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4 Posts


November 22nd, 2022 07:00

Latitude 5590 BSOD loop

Latitude 5590

Latitude 5590



I have a Latitude 5590 (8650u no GPU) and have issues with it BSODing. It started Sunday morning there was a passive reboot for a 22H2 cumulative update I awoke to it at the Windows 11 startup repair screen. there was a system restore from that day so tried to recover it but it crashed. It eventually came back up and I managed to login but crashed out soon after. I tried another system restore but it would do the same thing. Tried a new install but it won't load the wizard and crashes while the Windows circle is spinning.

The errors given were varied and most pointed to memory, so I tried to boot the drive in my works laptop and managed to login.I tried a restore this was a mistake because I bricked the Windows 11 install and it was blue screening on the Lenovo laptop. So I decided to get my data off but couldn't run HBCD I got the same issue as the Windows 11 ISO, I could run it on my Lenovo AMD work laptop. After getting the data off I tried older versions of Windows 11 / 10 all BSOD at the circle / loading. Some did mange to get to the wizard but would crash shortly after and when loading the wizard there was some display distortion.

I ran the Dell diagnostics as some of the error codes suggested memory failure but it passed all test. I ran memtest and memtest86+ both passed I then installed Ubuntu 22.10 and it installed without issue. I came across some posts about issues with intel display drivers and downloaded the latest to give it ago. Installed Windows with the drive in my work laptop and transferred to the Dell it would boot but crash shortly after or if I tried to run the driver installer. I could get it stable by initiating safe mode and setting the bare minimum to boot in in the work laptop and swapping to the Dell but could not install the drivers in safe mode.

I've noticed some display distortion when booting Ubuntu so think it is probably igpu related, also Ubuntu won't recover from sleep but this might be a coincidence.  Other than that Ubuntu runs great I'm writing this on it now, but what can I do to recover Windows on this laptop if all installers / PE environments fail. So far I've tried re-installing / recovering / downgrading BIOS / resetting BIOS / SFC / DISM but nothing has worked. I don't think its hardware failure I would expect Ubuntu to crash I have run CPU / GPU stress tests and its fine. Also this only appeared after the update and I can replicate the BSOD with different drives I know are good.

Are my options just to wait until Microsoft releases an installer that won't crash it or wait on a BIOS update from Dell, how often are they updated?  Unfortunately I need to use Windows.

Are you aware of this issue? is something being worked on?

I need to go into work this week and there are some old 7490s with  8350us in them, this is the same processor generation but I think has a different BIOS release so will try to build the drive in that and run the driver update then transfer to the 5590 to see if that works but I have never seen anything like this before it has to be a BIOS incompatibility issue with whatever driver Windows loads for UHD620 by default.

Any help would be appreciated


1 Rookie


403 Posts

November 22nd, 2022 19:00

Like most of us here, I'm a user, not a Dell employee. I don't claim to know the answer to your problem, but I have a few suggestions/questions.

You might start by replacing the CMOS coin cell battery. (50 million forum posts suggesting this step can't be wrong.) I know the laptop's not very old, but the battery is cheap and easily obtainable, and a failed one can cause all kinds of havoc. It's a good thing to get out of the way. 

Next... for heaven's sake please STOP porting the installed boot image between different systems. I know it works with Linux (much of the time) but with Windows it's absolutely not supported nor guaranteed to work. Between different vendors and different architectures, it's an especially bad bet. (I believe "generalized" deployment images prepared with Windows' Sysprep utility are the exception, but this isn't that.) You're absolutely setting yourself up for failure doing this, so please don't do it.

Next, when you discuss the "wizard" I'm guessing you mean the dialog screens at the tail end of installation (the so-called "out-of-box experience" or OOBE) but you haven't told us how far you've gotten when it stops or fails. How far do you get (installation prompts) before it fails? Does it always fail in the same place, or does it get further along sometimes? Is a stop code or other error displayed with the BSOD? Is this always the same, or does it differ?

It's interesting that Hiren's Boot CD (I'm guessing that's what "HBCD" is) is failing as well, since that's based on Windows 10 PE, not Win 11. In any event, I suspect all the SFC/DISM stuff is a waste of time: if you can't install Windows from standard installation media, something is wrong with the media or the hardware (or firmware).

You implied that the laptop's BIOS is up to date. It's not unheard of for a BIOS update to cause problems, so you might try downgrading the BIOS one or two revs to see if the problem changes. Otherwise I think it makes sense to dig down into the details of how installation from standard Windows media fails on THIS system.

4 Posts

November 23rd, 2022 07:00

Hi Dave

I've not tried a CMOS battery but will give it a go I did disconnect everything and let it sit for an hour to get rid of any residual power. 

Moving the drive was my only option and would have allowed me to recover / migrate my data but I stupidly tried the restore first. I got the data off via HBCD in the Lenovo laptop. I'm not concerned about the system integrity of the old drive just the data. The plan was to reinstall anyway.

I sometimes get to the install language selection or as far as the first reboot during the installation process. But often it fails about 10 seconds into the loading circle being displayed the error code are almost anyways different. 

Everything Windows fails I tried the earliest copy's on Windows 10 I could find and also XP and it fails with an acpi error. It looks like hardware or firmware I noticed a new critical BIOS update released today hopefully that fixes it. This was definitely causes by the Windows update must have updated firmware there is an option in the BIOS to allow that from now on that will be unchecked. 

4 Posts

November 23rd, 2022 08:00

Tried the new BIOS still crashing, the video BIOS version is still the same 1059v00 version before the update. Is the VB updated as part of the BIOS I always assumed so, I sill think this is related to the igpu as there were no issues in safemode with 640x480 forced.

4 Posts

December 3rd, 2022 14:00

I've discovered the cause of this its C states, if I disable Performance > C-States Control > C states I can now install and run Windows OS' again. I don't know why it crashes Windows on boot or what Windows is doing with C states to crash during the loading process I would blame Windows modern standby but even XP won't load.

Ubuntu not recovering from sleep makes sense now, I'm currently running some stress tests but the systems stable. I still think this was caused by the Windows update corrupting firmware and the issue seems to be with the BIOS and effecting both Windows and Linux but it renders Windows unusable. 

Can we get this fixed in the next BIOS update for the 5590 please.

1 Rookie


1 Message

April 25th, 2024 03:30

@NJDave​ thank you very much! I was having issues with my Latitude 5590, different BSODs at different moments, its beens 3 hours I replaced the CMOS coin cell and no BSODs so far. It is a record, it used to crash frequently and now it seems to be stable.

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