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This post is more than 5 years old


1 Message


January 29th, 2004 00:00

Recall the defective "250N smart PC" . Your reputation fades by the day.

Its becoming very obvious to all the unfortunate Dell customers that frequent this forum, that our experiences of our "Smart PC" shutting itself off is far from isolated. What particularly frustrates me is the fact that I've spent countless wasted hours discussing this issue in length with customer services, in what they must have immediatley realised was a manufacturing fault and completely irresolvable (due to the sheer numbers of people with the exact same complaint). Like many of you, my warranty has expired (an admission of a defect), but I know my rights. Lack of warranty is of no issue whatsoever in this matter as it shouldn't affect my statuatory rights. This is clearly a design fault that has always existed, preventing the machine performing what one would reasonably expect it to do on purchase. We have been sold a defective product from the start, and we expect to have it, in the very least replaced with a similarly priced different model, or simply fully refunded. I refuse to send my laptop in for repairs because as it is well documented on these pages, there is not one reported case of Dell having resolved this issue in the long-term.

Sadly, before I purchased this awful machine, I was a great admirer of Dell, having bought several computer from them in the past. If Dell believe they can avoid recalling this Laptop thus saving themselves a small fraction of their undeserved profits they can think again. It is misguided to think that talk of this disgraceful incident will not spread. Having previously recommended you to everyone, I now go out of my way to discourage my family, friends, fellow students and casual aquaintances, from buying anything from your "cowboy" company. If you had any business acumen, you would have already realised that this is going to cost a significantly larger sum, than if you were to take responsibility for your mistakes and recompense you former-loyal customers. Bite the bullet - do the right thing, and please recall this machine. It is only a matter of time before you push us far enough to pursue a full Judicial Investigation into this.

Furthermore, for those that have not yet realised, the only reason that Dell allow these complaints to continue on their website is because they consider that its better to have it located where they can still exercise control over it. I suggest everyone keeps copies of these pages, so that in the event of legal action, evidence of these records will remain in existance. It may be of further use if someone more capable than I, could set up an external website specifically addressing this issue, where we may be able to confer this serious matter free of censorship. 


Sam Mahboubian

Message Edited by SamMahboubian on 01-28-2004 08:01 PM

January 29th, 2004 02:00

Well said! Excellently worded, that is exactly what I want to say to Dell too, just coulnt put it into words!
As consumers we have rights, and I think just from looking at this forum we are DETERMINED to ensure we get justice.
A determined Start PC user who WILL get his way

5 Posts

January 29th, 2004 15:00

Hi Mate,

I tatally agree with you. I am trying to file a complaint to State Attorney and will send a complaint to BBB as well. As a jounalist from a country in Asia, I will also be writing an article to my magazine revealing all this issue and let the consumer in my country know the fact about some disgraceful service of Dell. I am now in USA and will try to do my way since I was told recently that there is no extended warranty available for this junk!!!

February 5th, 2004 15:00

I'll completely with you SamMahoubian,

You're right, we are customers, and DELL shouldn't be that stupid... They will probably lose more than can afford with that SmartStep issue (bad reputation etc...); they should also listen to us, the SmartStep problem had been lasting for too long now !

Let me know if you have any answer (personnal or on the forum) to your message.
When you sell bad Taiwan designed PC, you should be aware, that if anything goes wrong, you'll perhaps have to call the machines back...

Personnal Message to DELL: That's a very very bad point for Dell's reputation, and you should listen to us instead remaining deaf...
You know that, it's your fault, so... just call the machines back and save your reputation and your public image !



Message Edited by Alexandre Nappez on 02-20-2004 06:05 PM

1 Message

February 20th, 2004 12:00

This is also a problem with the 200N.  The frustrating part is that when I called Dell Tech Support, they tried to convince me that it was a virus.  Unbelievable.  I even mentioned my suspicion that it was overheating.  The tech wanted me to reinstall the entire system from scratch.  He also tried to send me to Norton to have them confirm that it wasn't a virus.  Since this is such a wide-spread problem, I am extremely disappointed that they don't just own up to it and tell people how to fix it.

Fortunately, I found the forum and the numerous postings on how to fix this problem yourself.  I have done so and everything is working great now.  My expectation was that Dell would have provided this type of solution.

February 20th, 2004 18:00


19 Posts

March 4th, 2004 13:00

I just found this forum today.

I'm very sad to find out that I'm not the only one with this problem.  I have a guy at Dell that has been VERY helpful with me in trying to figure out what is wrong with my machine.  I'm now wondering if he knows about this overheating issue and is just feeding me lines to make me feel like Dell is "there for me."

I just e-mailed him and advised him of the overheating issue.  I'll let you know what's done about it (since my warranty, like everyone else's, is over).


5 Posts

March 16th, 2004 15:00

Well since  bought this  notebook,  i had problems  and  sended  to  the warranty dpt. still works but  i had to reinstall windows, got all sorts of problems  ,I Wish   i took my money back when they offered me. Gee Am i sorry for  my actions..



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