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6 Posts


November 9th, 2008 23:00

XPS M1530 - lots of problems and no customer support

I got my new XPS M1530 3 weeks ago.  Have had LOTS of problems with the computer and have spent hours and hours on the phone being transferred  in circles from one support person to the next.  If you have any of these issues with your new XPS 1530, you are not alone.


I was getting error messages when I booted up and my wireless card would intermittently "disappear" from my computer.  After many hours of troubleshooting "chats", phone calls, and a blown-off scheduled call, Dell replaced the motherboard and bios chip and the power adapter.


My TV tuner card was defective.  Dell replaced it.


My computer crashed and I lost all of my hard drive data.  Fortunately (or so I thought) I had backed everything up on Dell Data Safe.  But now I can't get my files back from Dell Data Safe.  I've had Dell working on this for a week.  I've chatted, talked, and troubleshooted with 6-7 techs about it.  Twice now techs (actually one tech and one "specialist") have blown off scheduled call-backs.  One tech told me that Dell Data Safe is actually run by a 3rd party, not Dell, and that Dell has had lots of issues with them.  The tech assures me that there are a lot of people at Dell working on the problem, but don't know when or if there will be a resolution.   A couple of techs have told me it's a problem with Dell Data Safe's server and they're not sure if my data still exists.  I'm supposed to keep calling Dell for progress reports.


My new Dell 968 printer arrived with a big gouge in the side.   Dell replaced it.


My blu-ray drive stopped working.  Dell decided to replace the whole laptop for me.


Here I sit with my new replacement laptop.  The "order details" list (ie, parts list) for the original computer is 1-1/2 pages long.  The list for the new computer is only 1 page long.  I started looking through the lists side by side.   My "replacement" computer is missing some hardware.  I called Dell this evening and went through the list with a very nice and understanding tech, who was only able to get about 2 minutes of his "specialist's" time.  The specialist told him that Dell would have to send out someone to take apart the new computer, replace the LCD screen with an LED screen (like it's supposed to have), install the wireless card that's missing, and install bluetooth like it's supposed to have.  The "specialist" said that the LoJack that I had on the original computer but not on this computer is "just software" so nothing needs to be done about that.  (Could that be right?  Doesn't the device tha LoJack is tracking need to be sending a signal of some kind in order to be tracked?  If the "specialist" is right I'd at least like a minute of his time to discuss it.)  There were some other items missing from my device manager list that the "specialist" didn't address. 


My tech was obviously frustrated with his specialist and tried to get the attention of another "specialist."  The tech got back on the phone with me, told me he had struck out, and that probably the only person at Dell who would really be able to help me sort this out was the individual who actually placed the order for the exchange the week before.  (It had taken conversations with 7 people to get to him that day and with at least 6 people the day before that.)  I called back and left a voicemail for that team and am now waiting for a call back.


So, here I sit with 2 new XPS M 1530's - one that doesn't work and another that I didn't order.  I'm waiting for a call back (and hoping that I don't get blown off again) from supposedly the one tech at Dell who can sort this out. 


6 Posts

November 9th, 2008 23:00



Called Dell specialist twice yesterday and today and left messages.  Her voicemail says she's there.  No returned call.


Called Customer Care.  Explained that yesterday tech support told me the only way to get the RIGHT computer was to talk with the specialist who ordered it for me.  But she's not calling me back.  Customer care offered to SELL me a new warranty (on a brand new computer with warranties) that would allow me to speak with the same tech the US!.... each time I call.  I declined.   I shouldn't have to pay to talk with someone about returning the wrong computer build and getting the computer build that I ordered and paid for, right? 


Back to tech support.  Spoke with a tech who pointed out to me that although I didn't have all of the hardware I ordered I did have the IMPORTANT hardware, e.g., a battery and  the intel dual processor.  (Honestly she said that!!!)  I told her that I don't have the following (which I paid for):  LED screen, bluetooth, a wireless card, LoJack, Dell Data Safe (for what it's worth), a keyboard device, lots of software and more. 


Finally got through to the "specialist" who manages the tech I just spoke with.  She tells me that because Dell orders in bulk it might not be possible to get the exact computer that I ordered.  She said that she could place the order, but the computer that I would receive could be different.  Some parts would be the same, some might be upgraded, and some might be downgraded.  Dell might have all of the right parts, but their business model doesn't support looking in specific warehouses for specific parts.  Lordy.  So, back to customer care?


