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This post is more than 5 years old


January 9th, 2010 19:00

M1710 - Arctic Silver 5 - High temps


I am in a bit of a predicament and in need for some advice please :emotion-1:.  A few days ago i applied some Arctic silver 5 to the CPU to get things running nice and cool :emotion-21: but when i put it all back together again and checked the temps the CPU was running warmer.  As this is the first time I’ve done this so i though maybe i hadn't applied it correctly, i did it again but temps are still running warm.  I've seen plenty of application vids and tutorials and I’m 100% sure I’ve applied it correctly. 


My temps are as follows.

Peak: core 1 – 75. core 2 - 78 

Idle temps: Both cores usually same at around 46- 52

Under slow fans - Both cores usually same at around 32-38

These temps are pritty much exactly the same as they were before.


I am worried though as when i first applied the thermal paste i applied it very thinly and when i checked the head sink to see if i was getting proper contact with the CPU, one side of the heat sink was clean of thermal paste.  Second time around I applied it a little thicker.

Simple tasks such as opening an internet browser windows can raise the temps to around 65-71 but they quickly subside back to idle temps if the fans don't kick in.

I am starting considered just putting a thermal pad on it instead, I would be disappointing though as it would mean I have no need for the Arctic Silver 5 I bough especially for it:emotion-6:.

I would very much appreciate any advice.

1K Posts

January 10th, 2010 07:00

Hi Matt and welcome to DeLL Forums.

First the heatsink must be in contact with the CPU. Are you sure you are putting it back (heatsink) correctly? Did your M1710 came with a Thermal Pad? Did you check your CPU specs to find out normal temp range? It has to past a couple of weeks for the thermal paste to settle in.

Normally the layer of thermal paste is applied very thinly onto the CPU but the heatsink must be touching the CPU.

Edit: Your M1710 came with a thermal pad. you are better off using another thermal pad. Read your manual.

16 Posts

January 10th, 2010 16:00

Hello, thanks for the welcome :) but I’ve been on here for a long time just haven’t posted much :emotion-4: 

100% sure everything’s been put back correctly as I used the Dell service manual, followed it to the letter.  Yeah it originally came with a Thermal Pad  but I’ve been told good stories with AS5 so I thought id give it ago.  Didn’t know it took a couple of weeks to bed in though, I will have to bare that in mind. 

As for the CPU temp range I believe it’s around 66 degrees.  I presume that’s not under load.    





16 Posts

January 11th, 2010 08:00

Anyone else have any suggestions?

1K Posts

January 12th, 2010 11:00

Hi Matt.

Sorry for my late reply. I have been busy. You Know back to work after holidays is a bit crazy.

This is your instructions to replace the cooling assembly. Note that you can even use a new pad over the old one. I suppose there is a big gap between the heatsink and processor.

This is a page from Arctic Silver5 web page. Please read at the bottom of the page "Important Reminder" Where it states that AS 5 takes about 200 hours and a several boots to settle in. Read also in red "Caution". Where it states that large processor areas (not your case) and gaps between the processor and heatsink (your case) require a thermal pad or a mesh-reinforced paste.

You said in your OP that the heatsink came out clean. So I think that the gap is substantial for the used of the thermal pad.

16 Posts

January 12th, 2010 17:00


Don't worry about it :emotion-1: I appreciate the reply though.


I'm not sure how much of a gap there is but it must be making a substantial amount of contact to be able to idle at around 50.  I do suspect the contact is not as good as it could or should be.


I did notice the reminder but surely there should be some immediate improvement.  I imagine temps should gradually decrease the long it has been left on.


What’s your opinion on applying a thermal pad onto of a thin layer of AS5 on the CPU?  I read this on an overclocking forum that suggested applying a thin layer of AS5 on the heat sink and the CPU so the thermal pad gives a better heat transfer.     


1K Posts

January 13th, 2010 07:00

Hi Matt.

Well, you see now you are entering in the realm of trial and error.:emotion-15:

What that forum member said. Did it work?

One thing is sure the CPU and heatsink (in your case, the thermal cooling assembly) must be touching, and a thermal conductive material must be used for better heat dissipation from the CPU to the heatsink.

What ever you try keep and eye on the temperature and be real sure that is the real temp and not and average or and outside or and approximation of what ever software you are using to read the temp.

16 Posts

January 13th, 2010 16:00

I think your right, trial and error seams the way forward at the moment.

I've brought some thermal pads, when they arrive i'll do abit of experimenting. :emotion-1:

Software wise i'm using I8fanGUI as well as core temp.

On another note, i don't suppose you know if dell can supply a shoulder screw for the CPU heatsink?  The thread on one of the screws has started to go :emotion-8:.




1K Posts

January 14th, 2010 06:00


In all fairness I do not know if you can find that frame for the CPU heatsink.

This is your laptop web page:

or try here:

See what parts they have or contacts you can ask.



16 Posts

January 14th, 2010 06:00

I thought i might be as much.

Thank you very much for the links though.  I have contacted warranty parts direct, hopefully they will have some good news.

Thanks again for the help, will post any improvements

Best wishes,


16 Posts

January 17th, 2010 15:00

Hi, though you may appreciate some news.

I tried the thermal pad, didnt work. I tried the thermal pad and AS5, didnt work.   So i decided to purchase and installed a new heatsink and saw immediate improvements. 

Now idling at around 33 compared to 46 degrees.  I guess the heatsink was past it plus the combination of AS5.

Thanks for the help.

Best wishes



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