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December 12th, 2009 11:00

XPS M1530 Issues

I purchased my XPS M1530 in March 2009. I received my system on March 11th and 4 days later received a hard drive error so needed to have replaced. A tech came out and replaced hard drive. On April 4th, I received another hard drive error and had to have the hard drive replaced again. I spoke with Tech Support and they suggested another hard drive replacement however I wanted a brand new system. They shipped out another system.

Now with the 2nd system, I've had nothing but problems. I've had more hard drive replacements. I've spent countless hours on the phone with Tech Support due to blue screens, computer freezing, computer shutting down for no apparent reason.  I had to supposedly purchase Dell On Call so they could help me however it's always nice how I call them and immediately get transferred to another department which is just Tech Support. Why did I spent that ridiculous amount of money??

Now, the most recent issue, besides freezing, the IE browser constantly shuts down. And this is after I had a hard drive replacement just done in less than 2 weeks. So, their resolution and to have my computer shipped out for 7-10 business days so they can diagnose or have parts shipped to a tech and them to come to my  house.

I called Tech Support and they love to tell me that my warranty will be up in March 2010 but won't approve another system replacement.

What point does it need to get to in order to either give me a credit so I can get another system since I've had nothing but headaches with this system since purchasing (remind you that this is the 2nd system and issues on both systems).

I purchased two other Dell computers in May and (knock on wood)  haven't had any issues with them...just this XPS system.

4 Posts

December 14th, 2009 17:00

I too have had issues with the XPS M1530.  I bought mine March of 2008.  I've had 3 hard drive failures since then.  The first two times Dell sent me the hard drives to replace myself.  A couple weeks ago I had the third hard drive failure and after chatting with Tech Support I was issued another replacement hard drive, but this time they sent a tech to me to do the repair.  He replaced the hard drive, heat sink, fan, and motherboard.  It didn't fix it.  He then ordered new memory, but this still didn't fix the problem.  He contacted Dell and they have agreed to replace my laptop.  All I had was his word that Dell was replacing my laptop.  He told me to expect 3-4 days.

By the end of the week, I hadn't heard from Dell, so I contacted Tech Support again asking if I could get a confirmation email on the laptop replacement, or a tracking number.  Their exact words were "I would like to inform you that the system exchange was processed and it takes atleast 15 to 20 days for you receive the system exchange."  When I asked again how I would know when the system had been shipped they told me they would follow up on the case and get back to me with an update.  It's now been six days and I've still not heard anything.  It's driving me crazy because I really need my laptop back.  I don't even know what system they are replacing mine with since the XPS M1530 is no longer offered on their website.

Did you ever get your issue resolved?







5 Posts

December 14th, 2009 18:00

The XPS M1530 obvioulsy isn't a good system. Of course when I asked the Techs from Dell everytime I called saying that this sytem obviously isn't a good one since I purchased two other Dell systems (NOT the M1530's and knock on wood haven't had issues...just constant ones with mine and this system was more expensive than the other two I purchased after this one - in this case the more expensive isn't alwayst he better).

When I called with an issue a couple of weeks ago, they said they'd send a tech out to diagnose the whole computer and the poor onsite tech was only there to replace hard drive which I could've done since I'm good w/ technology and have done before w/ the system).

So, this time, my hands were tied and they said I could either have them send me all new parts and have someone come out to my house or I could just send away for 7-10 business days and see if they can fix/replace. So, they were going to send out a box and label to ship computer out today.

It's just so frustrating because why should I even have to deal with this when there are so many issues with these systems and I just bought this system in March and have been having issues since Day 1.

They should offer me a credit for what I paid (plus interest) and let me get another system besides this one. I am not AT ALL satisfied with Dell whatsoever and their options they give their customers. I won't be purchasing a Dell next time I tell you that.  To me, it doesn't seem like they want to make their customers happy.

Sorry to hear you are having issues.

I searched online about these systems and the constant issue seems to be hard drive failures. Not sure if it's the hard drive or if there's other issues w/in the computer that are causing these hard drive failures.

So frustrating!! Good luck to you! I hope you get your computer soon. I would keep following up with them.

5 Posts

December 30th, 2009 00:00

I have the same problem with my dell XPS 1530 Laptop...i bought mine last year (May 2008) and just after the 1year end of warranty the battery is running low...sometimes it is 20% and sometimes 0% with indications of battery not charging.....I don't know if I have to buy a new battery or new charger or if I can have Dell check the the way I bought my XPS 1530 here in Saudi Arabia.

