whose been using mackbook pros for the last 10 years or so.  And yes, dell doesn't even have drivers for the touchpad on this model's (xps 13 9350) driver download page.  Ok, you'll lose some of the gesture functions, which is a bummer, but it really is a world of difference compared to the touchpad experience provided by dell.  Here's the fix:

First, I used windows media installer on a usb drive to reinstall a "clean" version of windows and get rid of all the dell bloatware (simple process that can be found with a quick online search.  Though I would imagine the touchpad fix will probably work without doing this.)

Then I followed this guy's instructions step by step:

Ok dell won't let me paste in a link it looks like so just google the following and it's the first link that comes up.

"XPS 13 9530 / XPS 15 9550 Replace Windows PTP Precision Touchpad (PTP) driver with Synaptics driver"

*note that this guy (actually i think he sources the instructions from some one else as well) wrote this thing for his xps with the QHD display so when he says to edit the registry entry value to 800 if you have the lower reslution FHD display maybe try 600 instead or I think I even just left it at 400 and cranked all the pointer speed sliders up to full and that worked for me.

4 Operator


5.2K Posts

August 19th, 2016 15:00

Dell doesn't have a touchpad driver because the driver is built into Windows 8 & 10, and controlled by MS. Although tweaking around the built in driver may do some good, the next time the OS is updated, the MS Precision driver will again be in charge.

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