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This post is more than 5 years old


27 Posts


September 9th, 2007 13:00

XPS M1330: White-LED versus CCFL display? (Grey lines on display)

I have just received my long-awaited XPS M1330 machine with White-LED display.
Whilst the screen is nice & bright & colourful as advertised, I have noticed something which I'm not quite so happy about:
The screen looks as if it has very fine lines running horizontally from side to side throughout the entire screen area. On closer inspection it looks like some pixels are more brightly lit than others with a nice white appearance whereas others are not so brightly lit causing them to look slightly grey alongside the brighter ones.
I'm not sure if this due to the LED or TrueLife technology but I find it slightly off-putting.
Has anyone else noticed this on their M1330 or can anyone compare this with their CCFL display?

Message Edited by skyrider on 09-14-2007 11:34 PM

1 Message

September 9th, 2007 23:00

I have owned and currently own many lapops from HP, Acer, Dell, Compaq, Etc. with clearbrite, true brite, etc. and not a one of them has anything less then an exceptionally clear and bright, evenly distributed luminance.
NOTE: I have found Acere's to be the most gorgeous screen I ahve ever laid eyes on and I have been buying, selling, repairing laptops since 1989. (I mention this only because I have found compatibilities beween Dell/Acer which has allowed swapping of the sceens on my desktop replacement LT.) 
I would seek a replacement ASAP! The very point of the NEW technology and higher price is an overall superior viewing experience as compareed to the older display technology.

27 Posts

September 13th, 2007 14:00

Thanks for your reply.
I have since discussed this issue with Tech Support. The technician I spoke to had an M1330 with White-LED display in front him of him & he could not detect any hint of the kind of problem that I was describing.
He has concluded that it is a fault with my particular display & he has arranged for a replacement machine. 

1 Message

September 14th, 2007 05:00

I recently received my new M1330 and have been having this same problem. So far, Dell replaced the screen, but that didn't fix it. I asked if they could replace the whole system but they say they want to try replacing the screen again first. I'm curious -- did you experience this problem again with your replacement system, then? If it's something that happens with a lot of M1330s I'd just as soon return it. I'm not really interested in sifting through a bunch of defective products in order to find one that works properly.

27 Posts

September 14th, 2007 18:00

iamthemoo: I have not yet received the replacement machine as it was only ordered yesterday. I'll let you know what the display is like once I have received it which could be a while!
A friend was due to receive his new M1330 today & I am waiting to hear from him whether he has this same "feature " or not.
Like yourself I don't want to become a quality tester for these screens & I am also considering an alternative, one of the new Sony SZ6 series to be precise. I have yet to see one of these machines in the UK although Sony assure me that they do not have that "feature" on their white-LED screens. I don't suppose that there are too many manufacturers of these screens in the world but maybe some are better than others? 
tigerwolf7: I have tried to capture this effect with a screen shot but it does not show up in the pic. I've also tried to photograph it with a digital camera but it does not give an accurate copy of the effect so I will try & describe it further - what I am seeing is parallel, horizontal, broken grey lines across the entire screen area. The grey is very faint indeed but noticeable nevertheless. It seems to be caused by uneven lighting of the pixels - some are an extremely bright white whereas others are slightly grey-looking in comparison. Where there are a number of these grey pixels side-by-side they form a line which is occasionally broken up by the whiter pixels.The effect is similar to what you get on some writing paper (vellum?). Also, the random scattering of these pixels causes a "grainy" effect on the display where they are located. This is similar to when you press 2 bits of plastic together with some fluid between them & you don't get proper contact between the 2 surfaces...

Message Edited by skyrider on 09-14-2007 11:32 PM

Message Edited by skyrider on 09-14-2007 11:33 PM

Message Edited by skyrider on 09-15-2007 11:27 AM

3.9K Posts

September 14th, 2007 18:00

Could someone post a picture of the problem?
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