Spent the next 45 minutes on the phone with a customer care manager, arranging to send EVERYTHING back.  Dell is taking back the printer, BOTH laptops, the TV tuner card, the wireless USB hub etc etc.


So, finally, RESOLUTION.  On Tuesday DHL and UPS will come and take the 6 boxes that I am to pack up and return them to Dell for a full refund.


Dell, I've never ever bought a computer from anyone else.  Before now.  Thanks for taking everything back at least.  But I am SO disappointed.  I hope that someone there pays attention.  This is why Dell is losing market share, Michael Dell. 

November 10th, 2008 20:00

I think you just had a bad case of of owning a very faulty laptop. :emotion-37:

November 10th, 2008 20:00

I think you just had a bad case of of owning a very faulty laptop. :emotion-37:

1 Message

November 12th, 2008 18:00


I feel for you.  I also purchased a 1530 and haven't really set it up  fully.  The problem I am stuck with is the annoying intermittent clicking noise that is seemingly being made by the HD.  I have had the HD changed first for the same brand (Toshiba) and then to another brand (seagate)- noise is still there.  Do you have the same issue with your XPS? 


6 Posts

November 13th, 2008 00:00

Hi there.  Thanks.  My 1530 had the seagate and it ran without any noise.  The whole computer ran totally quietly (...except for the error "beeeeps").


I finally called it a day and returned the 1530's (2 of them!!).  Dell tried.  They sent me a whole new replacement for the first machine, but it was missing some upgrades that I had paid for on the original machine.   Some of the missing hardware was just an oversight that Dell was willing to fix, but the other part of the problem was, as a manager explained it, that Dell buys parts in bulk and builds based on what they have in stock and sometimes there are upgrades and sometimes downgrades, but no guarantees.  (Within the first 3 weeks of ownership?!)  By that point I was way to annoyed to keep the computer under any circumstances.  :emotion-6:


Anyway best of luck to you.  It's a great machine.  HOWEVER, you should not be hearing clicking noises.  Be sure and be really persistent about getting it fixed.  Also, I think you have more leverage if you can report anything that doesn't seem right within the first 21 days.  And I didn't realize until a tech told me....they count 21 days from the invoice date (ie, the date they ship the computer), not from the date you receive it.


Keep us posted.

1 Message

November 18th, 2008 19:00

I ordered my XPS in July, and the machine seriously overheated about a month ago.  You could smell solder.  So back to Dell it went.  I got the machine back today and went to pop the remote control in the accessory port and found that it is mangled.  Whatever the repair depot did to this machine was not detailed on the summary of repair slip.  It was actually blank.  I called tech and told them that I have no confidence in their repair dept and now have to have another thing repaired...they transferred me to customer service where the rep prefaced the conversation with "please listen to what I have to say before you comment, we will not replace the machine."  So they will have to repair it a second time.  This time, a tech will have to come to my house to repair it.  I hung up before I could set an appt....I hope this isn't a lemmon... 

21 Posts

November 19th, 2008 10:00

Hey There,
I really feel for you, I'm having the same problems. I spent 4 hours on the phone with Dell yesterday to get a repaired laptop delivered. And 2 hours on the phone last night trying to tell Dell that bad replacement parts don't count as accidental damage and should be covered.

Having spent more hours on the phone with Dell this month than with my own family, I don't really feel like I have confidence in their repair capabilies either (my laptop screen was beveled and had a green line on it). I've already learned the hard lesson that if something doesn't work, call right away. I think at this point, if there's anything wrong with your laptop, and you can still return it, you should do so!

Last piece advice to those who're still having troubles with Dell tech support, go to radio shack/circuit city and pick up a device that allows you to record phone conversations. I have found on far too many occasions that the details written in a case file do no match exactly those from our conversation.

Good luck!

1 Message

November 22nd, 2008 11:00


I definitely feel for you. I'm having the same issues with getting my Dell XPS M1530 replaced. My laptop has had a plethora of issues since the day I received it from Dell. Just getting the laptop delivered to me turned into a nightmare between Dell and DHL, but that is a story for another time. I am going on a month and a half -and it is still pending a full resolution. My laptop was shipped to me October 8th, 2008 and we are almost to thanksgiving. To make a long story short, they finally caved in 2 days ago and said they would replace the computer after having it at the Depot where they "Could find nothing wrong".