5 Posts

December 30th, 2009 05:00

Have you called Tech Support so they have history with the issue with your XPS 1530?

I got my laptop back with the heatsink assembly replaced. I thought ok should be able to use since the turnaround time when they received and shipped back to me was w/in the day. I opened up the laptop and there was another letter in there stating that the laptop wouldn't function properly because it needed another hard drive replacement and they didn't have onsite so they would order and ship the part for replacement. I called Dell Tech right away and I FINALLY received approval to get another system. Thank goodness. I've only had issues with the laptop since Week 1 that I purchased the laptop.

I guess they aren't manufacturing this computer any more so that's a good thing since reading about all these issues with the system.

If I were you - just call Tech Support and see if you can ship your computer to be looked at if having same issues with hard drive. Not sure what they can do with the battery if you'll have to get a new one or if they'll ship you another one. Good luck!

4 Posts

December 30th, 2009 18:00

I finally heard back from Dell.  They sent me a replacement laptop (Studio XPS 1640) with Windows 7.  I absolutely love it BUT I'm already having problems.  The problems I've had so far.

1.  When I closed the lid, it would NOT come out of sleep mode when I opened it the lid back up.  I had to remove the battery, then replace to get it start back up.
2.  The computer clock/time would NOT stay kept slowing down and showing the wrong time.
3.  When using Internet Explorer, the icons look blurry and low in resolution even though I have it set to the highest resolution possible.  This is a High def screen.

I contacted Tech Support and they walked me through a fix for #1.  It now works correctly.  I was also able to fix the clock #2.  It now works properly.  I was unable to get a fix for the resolution and still don't know what's causing it.

My laptop is now doing something different, but related to #1 above.  When I shut down the computer normally, everything turns off except for the media lights at the top.  Some of them stay lit.  Then, when I click the power button to turn back on nothing happens.  Again, I have to remove battery and replace to get it to come on.  I removed the battery and tried to turn the computer off without the battery attached and it successfully turned off, including the media lights.  I was then able to turn it back on normally.  Do you think I just have a bad battery?  I find it odd that the battery icon shows that it's charged, and the computer successfully works on battery power.  I've been trying to contact Tech Support for this problem.

5 Posts

December 31st, 2009 04:00

I'm glad you heard back and was able to get a replacement. Sorry you're having issues with a brand new system. I don't know if they're just not making Dell computers like they used to. Or if it's just these XPS systems. I had purchased a laptop for my son and husband a couple months after my purchase (and knock on wood) no issues with either one. Just my XPS system.

They are sending me a replacement and I think it's the XPS 1640 too. Was happy getting a new one and now skeptical seeing your experience with your replacement. I would tell them to send you a replacement battery and see if that fixes the issue. I hope that's what it is otherwise you'll be talking to Tech Support again like you did with the last XPS. Or you should tell them you don't want another XPS to send you some other system. Good luck!! Let me know how it goes with the issue you're having!

4 Posts

January 6th, 2010 16:00

So, contacted Tech support yesterday.  During the 1 1/2 hours I was on the phone with them we updated the Bios, Dell Quickset and one other thing (can't remember).  He had me remove the cover from the laptop and then take out the harddrive and put it back in.  He also told me to remove the memory, wipe them with clean cloth and switch the memory (put A in B slot and B in A slot)  After doing all of this I was successfully able to turn the computer off and back on again.  I was so excited.  When I went online I noticed that the resolution had also improved.  This morning before going to work, I shut the computer down and closed the lid.  When I came home this evening, the media lights (about 4 of them) were on, so I knew something was wrong.  Sure enough when I pressed down on the power button, nothing happened......I'm so disgusted with Dell right now that I really don't know what else to do.  My laptop works fine as long as I don't turn it off, but it bugs me knowing that its not normal for that to keep happening.  I sure hope you have better luck with your replacement.

5 Posts

January 6th, 2010 16:00

I cannot believe you are dealing with that with a new laptop. Dell is going downhill. I actually got my replacement yesterday and was fine. Today went out and came back and had to hard boot the laptop because it was a black screen and wouldn't turn on out of sleep mode.

I would ask to talk to a Manager - and in the interim send a letter to Corporate. You shouldn't have to do this from the old computer and now issues with the new one.

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