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48 Posts


November 7th, 2008 23:00

XPS 1530 - Turns off

Howdy all,


I've got an interesting situation. The only thing I can think of is my laptop is overheating and shutting off to keep from frying the cpu or video card.

I was playing a game today and had been playing for several hours. When all of a sudden the machine just turned off. No crash, no blue screen, it literally shutoff, fans and all.

I use the laptop on my coffee table, its flat and gets plenty of air flow so I'm not clogging up the vents or anything like that. I am also running the latest bios with the updates to help prevent overheating.

I've run through the diagnostics in the past and its done the same thing but tonight I ran through them and it worked perfectly. 

This machine is less than 6 months old, I am comtemplating calling Dell but being someone who works in the computer industry I know what its like when you are trying to treat a sporadic problem.

Anyone else seen this issue with their 1530 before something needed to be replaced?





4 Operator


5.2K Posts

November 8th, 2008 00:00

Download I8kfangui to monitor CPU/GPU temperatures normally and during gaming to see what the temp profiles are. Report the temps here.

November 16th, 2008 20:00

Hi I'm Brian


I also have an XPS M1530 laptop (refurbished) and I ALSO have had sudden shutdown problems.


The back vent is always very hot to the touch after this happens.  It usually occurs when I'm playing World of warcraft.  Sometimes, after only 10 minutes in that game I will crash.

I Downloaded the app you told us about.  Right now, my temp is 138-40 F.  On start-up, its more like 162-5 F.  When I play Wow, it is, on average 170-5 F!!!  The peak right before a crash was 182 F.  That seems WAY too Hott.


BTW.... those are all CPU temps.

1 Message

November 17th, 2008 01:00


I bought a XPS M1530 in April 2008. Dell asked me via the Dell Support Center program to update my bios and even with that my CPU and GPU are very hot: theI8kfanGUI 3.0 software shows me peak temperatures of 98°C (208.4 F) for the CPU and 105°C (221 F) for the GPU.  The fan is always running!!

I sent an e-mail to Dell Support two weeks ago but I didn't receive any answer.  Does someone sent an e-mail or call and received an answer?





13 Posts

November 18th, 2008 00:00

Chief Blogger
Joined on 06/29/2006 Posts: 1,856
Points: 83350

NVIDIA GPU Update: Limited Warranty Enhancement Details PoorPoorFairFairAverageAverageGoodGoodExcellentExcellent

12 September , 08:00 AM


This is my fourth post on this topic. See this link for all of them.

Since I first blogged about this back in July, I’ve received many comments from Direct2Dell readers. Before I share more, it’s important to note that many customers may not ever experience video issues related to this, especially if you have updated to the latest BIOS. In other words, just because you have one of the systems in the chart below with an NVIDIA GPU, does not mean you will have video-related problems. If you do experience them, however, we will support you.

Dell Product Name
Latitude D630
Dell Precision M4300
Dell Precision M65
Latitude D820
Latitude D830
Latitude D620
Vostro Notebook 1310
XPS M1530

For those customers who haven’t read my previous posts, here’s the summary. My initial post defined the issue and explained that we published BIOS updates (hyperlinked above) that could help reduce the likelihood of GPU failures. In my second post, I published a list of systems that the issue could potentially affect. In my third post, I explained that we intended to offer a 12-month limited warranty enhancement specific to this issue.

Today, we’re moving forward with that intention.

Again, the limited warranty enhancement is specific to this issue and will extend coverage by 12 months from the date the original warranty term for the laptop expires. For example, one-year warranties will be extended to 24 months for this issue only. The maximum combined period for the initial warranty and the limited-warranty enhancement is 60 months. Systems purchased with 60-month warranties will not be extended. Customers whose warranties have expired will be eligible for this limited warranty enhancement from the date the initial warranty expired.

This table above contains the list of laptops that are eligible for this limited warranty enhancement. If your system is not listed, no action is required. Please note that because it is specific to this issue, the warranty enhancement will not be reflected in your overall system warranty that is listed on if you are logged in.

