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This post is more than 5 years old


January 10th, 2011 18:00

Sticky Keyboard keys

I unfortunately got some Gin/Tonic water on the right side of my Dell Studio XPS 1645 Keyboard. Thankfully i got all the liquids out, and no damage was done, aside from a few keys being a little sticky. Can Keys be removed safely and cleaned? or do i have to get the keyboard replaced?

179 Posts

January 10th, 2011 19:00

taking key caps off is risky business. It can be done but I would never recommend it. As long as the plastic bits that hold the cap to the keyboard stay intact you should be ok but if those come off or come apart forget about it.

the key would still be usable without the cap so worst case scenario if you cant get the cap back on you buy a new keyboard and just go without it in the meantime.


2 Posts

January 11th, 2011 06:00

And what about replacing the keyboard? I know in some cases with laptops its not extremely hard to do yourself. If i ordered another keyboard for this model would it be relatively easy to replace myself? Or is that a no-no and  should i send the laptop in instead?

Getting things replaced is hard since i live far from any cities and have no modes of transportation, so bringing it in myself is not possible.Im lookin to fix it using only ordering/my own two hands.

4 Operator


5.2K Posts

January 11th, 2011 21:00

You can replace the keyboard yourself. You should be able to get a new one from someone on eBay for less than from Dell. Just carefully follow the directions in your repair manual (find it on-line at the Dell site).

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