If you would like to read the full story go here: and here:

Let me know what you think. Luckily I was prepared for their run-around by recording everything after the depot with pictures and video. I then posted everything to my blog I specifically made for this problem. I didn't realize all of that was on this site until now.

I'm now waiting for my replacement Dell XPS M1530. I hope all of my upgraded parts are there as well.

3.4K Posts

November 22nd, 2008 17:00


Go to this page and give a "brief" description of your woes.

Short, sweet, and to the point will get you your laptop. :emotion-21:

1 Message

January 5th, 2009 22:00


I'm feeling it too.  My XPS has been nothing but troubble since I got it.  My OS has crashed on my XPS 3 times , lost my files- now just afraid to even put any files into it!  Most rescently the bluetooth is malfunctioning along with the backspace button.  They refused to exchange my laptop even after the countless hours with customer service.  Did you get yours replaced?



6 Posts

January 6th, 2009 12:00

jv, so sorry to hear about your troubles.  I did get mine "replaced".....but ended up returning the replacement too.  When the replacement arrived, it didn't have some of the upgraded hardware that I had paid for on the original XPS.  Nobody at Dell told me that the replacement machine was going to be downgraded.   I had to figure it out myself by looking at the parts list for the first machine and comparing it line by line to the 2nd machine's parts live and device manager.   I was so mad when I figured it out.  So, I returned the original machine AND the replacement and all of the other peripherals (printer etc) that I had ordered with the original purchase.  Everything went back to Dell for a full refund.  Once that was done, I bought an HP HDX16t and am so far loving it.

I think the key to the replacement and then the refund was that my problems all happened within the 1st 21 days of ownership.  How long have you had yours?  If it's still within the first 21 days, you should be able to return it for a refund or replacement.  If it's beyond 21 days, were you able to at least report some of the problems within the 1st 21 days?  That would help.

The other thing is that it took me literally about 30 hours on the phone with various people at Dell to reach the final conclusion.  Easily 5 of those hours were trying to find someone at Dell to take back the 2nd substandard machine.  BE PERSISTENT and keep calling.  I talked to probably 10 people (several of them were managers) just trying to get someone who was willing to admit that sticking me with a downgraded replacement might not be acceptable.  KEEP CALLING.  Let me know how it works out.

Good luck!


1 Message

January 9th, 2009 07:00

I would be glad to return a not functional XPS - in Germany DELL now made it unpossible for business customers !

So I would end buying by DELL !!! It´s unbeliveable but true ...



26 Posts

February 3rd, 2009 02:00

I see from posts here that in the US Dell allow consumers 21 days to return faulty M1530s.

I have a new one on the way to me in the UK and I am wondering how long we have to return stuff in the UK, is it 7 days ? 

1 Message

April 21st, 2009 17:00

I can completely relate to you. I have had nothing but issues with my xps m1530. First one i got, used to get so hot, literally put a burn mark on the table, couldn't even pick it up. SO they end up replacing after contacting tech support 4000 times. Next one comes, works fine for a few days and then lo and behold... keys start popping out, had 4 keyboards replaced.  Then the back screen hinge comes lose and goes into the service center for replacement. Before the screen hinge, same issue of overheating.

So goes in to the serice center, comes back with a few parts replaced. And then guess what, battery stops charging and doesn't recognise the Ac Adapter. Some comes back the support guy, replaces the ac adapter and they send me a new battery. He also replaces motherboard. During all this the trackpad buttons start getting stuck and again o with tech support. They will send a replacement as always and also noticed, a big dent on the side, maybe something happened at the service center along with a few other things.

During all this, i upgraded my router to a draft n and lo and behold the XPS does not connect in N mode only G. Go back to support and they bounce me around a few times and finally say they don't support wireless issues for free, so pay for it and get help. I also have a mac and that connects in N mode no problems. So now all i want is to get the hardware replaced and get rid of this thing.

Like you said above, this is why Dell is losing market share and i am done with Dell. No more, after years of owning at least 7-8 Dell machines, i am done with Dell.

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