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This post is more than 5 years old


3 Posts


October 25th, 2004 17:00

Port replicator VGA connector not working

Hi, I have a problem getting my port replicator's VGA connector working.

If I connect the monitor directly to the D800's VGA connector, everything works fine. If I dock the D800 and connect the monitor to the replicator's VGA connector I get no signal. The DVI port seems to work fine (tried it with a co-worker's monitor that has DVI). Is there anything special I have to do to get the VGA connector to work?


2 Posts

November 5th, 2004 19:00

Sup dude: Only thing I can think of to try (and you've probably already tried this) is to have the monitor on before docking. Also, check your docked profile and make sure you have only 1 there. Could also be a driver issue, but not sure about that. I would also try taking your machine and monitor to another replicator (if that's an option) and see what happens then. Hope this helps and GOOD LUCK!! :smileyhappy:
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