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November 19th, 2008 19:00

Vertical line on Inspiron 9300

I noticed a forum where lines on laptop screens for certain Inspiron seems to be a common problem.

Does anyone know if there are any recourses if the lines developed after 3 years. My lines developed

about 3.5 years after purchasing the laptop.  This is has happened many many times, I can't understand

why Dell won't replace these screens without so much blood, sweat, and tears.

Any advice out there?


1 Message

June 29th, 2009 07:00

Can you please share the phone number to Dell - the only one I have is the one where they will charge you $49.

I have the same problem as everyone else.  My lines started appearing one month after my warranty was up - now I

have about 70 of them!

3 Posts

June 29th, 2009 09:00

The tech that I talked to that finally agreed to replace my screen gave me his email address, I posted it a while ago and Dell flagged my posting and sent me a warning letter stating that I didn't comply with the agreed terms of this site and if I did it again they would take me off this site. My advise is to keep trying and you will probably be on the phone at least a half an hour each time you try and it will be very frustrating talking to the techs in India, but if you get the right one that says yes it will be worth it.   

1 Message

July 17th, 2009 15:00

My Inspiron 9300 (purchased back in 04/05) started having vertical lines just this week, so I read up on the forums regarding Tech Support.  I decided to give them a call today, fully prepared to wrestle with the techs since my laptop is over 4 yrs old and my warranty is long expired, but to my surprise! - I ended having an extremely pleasant conversation, albeit an almost hour long call.  Here's the gist of my interaction:

- Resource:

- Contacted Tech Support at # provided on page

- Have express service number ready (provided on white sticker on bottom of laptop)

- Asked to speak to an agent (ignore $49 fee)

- Explained situation and got put on hold and transferred to a repair tech

- Was told my warranty was expired (true, back in 2006, actually) ... If you don't know your warranty, check your system info and enter service tag # at:

- Explained that yes, my warrenty is expired, but there was a known screen default that was documented in 2007 regarding laptops shipped between 2004-2006 on the Direct2Dell website, and my screen did not show lines until now

- Was put on hold while repair tech went to check information regarding the issue

- Tech came back and said that it was indeed covered - a prepaid empty box will be sent for me to send in my laptop.  He also took the liberties to explain how to removed the hard drive and battery, if I should like to keep my information private.  Tech logged the case # and service info, then told me that his manager would like to speak to me regarding the issue, since his manager was concerned.

- Got transferred to manager (I was a little apprehensive, honestly) who very politely verified that they provided help regarding the issue, thanked me for my time, and wished me a good day.

Aaaannd, that's it.  Box should be here in a few days, and I will be crossing my fingers that there are no other problems regarding this current problem.  Tech did try to sell me an extended warrenty, but I understand that's part of his job, and he wasn't being pushy, just informative.


7 Posts

July 29th, 2009 19:00

After years of trying, I was able to receive a replacement display.  Be persistent and ask to be transferred to Customer Relations in Texas.

1 Message

August 31st, 2009 10:00

Do you by any change have the name or contact tag of the representative that said this was covered under warrenty?


4 Posts

October 2nd, 2009 10:00

I just got off the phone with Dell and they are replacing my Inspiron 9300 LCD free of charge.

Background Details:  I purchased my laptop in Aug. 2005 (without any extended warranty).  My one-year warranty obviously expired in 2006.  I began seeing a light blue/green vertical line (only one pixel in width) about three inches from the left side of the screen in November or December 2008.  Sometimes this line was there, and sometimes not.  In the last four months an additional one inch thick solid white vertical line began appearing for a brief period of time until about two-three weeks ago when it became permanent.

I called Dell about it and decided that I didn't want to pay $49 just to have someone tell me that I had lines on my display.  After reading all the posts on this forum, I called Dell again today (10-2-2009).  The best way to do this, and get your LCD fixed for free is to tell every person you talk to that you have read the Dell Community forums and saw that many other people had this issue, Dell has RECALLED (...the secret word that really gets the process moving in your favor) this computer, & this has been resolved by Dell on computers that are past their warranty.  Don't be afraid to repeat this more than once to a single person.

From dialing the 800 number to saying, "Thank you very much," my entire phone call was 33:21 long.  The woman I spoke with told me that it would take around 10-15 business days to receive my repaired computer, starting with when I mailed the computer back to Dell in the pre-paid box I was to receive in two business days.

I will try to let you know how I end up when I get the computer back.

