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6 Posts


September 2nd, 2008 18:00

XPS 1530: audio skipping and plugplay service at full CPU

I recently purchased a XPS 1530 Product Red and i've some problems with audio and the Windows Vista Plug and Play service. When I listen music (for example mp3 or other media format) I often hear the audio skipping or stopping; I experienced this problem with the internal audio card and with a Sound Blaster Connect external audio card too, wich i used to try to fix the problem.


I also have another hard problem : sometimes the PlugAndPlay service starts working and holds a core at 100%. It's quite annoying - it's like running a single core - and i don't ever imagine what causes this work. It often happens after I play games (like UT 2004, for example) and the only way to stop it is to disconnect my user and reconnect, or to reboot the system.


I bought my XPS to have the best, and i choose Windows Vista Ultimate because I loved the business edition I had on my old laptop. I hope someone can help me... any suggestions?

4.6K Posts

September 3rd, 2008 08:00

@red22 wrote:

I recently purchased a XPS 1530 Product Red and i've some problems with audio and the Windows Vista Plug and Play service. When I listen music (for example mp3 or other media format) I often hear the audio skipping or stopping; I experienced this problem with the internal audio card and with a Sound Blaster Connect external audio card too, wich i used to try to fix the problem.

Try downloading/installing either the Vista Codec Pack, or one of the (two) K-Lite Codec Packs... all of which you'll find on the Free-Codecs website?

I can't offer any advice on your Plug 'n' Play problem though - other than advising you to end any unecessary processes which are running (i.e. anti virus/anti spyware programs etc) with the '3-fingered salute' (Ctrl-Alt-Delete), before you start playing games?

14 Posts

September 5th, 2008 23:00

This is one of many software problems I have seen on my M1530 but I suggest you check out junk in a box to find out what hardware problems are lurking. The techs mentioned in the above entry told me that they ( DELL ) are have a lot of problems with the M1530 and that Dells tech support people in the Phillipians....

6 Posts

September 6th, 2008 08:00

do you mean that this is a hardware problem?


now i try to install the codecs, i had no time before, i hope this will solve the problem. i don't think it's a hardware fault: my usb SB Connect skips music too...

14 Posts

September 6th, 2008 09:00

I also had this as I said along with many other software issues that all revert back to faulty hardware. My video and sound did not work correctly until the harddrive was replaced but note that after the drive was replaced the machine was 30% slower. Drive that they sent me 3 weeks after purchase was labeled REFURBISHED. . The only original and new part left on this machine is the case and scrfeen. everything else is refurbished. So much for customer care....

6 Posts

September 7th, 2008 08:00

I installed new codecs and the problems are still here. I tried to see some YouTube videos: sound and video constantly skipping, with the hard drive constantly working.


I still hope it's a software problem.. but I fear that I'll have to replace the hard drive like bigboy.


Thanks dell for my brand new pc ... :smileysad:

6 Posts

September 7th, 2008 17:00

I hope i solved it. I noticed that when I had music playing, Everest Ultimate started stressing the had drive and owning about 60-70 % of CPU time. Disabled it and now it's everything fine.


Thanks Dell, goodbye Lavalys :P

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