Over the last several weeks, we have been working with our service teams to ensure that we provide support for all customers worldwide affected by this issue. If your system contains an NVIDIA graphics solution AND it is experiencing one or more of the following symptoms, please contact Dell Technical Support for troubleshooting:

  • Intermittent video issues
  • Multiple images
  • Random characters on the screen
  • Lines on the screen
  • No video

Customers in the United States can use phone numbers on this page to contact Dell Technical Support.

Here’s the process for customers outside the United States:

  • Go to
  • At the very bottom of the page, select your country in the Choose a Country/Region field
  • Choose Contact Us on the left hand side
  • Click on the More Details link in the Contact Tech Support section
  • Click on the green Telephone button under the Call Tech Support section

If you still need help after contacting technical support for this issue, please let me know in the comment thread of this post. Thanks for your patience through this process.


15 Posts

November 18th, 2008 00:00

Hi there,

This is genuine problem with the Motherboard and Nvidia card. The only solution for this is to replace the Motherboard (Reworked new one), Heat Sink, Thermal Pad.

By replacing this the issue will be resolved completely.

Contact XPS chat support for the getting it to be replaced. Also as you stated the system is new, there would be enough warranty for the parts to be replaced.


Hope this helps......



114 Posts

November 20th, 2008 06:00

Extending the warranty on the video card is well and good but what about the problem posed by the original poster as well as others.... including myself... who experience overheating and shutdowns. This issue has not been resolved.

Myself and others who own XPS M1530's are not experiencing the issues listed above but the shutdowns can be directly related to the GPU overheating.

Currently I can not play any game more than 20 minutes without the laptop shutting down. When the laptop starts to 'feel' hot I check the temp (using HWmonitor) and teh GPU temp is over 96C.  This is way too hot.

So what is the solution for us who are not experiencing the above mentioned symptoms but laptop keeps shutting down due to high temps ?

As one poster commented above... new motherboard and video card ?  If so, how do I go about getting it replaced ?  If I call tech support they tell me that I am not experincing the issues and will not replace the parts.

So where does that leave me (us) ?  By the way my XPS M1530 is still under warranty.

A solution to the shutdown issue is greatly appreciated.



