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June 27th, 2018 14:00

Can’t install windows

so I recently obtained a Latitude E6510, and I noticed it came with 32 bit windows 7. Well that’s an issue because i can only use up to 4 Gg of ram, even though I have installed 8. 

The processor is the i5 540m, which upon looking up I read that it’s 64 bit capable. I’ve attempted to boot via usb and cd but every time I start the boot process, it finishes the “loading windows files” part then I get a white screen followed by a forced reboot. I am attempting this with a 64 bit iso, is that the issue?

4 Operator


14K Posts

June 27th, 2018 14:00

Where did you get the ISO?  If you're just using a basic Windows 7 SP1 ISO and you're trying to boot from USB, the issue could be that the system doesn't have the USB 3.0 drivers necessary to access the flash drive after the system hands USB control over to the loaded OS.  During the "Loading Windows files" phase, the system firmware has control of the USB ports, which is why it works, but when it hands control of USB over to the OS, if the OS (in this case, Windows PE) doesn't have USB 3.0 support, then you can end in in the odd situation of Windows Setup not being able to see the flash drive it just booted from.  Typically this manifests as an error message at some point during Windows Setup rather than a white screen and forced reboot, but if you haven't already added USB 3.0 drivers, I would start there by following these instructions.

Alternatively, since Windows 7 only has 18 months of support left from Microsoft, consider just clean installing Windows 10 and buying a license to activate it.  But if you must stick with Windows 7, do yourself a further favor and manually download the updates I've listed below so you have them ready to go right away. The updates below must be installed in the sequence listed below, and doing so will mean your first Windows Update experience won't be excruciatingly painful.  I would post direct links because including multiple links in a single post tends to get the post held for moderator approval, which can take a while to come, so you can just Google the names/KB numbers below to find the download pages from Microsoft:

- KB3020369: April 2015 Servicing Stack Update (required to install subsequent updates)

- KB3125574: Windows 7 Convenience Update (takes you from SP1's February 2011 state all the way to April 2016 in one big package rather than hundreds of individual updates)

- KB3172605: July 2016 Update Rollup (includes the fix for very long Windows Update scan times, so after installing this, you may still have a few dozen updates, but at least you won't be waiting potentially hours for them to even start downloading).

4 Operator


14K Posts

June 27th, 2018 14:00

Never mind, looks like the Latitude E6xx10 series were the last ones not to have USB 3.0; they only have USB 2.0.  In that case, as ejn63 hinted, I would go into the BIOS, check the SATA Operation section, and set it to AHCI.  That should mean you won't need to deal with the Intel RST driver, but if Windows Setup loads and still can't find the internal hard drive, then he supplied the correct link to get that driver; you'd want to get the "F6Flpy" version.  However, I would still recommend downloading the updates I mentioned above.  Windows Update on a brand new SP1 system with nothing else installed really is brutal because the update catalog has gotten so huge over the years that it can sometimes take literally hours for Windows Update to even figure out what it needs to download.

10 Elder


23.5K Posts

June 27th, 2018 14:00

Make sure your install media has SP1 on it - and if you're booting the system in SATA/AHCI mode, you may need to pause the install to load the Intel SATA drivers:

2 Posts

June 28th, 2018 03:00

I tried countless things for a few days before posting this. I’m not sure if it was the Sata drivers, or the sp1 installation, but my issue is resolved! I’m baffled, thank you very much

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