3 Posts

October 14th, 2009 07:00

I've just tried to get a 9300 screen fixed.  The machine is 4 years old, but fault started over a year ago.  I put off getting it fixed because it there were too many other things going on, but now the single line has become 12 and the machine is now virtually unusable.  I log a support ticket, and after a few emails back and forth a Dell customer service representative called me to say, basically: get stuffed.  He even tried to pretend that this wasn't a known problem.  I currently run 2 Dell laptops, 9 Dell desktops and a Dell server in my business; have never had Dell problems and until now I have always bought and recommended Dell.  This cut no ice with the guy on the phone so here endeth my relationship with Dell.  This is a surprisingly poor attitude.  He wouldn't even hazard a guess as to the cost of a fix, and emails on the subject simply said, pay us to quote you.  I have little doubt that a fix would cost more than a new laptop, so I might as well buy a new laptop - but not a Dell obviously.

simon walker

3 Posts

October 14th, 2009 08:00

Try again,

I went through the same scenario. After the 4th thirty minuet phone call of being on hold five or six times and talking to voices from India that I could barley understand I finally got the right guy. He was putting me on hold to send me to the service department where I would be charged to fix the problem.  I said weight and pleaded my case one more time, telling him that I read this forum and I knew all about the problem that Dell has been having with this screen. He put me on hold again and came back this time saying that they would take care of the problem free of charge. 

They fixed it..........Keep trying! 

3 Posts

October 15th, 2009 07:00

Thanks for the advice but there's absolutely no point.  My time is too valuable to spend hours arguing with Dell.  Money is not the issue.  Dell have let a loyal customer down and that's the end of it. I simply posted here as a warning to others.


4 Posts

October 15th, 2009 09:00

I was just trying to follow up on my promise to update the forum to my situation.  I just received my 9300 yesterday (Wednesday Oct. 14).  I would have gotten it Tuesday, but I was not home to sign for the FedEx guy, so he left a note on the door.

Everything seems to be in working order.  No issues with the vertical lines yet.  I cannot remember if my original screen was matte or glossy, but I think that this screen is the opposite of what I had before.  I don't mind as long as the LCD works.

I understand the last person's frustration, but I must say again that my phone call was only around a half-hour and from the minute I hung up the phone, it took approximately seven working days to send my computer off and to get it back (if I was home Tuesday when the FedEx truck originally came by).  The only cost to me was to be without my laptop for that period of time, which I was able to survive.

Good Luck

4 Posts

October 15th, 2009 09:00

I guess I would also say to Simon, "Make them fix it!"  Go ahead an buy from the competition and drop Dell for good, but make them fix it first.  Why let the score be 1-1 when it can be 2-0.

5 Posts

October 22nd, 2009 18:00

I need to give a great big thanks to "niwert".  THANK YOU!  I came across this message researching the "verticle line" issue and it was instramental in getting my laptop fixed for FREE.  It just so happens that you have the exact same purchase order date as I do.  I argued with Dell for 3 1/2 hours and went through 4 cordless phone batteries during my attempt to get this problem resolved.

After the marathon verbal fight night, five lengthy phone calls to the other side of the world and a severe amout of agravation, I finally directed them straight to this forum.  I literally walked them straight to niwert's comments. After going through almost the exact same steps, I too now have my new screen and I am looking at it right now.  It took about 8 days total from the time I got off the phone to the time my computer was shipped, fixed, and returned(today). 

They will do everthing in their power to one; get you to buy a service plan and two; not fix your computer in the hopes that you will finally give up arguing with them and go away.  DONT STOP!   They know about this issue and never notified the owners that this was a recall.  Yes it was a recall!  They have specific guidane to fix all of these screens up to three years after the purchase order date.  You can still get it fixed for free just stay on them!! It was their fault to start with.  Again, thanks niwert for taking the time to put you comments and specific details on in this forum. 


2 Posts

October 26th, 2009 09:00

my inspiron 9300 just started getting lines a couple months ago.  Called up customer service a few days ago and they said i was out of warrenty and would sell me a new scren for $460. Then they said they were out of stock. later they called me and said they no longer carry this screen !!

1 Message

October 28th, 2009 11:00

I thought I was lucky not having the vertical lines.  My 9300 is 4.5 years old.  But in the last two months, 3 vertical lines have

appeared.  I had a letter from Dell saying they would fix the problem at NO cost or labor, but only within 3 years of purchase.

I called Dell Tech Support, and they refused to offer any help.  So I guess it would have been better if the problem occured a

few years ago.


Pretty sad that Dell thinks a computer only has a useful life of 3 years.  Now, when I look at my Dell Screen, I am constantly reminded that

I probably shouldn't order another computer in the future from Dell since they don't fix their manufacturing defects.  I should note

that I have another computer (not Dell) with an LCD screen that is more than 7 years old, an NOT a single annoying vertical line.

I guess Dell considers the vertical  line to be a feature benefit after 3 years.


And to think that I use to recommend Dell Products to my friends.

3 Posts

October 29th, 2009 09:00

It's great that Dell think it's a victory to deny a repair in these circumstances.  I'm just sorry now that I have a mission-critical Dell server.  My disintegrating 9300 laptop has been demoted to AV service in my meeting room, where I can display sales figures to visitors whilst incidentally demonstrating Dell quality management.   Now, anyone know where I can buy a decent new laptop?

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