13 Posts

November 20th, 2008 08:00

Hello all I originaly  POSTED A REPORT FROM LIONEL about the what I think is a INFERIOR fix to the problem that nividia has bestowed on upon us as consumers of a high end laptop!!  With that being said DELL , and other manufactures buy components at a bulk rate price then build to order per customers request.. I BOUGHT MY  XPSm1530 in later part of may of 2008..I have had nothing but problems since ive owned this system..First it started out with the Vista Home Premium, a WINDOWS  problem. COUNTLESS HOURS ON PHONE WITH TECH SUPPORT ..After having restored the laptop back to way it was shipped because the service pack 1 played havoc and many bugs, I was told not to download service pack 1 till they could get bugs worked out..So i did this and couldn't use automatic update cause would install sp1 for vista.. 2ND I STARTED HAVING PBLMS WITH MY BATTERY AFTER THE BIOS FLASH THEN THE MOBO  WENT OUT!!!!.. The pblm is with all these companies like the pharmaceutical companies, they rush operating system to market before (IN MY OPINION ) BEFORE DOING EXTENSIVE TESTING . Because of this ,WE as CONSUMERS  GET THE SHORT END OF THE STICK..NOW THE BIGGEST CULPRIT IN THE PROBLEMS THAT WERE FACING IS NVIDIA'S ,POOR REGARDS FOR THE END USER  , THE CONSUMER LIKE US...Nvidia  put 150 to 200 million aside for these faulty gpu's, but however is also filing a claim with there insurance company for loss of revenue. they made so many of these faulty boards they are replacing them with  same boards that are still failing.. they had a stockpile of these boards and they are trying to phase them out out and and start selling the quadro..The BIOS FLASH IS A QUICK FIX AND TO PROLONG THE BOARD TO MAKE THE FAN RUN AT MINIMUM SPEED TO TRY AND KEEP THE LAPTOP COOLER.. These BIOS WAS MADE BY NVIDIA AND THE COMPANY THAT WE BOUGHT OUR LAPTOPS FROM IMPEMENTED THEM TO THERE USERS.. Ihave had my mobo  replaced and i'm still having problems with it .. I ALSO BOUGHT THE 4 YEAR COMPLETE CARE WARRANTY  JUST BECAUSE IT WAS A LAPTOP AND THEY ARE APT TO HAVE MORE PBLMS THEN YOU WOULD EXPERIENCE ON A DESKTOP.. .. I THINK THE HARWARE AND SOFTWARE MANUFACTURES ARE TRYING TO STAY ON TOP OF THE 1ST ONE WITH BREAKTHROUGH TECHNOLOGY , IT IS CAUSING COMPANIES LIKE DELL THAT USE TO BE BUILT UPON CUSTOMER SERVICE TO BE TRAPPED IN THE CYCLE .. HOWEVER I KNOWTHIS IS THE COST TO BE IN BUSINESS BUT THERE COMES A TIME ,WHEN THERE NEEDS TO BE ACCOUNTABILITY FOR COMPANIES NOT BEING ABLE TO RUSH A PRODUCT OUT AND NOT WORRY ABOUT WHO IT AFFECTS.WITH THAT BEING SAID ABOUT ACCOUNTABILITY THEN THERE WOULDN'T BE AS MANY / BETTER QUALITY PRODUCTS ..HOPE WHAT I 'M SAYING HELPS MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN WHAT WILL BE DONE ALONG THE LINES OF GETTING WHAT I PAID FOR .. SINCE IVE OWNED THIS LAPTOP IVE WORKED ON IT AND FIXED ISSUES FROM ALMOST DAY 1OF USING IT.. WHEN YOU BUY NEWCOMPUTER SUPPOSE TO BE ENJOYABLE . I HAVEN'T HAD THAT EXPERIENCE AS I KNOW THERE ARE SO MANY LIKE ME. IF NOT COMPUTER LITERATE THEY MAY NOT EVEN KNOW THAT THE PROBLEMS ,ARE FROM THE HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE COMPANIES , AND IF THEY HAVE A PROBLEM THEY NEED TO GET IT RESOLVEDBEFORE THERE MOST JUST 1 YEA WARRANTY RUNS OUT.. BEST OF LUCK TO ALL , OH YEAH SORRY FOR THE CAPS IN MY POSTING AS WELL.. NOT A VERY GOOD TYPER OR BLOGER AS THAT GOES..

1 Message

November 29th, 2008 08:00

Hi Lionel,

I am Roy.  I just acquired my Dell XPS M1530 very recently, this was delivered middle of this month and i experience the same problem.  The overheating of my unit.

I tried to contact via  but can't find my country of choice.  I am from Philippines, but I bought my laptop online from UK.

Can you help me solve my problem? This is still covered with its warranty.

What I had in mind to solve this problem partially is to buy a Targus chill mat laptop fan.


Thanks & regards,


4 Operator


5.2K Posts

November 29th, 2008 18:00

Over-heating of the GPU would not be caused by the 8400/8600 GT manufacturing problem. Overheating will cause the chips to fail, but problem chips should not cause overheating.

It's a possibility that overheating is caused by improper attaching of the heat sink(s). There have been reports of problems that were cured by removing the cooler, cleaning, and re-applying heat transfer paste to the chip. Remember, it could be either the CPU or GPU that (or both!) that may be a problem, as both chips are cooled by the same heat pipe. It's also possible the heat pipe is defective.

In any case of overheating under idle conditions or with light loads, the whole system board should be replaced. Although repairing the cooling system might work, the wide temperature swings are what cause the 8400/8600 GPUs to fail, so damage may already have occurred.

Second Post Attempt

48 Posts

December 1st, 2008 20:00

Wow it looks like this topic has really taken off since I posted it. Anyhow, I have since sent two emails to Dell through the support area and received zero response back.


So after giving the emails a good week I finally broke down and called. I answered a few questions and explained what I was seeing, listed examples of temperatures I was seeing while playing games and while the machine was idle. The person put me on hold for a few minutes and came back and explained they were going to send a box for my laptop and that I would need to send it into the depot for repair as the temperatures I am reporting were considered dangerous to my being.

So I backed up, imaged my machine and I am sending it off to them tomorrow. They say I should have it back in 7 - 10 days most likely.

Anyhow some of you are reporting the same problems with similar temperatures to mine, I suggest calling Dell and reporting the issue and asking for your machine to be fixed.

13 Posts

December 2nd, 2008 06:00

Wow it looks like this topic has really taken off since I posted it. Anyhow, I have since sent two emails to Dell through the support area and received zero response back.


So after giving the emails a good week I finally broke down and called. I answered a few questions and explained what I was seeing, listed examples of temperatures I was seeing while playing games and while the machine was idle. The person put me on hold for a few minutes and came back and explained they were going to send a box for my laptop and that I would need to send it into the depot for repair as the temperatures I am reporting were considered dangerous to my being.

So I backed up, imaged my machine and I am sending it off to them tomorrow. They say I should have it back in 7 - 10 days most likely.

Anyhow some of you are reporting the same problems with similar temperatures to mine, I suggest calling Dell and reporting the issue and asking for your machine to be fixed.

                           well good luck runamonk!!!   i got a 4 year warranty and already replaced 1 mobo.. and i'm still having pblms .. gotta call them back to get a replacement for this hunk of junk .. not only problems with the nvidia mobo but also a bad operating systym as well in windows vista in my opinion..  this operating sysym is as bad as windows me.... even though dell uaseto be a great company , only as good as the hardware and software thats put on the machine needs to  recoup cost from nividia and microsoft.. vista and nvidia both bad on same system  is just bad karma  for both to be put on same system,and we consumers are paying the price from faulty systems and time spent trying to get fixed what we bought as consumers of dell..unfortunate for dell but they need to rectify these pblms for us, and start testing hardware and software to makesure they are up to the quality that their suppliers are selling them .. good karma to us all that are affected ... i'm out

48 Posts

December 18th, 2008 07:00

Okay update here. Like I said previously they sent me a box and I sent in the laptop. The laptop came back a couple days ago and I finally got around last night to restoring my data back onto it (I imaged the drive and wiped it before I sent it to them).

Right now it's idling at 38c and under load its hitting around 60c at the top end.


They say they replaced the heatsink. Which for those who haven't taken the bottom panel off their laptop is actually a solid copper heatpipe that runs from the CPU, MBChips and Video.

So far all is running like a champ.

December 18th, 2008 08:00

I have always known that laptops tend to get hotter than desktops. Especially when laid flat on top of a surface because no air flow can get underneath. The first time I purchased a laptop, I also purchased one of those laptop cooling pads (you can get them for like $25). Using this I have never had a problem with my laptop getting hot even when I'm playing my games for hours on end. Usually you can't just sit them on your lap for a long time because it will overheat, but I can recline in a chair when using the cooling pad and place it in my lap and it never even gets warm. I think it has also prolonged the life of my unit too, because most people I know who had a laptop before I got mine, theirs wore out within a year and a half and mine is still kicking after two and a half years.

I would hope that a better heatsink would take care of the problem, but I will still always use a cooling pad because it gives me that added protection and allows me to place the PC anywhere I want.

Good luck.

December 18th, 2008 12:00

I've been having a similar problem, laptop just turns off.


It's a brand new XPS m1530 (a little over a week old) with 3 gigs of RAM, Vista Home Premium, 2.0gHz Core 2 Duo, and the 8600 GT nVidia vid card.


My problem though seems to be less random than most.  It has only happened when using World of Warcraft and it usually always happens at the same time, as soon as I log on.

48 Posts

December 18th, 2008 12:00

I pretty much only use mine on desk or table, setting it on your lap is a big no-no for these types of machines because of lazy designers the inlets are on the bottom which totally defeats the purpose of a "lap"top.


Its been doing great so far. Hopefully it will stay that way and continue to work without overheating.

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